
ANNEX VIII Measurement-based methodologies (Article 41)

1. Tier definitions for measurement-based methodologies

Measurement-based methodologies shall be approved in accordance with tiers with the following maximum permissible uncertainties for the annual average hourly emissions calculated in accordance with Equation 2 set out in section 3 of this Annex.

Table 1

Tiers for CEMS (maximum permissible uncertainty for each tier)

Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
CO2 emission sources± 10 %± 7,5 %± 5 %± 2,5 %
N2O emission sources± 10 %± 7,5 %± 5 %N.A.
CO2 transfer± 10 %± 7,5 %± 5 %± 2,5 %

2. Minimum requirements

Table 2

Minimum requirements for measurement-based methodologies

Greenhouse gasMinimum tier level required
Category ACategory BCategory C

3. Determination of GHGs using measurement-based methodologies

Equation 1:Calculation of Annual Emissions


GHG conchourly


hourly concentrations of emissions in g/Nm3 in the flue gas flow measured during operation;

Flue gas flow


flue gas flow in Nm3 for each hour.

Equation 2:Determination of average hourly concentrations


GHG emissionsav hourly


annual average hourly emissions in kg/h from the source;

GHG conchourly


hourly concentrations of emissions in g/Nm3 in the flue gas flow measured during operation;

Flue gas flow


flue gas flow in Nm3 for each hour.

4. Calculation of the concentration using indirect concentration measurement

Equation 3:Calculation of the concentration

5. Substitution for missing concentration data for measurement-based methodologies

Equation 4:Substitution for missing data for measurement-based methodologies



the arithmetic mean of the concentration of the specific parameter over the whole reporting period or, where specific circumstances applied when data loss occurred, an appropriate period reflecting the specific circumstances;

σ C_


the best estimate of the standard deviation of the concentration of the specific parameter over the whole reporting or, where specific circumstances applied when data loss occurred, an appropriate period reflecting the specific circumstances.