Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 598/2012Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 598/2012 of 5 July 2012 amending for the 172nd time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with the Al Qaida network


Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 is amended as follows:


The following entries under the heading ‘Natural persons’ are deleted:


Rachid Fettar (alias (a) Amine del Belgio, (b) Amine di Napoli, (c) Djaffar, (d) Taleb, (e) Abu Chahid). Address: 30 Abdul Rahman Street, Mirat Bab Al-Wadi, Algeria. Date of birth: 16.4.1969. Place of birth: Boulogin, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Other information: Extradited from Italy to Algeria. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 25.6.2003.


Chabaane Ben Mohamed Ben Mohamed Al-Trabelsi (alias Chabaane Ben Mohamed Trabelsi). Address: Number 2, Via Salvo D’Acquisto 2, Varese, Italy. Date of birth: 1.5.1966. Place of birth: Manzal Tmim, Nabul, Tunisia. Nationality: Tunisian. Passport No: L945660 (Tunisian passport issued on 4.12.1998 which expired on 3.12.2001). Other information: (a) Italian fiscal code: TRB CBN 66E01 Z352O; (b) Resided in Italy as at December 2009; (c) Mother’s name is Um al-Khayr al-Wafi. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 23.6.2004.


Nedal Mahmoud Saleh (alias (a) Nedal Mahmoud N. Saleh, (b) Salah Nedal, (c) Tarek Naser, (d) Hitem, (e) Hasim). Address: Manchester, United Kingdom. Date of birth: 26.3.1972. Place of birth: Tunisia. Nationality: Tunisian. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 25.6.2003.


The entry ‘Abid Hammadou (alias (a) Abdelhamid Abou Zeid; (b) Youcef Adel; (c) Abou Abdellah). Date of birth: 12.12.1965. Place of birth: Touggourt, Wilaya (province) of Ouargla, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Other information: (a) Associated with the Organisation of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb; (b) Located in Northern Mali as of June 2008; (c) Mother’s name: Fatma Hammadou. Father’s name: Benabes.’ under the heading ‘Natural persons’ shall be replaced by the following:

Amor Mohamed Ghedeir (alias (a) Abdelhamid Abou Zeid; (b) Youcef Adel; (c) Abou Abdellah, (d) Abid Hammadou). Date of birth: Approximately 1958. Place of birth: Deb-Deb, Amenas, Wilaya (province) of Illizu, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Other information: (a) Mother’s name is Benarouba Bachira; (b) Father’s name is Mabrouk. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 3.7.2008.


The entry ‘Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri (alias (a) Muhammad Ilyas Kashmiri, (b) Elias al-Kashmiri, (c) Ilyas Naib Amir). Title: (a) Mufti, (b) Maulana. Address: Thathi Village, Samahni, Bhimber District, Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Date of birth: (a) 2.1.1964, (b) 10.2.1964. Place of birth: Bhimber, Samahani Valley, Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Other information: Commander of Harakat-ul Jihad Islami. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 6.8.2010.’ under the heading ‘Natural persons’ shall be replaced by the following:

Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri (alias (a) Muhammad Ilyas Kashmiri, (b) Elias al-Kashmiri, (c) Ilyas Naib Amir). Title: Mufti. Address: Thathi Village, Samahni, Bhimber District, Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Date of birth: (a) 2.1.1964, (b) 10.2.1964. Place of birth: Bhimber, Samahani Valley, Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Other information: (a) Former title: Maulana. (b) Reportedly deceased in Pakistan on 11 June 2011. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 6.8.2010.


The entry ‘Mati ur-Rehman (alias (a) Mati-ur Rehman, (b) Mati ur Rehman, (c) Matiur Rahman, (d) Matiur Rehman, (e) Matti al-Rehman, (f) Abdul Samad, (g) Samad Sial, (h) Abdul Samad Sial). Date of birth: Approximately 1977. Nationality: Pakistani. Other information: Mati ur-Rehman is the chief operational commander of Lashkar i Jhangvi. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 22.8.2011.’ under the heading ‘Natural persons’ shall be replaced by the following:

Mati ur-Rehman Ali Muhammad (alias (a) Mati-ur Rehman, (b) Mati ur Rehman, (c) Matiur Rahman, (d) Matiur Rehman, (e) Matti al-Rehman, (f) Abdul Samad, (g) Samad Sial, (h) Abdul Samad Sial, (i) Ustad Talha, (j) Qari Mushtaq, (k) Tariq, (l) Hussain). Date of birth: Approximately 1977. Place of birth: Chak number 36/DNB, Rajkan, Madina Colony, Bahawalpur District, Punjab Province, Pakistan. Nationality: Pakistani. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 22.8.2011.


The entry ‘Youcef Abbes (alias Giuseppe). Date of birth: 5.1.1965. Place of birth: Bab el Oued, Algiers, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Other information: (a) Considered a fugitive from justice by the Italian authorities as of 5 July 2008; (b) Reportedly deceased in 2000; (c) Father’s name is Mokhtar; (d) Mother’s name is Abbou Aicha; (e) Brother of Moustafa Abbes. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 17.3.2004.’ under the heading ‘Natural persons’ shall be replaced by the following:

Youcef Abbes (alias Giuseppe). Date of birth: 5.1.1965. Place of birth: Bab el Oued, Algiers, Algeria. Nationality: Algerian. Other information: (a) Father’s name is Mokhtar; (b) Mother’s name is Abbou Aicha. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a (4) (b): 17.3.2004.


The entry ‘Fahd Mohammed Ahmed Al-Quso (alias (a) Fahd al-Quso, (b) Fahd Mohammed Ahmen Al-Quso, (c) Abu Huthaifah, (d) Abu Huthaifah al-Yemeni, (e) Abu Huthaifah al-Adani, (f) Abu al-Bara, (g) Abu Huthayfah al- Adani, (h) Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Awlaqi, (i) Huthaifah al-Yemeni (j) Abu Huthaifah al-Abu al-Bara, (k) Fahd Mohammed Ahmad al-Kuss). Address: Yemen. Date of birth: 12.11.1974. Place of birth: Aden, Yemen. Nationality: Yemeni. Other information: (a) Yemeni national identification number 2043, (b) Operative of Al- Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and cell leader in Shabwa Province, Yemen. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 7.12.2010.’ under the heading ‘Natural persons’ shall be replaced by the following:

Fahd Mohammed Ahmed Al-Quso (alias (a) Fahd al-Quso, (b) Fahd Mohammed Ahmen Al-Quso, (c) Abu Huthaifah, (d) Abu Huthaifah al-Yemeni, (e) Abu Huthaifah al-Adani, (f) Abu al-Bara, (g) Abu Huthayfah al- Adani, (h) Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Awlaqi, (i) Huthaifah al-Yemeni (j) Abu Huthaifah al-Abu al-Bara, (k) Fahd Mohammed Ahmad al-Kuss). Address: Yemen. Date of birth: 12.11.1974. Place of birth: Aden, Yemen. Nationality: Yemeni. Other information: Reportedly deceased on 6 May 2012 in Yemen. Date of designation referred to in Article 2a(4)(b): 7.12.2010.