SECTION 2Calculation-based methodology

Subsection 5Treatment of biomass

Article 39Determination of biomass and fossil fraction


Where subject to the tier level required and to the availability of appropriate default values as referred to in Article 31(1), the biomass fraction of a specific fuel or material are determined using analyses, the operator shall determine that biomass fraction on the basis of a relevant standard and the analytical methods therein, and apply that standard only if approved by the competent authority.


Where the determination of the biomass fraction of a mixed fuel or material by analysis in accordance with paragraph 1 is technically not feasible or would incur unreasonable costs, the operator shall base its calculation on standard emission factors and biomass fraction values for mixed fuels and materials and estimation methods published by the Commission.

In the absence of such standard factors and values, the operator shall either assume the absence of a biomass share or submit an estimation method to determine the biomass fraction to the competent authority for approval. For fuels or materials originating from a production process with defined and traceable input streams, the operator may base such estimation on a mass balance of fossil and biomass carbon entering and leaving the process.


By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2 and Article 30, where the guarantee of origin has been established in accordance with Articles 2(j) and 15 of Directive 2009/28/EC for biogas injected into and subsequently removed from a gas network, the operator shall not use analyses for the determination of the biomass fraction.