SECTION 1General provisions

Article 19Categorisation of installations and source streams


Each operator shall determine the category of its installation pursuant to paragraph 2, and, where relevant, of each source stream pursuant to paragraph 3 for the purpose of monitoring emissions and determining the minimum requirements for tiers.


The operator shall classify each installation in one of the following categories:


a category A installation, where average verified annual emissions of the trading period immediately preceding the current trading period, with the exclusion of CO2 stemming from biomass and before subtraction of transferred CO2, are equal to or less than 50 000 tonnes of CO2(e);


a category B installation, where the average verified annual emissions of the trading period immediately preceding the current trading period, with the exclusion of CO2 stemming from biomass and before subtraction of transferred CO2, are more than 50 000 tonnes of CO2(e) and equal to or less than 500 000 tonnes of CO2(e);


a category C installation, where the average verified annual emissions of the trading period immediately preceding the current trading period, with the exclusion of CO2 stemming from biomass and before subtraction of transferred CO2, are more than 500 000 tonnes of CO2(e).


The operator shall classify each source stream, comparing the source stream against the sum of all absolute values of fossil CO2 and CO2(e) corresponding to all source streams included in calculation-based methodologies and of all emissions of emission sources monitored using measurement-based methodologies, before subtraction of transferred CO2, in one of the following categories:


minor source streams, where the source streams selected by the operator jointly correspond to less than 5 000 tonnes of fossil CO2 per year or to less than 10 %, up to a total maximum contribution of 100 000 tonnes of fossil CO2 per year, whichever is the highest in terms of absolute value;


de-minimis source streams, where the source streams selected by the operator jointly correspond to less than 1 000 tonnes of fossil CO2 per year or to less than 2 %, up to a total maximum contribution of 20 000 tonnes of fossil CO2 per year, whichever is the highest in terms of absolute value;


major source streams, where the source streams do not classify in any category referred to in points (a) and (b).


Where the average annual verified emissions of the trading period immediately preceding the current trading period for the installation are not available or inaccurate, the operator shall use a conservative estimate of annual average emissions, with the exclusion of CO2 stemming from biomass and before subtraction of transferred CO2, to determine the category of the installation.