Commission Regulation (EU) No 62/2012Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 62/2012 of 24 January 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC) as regards the 2013 list of target secondary variables on well-being (Text with EEA relevance)

4. Data transmission

The target secondary variables should be sent to the Commission (Eurostat) in the Personal Data File (P-file) after the target primary variables.



Variable identifierValuesTarget variable
Overall experience of life
PW010 Overall life satisfaction
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW010_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW020 Meaning of life
0-10From 0 (Not worthwhile at all) to 10 (Completely worthwhile)
99Do not know
PW020_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Material living conditions
PW030 Satisfaction with financial situation
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW030_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW040 Satisfaction with accommodation
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW040_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW050 Being very nervous
1All of the time
2Most of the time
3Some of the time
4A little of the time
5None of the time
9Do not know
PW050_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW060 Feeling down in the dumps
1All of the time
2Most of the time
3Some of the time
4A little of the time
5None of the time
9Do not know
PW060_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW070 Feeling calm and peaceful
1All of the time
2Most of the time
3Some of the time
4A little of the time
5None of the time
9Do not know
PW070_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW080 Feeling downhearted or depressed
1All of the time
2Most of the time
3Some of the time
4A little of the time
5None of the time
9Do not know
PW080_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW090 Being happy
1All of the time
2Most of the time
3Some of the time
4A little of the time
5None of the time
9Do not know
PW090_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Productive and valued activities
PW100 Job satisfaction
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW100_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 2Not applicable (PL031 not = 1, 2, 3 or 4)
– 3Not selected respondent
PW110 Satisfaction with commuting time
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW110_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 2Not applicable (PL031 not = 1, 2, 3 or 4)
– 3Not selected respondent
– 4Not applicable (home office)
PW120 Satisfaction with time use
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW120_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Governance and basic rights
PW130 Trust in the political system
0-10From 0 (No trust at all) to 10 (Complete trust)
99Do not know
PW130_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW140 Trust in the legal system
0-10From 0 (No trust at all) to 10 (Complete trust)
99Do not know
PW140_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW150 Trust in the police
0-10From 0 (No trust at all) to 10 (Complete trust)
99Do not know
PW150_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Leisure and social interactions
PW160 Satisfaction with personal relationships
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW160_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW170 Personal matters (anyone to discuss with)
9Do not know
PW170_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW180 Help from others
9Do not know
PW180_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 2I have no relatives, friends, neighbours
– 3Not selected respondent
PW190 Trust in others
0-10From 0 (You do not trust any other person) to 10 (Most people can be trusted)
99Do not know
PW190_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Natural and living environment
PW200 Satisfaction with recreational and green areas
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW200_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
PW210 Satisfaction with living environment
0-10From 0 (Not at all satisfied) to 10 (Completely satisfied)
99Do not know
PW210_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent
Economic and physical safety
PW220 Physical security
1Very safe
2Fairly safe
3A bit unsafe
4Very unsafe
9Do not know
PW220_F 1Filled
– 1Missing
– 3Not selected respondent