Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 of 26 September 2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 and Regulations (EC) No 1265/2007, (EC) No 1794/2006, (EC) No 730/2006, (EC) No 1033/2006 and (EU) No 255/2010 (Text with EEA relevance)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.Subject matter and scope

  3. Article 2.Definitions

  4. Article 3.Compliance

  5. Article 4.Exemptions for special operations

  6. Article 5.Differences

  7. Article 6.Monitoring of amendments

  8. Article 7.Amendments to the Annex

  9. Article 8.Transitional and additional measures

  10. Article 9.Safety requirements

  11. Article 10.Amendments to Regulations (EC) No 730/2006, (EC) No 1033/2006, (EC) No 1794/2006, (EC) No 1265/2007, (EU) No 255/2010 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011

  12. Article 11.Entry into force

  13. Signature

    1. ANNEX


      1. SECTION 1 Flight over the high seas

        1. SERA.1001 General

          1. (a) For flight over the high seas, the rules specified in...

          2. (b) For those parts of the high seas where a Member...

      2. SECTION 2 Applicability and compliance

        1. SERA.2001 Applicability

        2. SERA.2005 Compliance with the rules of the air

        3. SERA.2010 Responsibilities

          1. (a) Responsibility of the pilot-in-command

          2. (b) Pre-flight action

        4. SERA.2015 Authority of pilot-in-command of an aircraft

        5. SERA.2020 Problematic use of psychoactive substances

      3. SECTION 3 General rules and collision avoidance

        1. CHAPTER 1 Protection of persons and property

          1. SERA.3101 Negligent or reckless operation of aircraft

          2. SERA.3105 Minimum heights

          3. SERA.3110 Cruising levels

          4. SERA.3115 Dropping or spraying

          5. SERA.3120 Towing

          6. SERA.3125 Parachute descents

          7. SERA.3130 Aerobatic flight

          8. SERA.3135 Formation flights

          9. SERA.3140 Unmanned free balloons

          10. SERA.3145 Prohibited areas and restricted areas

        2. CHAPTER 2 Avoidance of collisions

          1. SERA.3201 General

          2. SERA.3205 Proximity

          3. SERA.3210 Right-of-way

            1. (a) The aircraft that has the right-of-way shall maintain its heading...

            2. (b) An aircraft that is aware that the manoeuvrability of another...

            3. (c) An aircraft that is obliged by the following rules to...

            4. (d) Surface movement of aircraft, persons and vehicles.

          4. SERA.3215 Lights to be displayed by aircraft

            1. (a) Except as provided by (e), at night all aircraft in...

            2. (b) Except as provided by (e), at night:

            3. (c) Except as provided by (e), all aircraft in flight and...

            4. (d) Except as provided by (e), all aircraft:

            5. (e) A pilot shall be permitted to switch off or reduce...

          5. SERA.3220 Simulated instrument flights

          6. SERA.3225 Operation on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome

          7. SERA.3230 Water operations

            1. (a) When two aircraft or an aircraft and a vessel are...

            2. (b) Lights to be displayed by aircraft on the water. At...

        3. CHAPTER 3 Signals

          1. SERA.3301 General

            1. (a) Upon observing or receiving any of the signals given in...

            2. (b) The signals of Appendix 1 shall, when used, have the...

            3. (c) A signalman/marshaller shall be responsible for providing standard marshalling signals...

            4. (d) Only persons trained, qualified and approved as required by the...

            5. (e) The signalman/marshaller shall wear a distinctive fluorescent identification vest to...

            6. (f) Daylight-fluorescent wands, table-tennis bats or gloves shall be used for...

        4. CHAPTER 4 Time

          1. SERA.3401 General

            1. (a) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) shall be used and shall be...

            2. (b) A time check shall be obtained prior to operating a...

            3. (c) Wherever time is utilised in the application of data link...

            4. (d) Time in air traffic services

              1. (1) Aerodrome control towers shall, prior to an aircraft taxiing for...

      4. SECTION 4 Flight plans

        1. SERA.4001 Submission of a flight plan

          1. (a) Information relative to an intended flight or portion of a...

          2. (b) A flight plan shall be submitted prior to operating:

          3. (c) A flight plan shall be submitted, before departure, to an...

          4. (d) A flight plan for any flight planned to operate across...

        2. SERA.4005 Contents of a flight plan

          1. (a) A flight plan shall comprise information regarding such of the...

          2. (b) For flight plans submitted during flight, the departure aerodrome or...

        3. SERA.4010 Completion of a flight plan

          1. (a) A flight plan shall contain information, as applicable, on relevant...

          2. (b) It shall, in addition, contain information, as applicable, on all...

        4. SERA.4015 Changes to a flight plan

          1. (a) Subject to the provisions of SERA.8020 (b) all changes to...

          2. (b) Information submitted prior to departure regarding fuel endurance or total...

        5. SERA.4020 Closing a flight plan

          1. (a) An arrival report shall be made in person, by radiotelephony,...

          2. (b) When a flight plan has been submitted only in respect...

          3. (c) When no air traffic services unit exists at the arrival...

          4. (d) When communication facilities at the arrival aerodrome or operating site...

          5. (e) Arrival reports made by aircraft shall contain the following elements...

      5. SECTION 5 Visual meteorological conditions, visual flight rules, special VFR and instrument flight rules

        1. SERA.5001 VMC visibility and distance from cloud minima

        2. SERA.5005 Visual flight rules

          1. (a) Except when operating as a special VFR flight, VFR flights...

          2. (b) Except when a special VFR clearance is obtained from an...

          3. (c) When so prescribed by the competent authority, VFR flights at...

          4. (d) Unless authorised by the competent authority in accordance with Regulation...

          5. (e) Authorisation for VFR flights to operate above FL 285 shall...

          6. (f) Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except by...

          7. (g) Except where otherwise indicated in air traffic control clearances or...

          8. (h) VFR flights shall comply with the provisions of Section 8:...

          9. (i) A VFR flight operating within or into areas or along...

          10. (j) An aircraft operated in accordance with the visual flight rules...

        3. SERA.5010 Special VFR in control zones

        4. SERA.5015 Instrument flight rules (IFR) — Rules applicable to all IFR...

          1. (a) Aircraft equipment

          2. (b) Minimum levels

          3. (c) Change from IFR flight to VFR flight

            1. (1) An aircraft electing to change the conduct of its flight...

            2. (2) When an aircraft operating under the instrument flight rules is...

        5. SERA.5020 IFR — Rules applicable to IFR flights within controlled airspace...

          1. (a) IFR flights shall comply with the provisions of Section 8...

          2. (b) An IFR flight operating in cruising flight in controlled airspace...

        6. SERA.5025 IFR — Rules Applicable to IFR flights outside controlled airspace...

          1. (a) Cruising levels

          2. (b) Communications

          3. (c) Position reports

      6. SECTION 6 Airspace classification

        1. SERA.6001 Classification of airspaces

        2. SERA.6005 Requirements for communications and SSR transponder

          1. (a) Radio mandatory zone (RMZ)

            1. (1) VFR flights operating in parts of Classes E, F or...

            2. (2) Before entering a radio mandatory zone, an initial call containing...

          2. (b) Transponder mandatory zone (TMZ)

            1. (1) All flights operating in airspace designated by the competent authority...

          3. (c) Airspaces designated as radio mandatory zone and/or transponder mandatory zone...

      7. SECTION 7 Air traffic services

        1. SERA.7001. General — Objectives of the air traffic services

        2. SERA.7005 Coordination between the aircraft operator and air traffic services

          1. (a) Air traffic services units, in carrying out their objectives, shall...

          2. (b) When so requested by an aircraft operator, messages (including position...

      8. SECTION 8 Air traffic control service

        1. SERA.8001 Application

        2. SERA.8005 Operation of air traffic control service

          1. (a) In order to provide air traffic control service, an air...

          2. (b) Clearances issued by air traffic control units shall provide separation:...

          3. (c) Except for cases when a reduction in separation minima in...

        3. SERA.8010 Separation minima

          1. (a) The selection of separation minima for application within a given...

          2. (b) For traffic that will pass from one into the other...

          3. (c) Details of the selected separation minima and of their areas...

        4. SERA.8015 Air traffic control clearances

          1. (a) Air traffic control clearances shall be based solely on the...

          2. (b) Operation subject to clearance

            1. (1) An air traffic control clearance shall be obtained prior to...

            2. (2) The pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall inform ATC if an...

            3. (3) Whenever an aircraft has requested a clearance involving priority, a...

            4. (4) Potential reclearance in flight. If, prior to departure, it is...

            5. (5) An aircraft operated on a controlled aerodrome shall not taxi...

          3. (c) Clearances for transonic flight

            1. (1) The air traffic control clearance relating to the transonic acceleration...

            2. (2) The air traffic control clearance relating to the deceleration and...

          4. (d) Contents of clearances

          5. (e) Read-back of clearances and safety-related information

            1. (1) The flight crew shall read back to the air traffic...

            2. (2) Other clearances or instructions, including conditional clearances and taxi instructions,...

            3. (3) The controller shall listen to the read-back to ascertain that...

            4. (4) Voice read-back of CPDLC messages shall not be required, unless...

          6. (f) Coordination of clearances

            1. (1) An air traffic control clearance shall be coordinated between air...

            2. (2) An aircraft shall be cleared for the entire route to...

            3. (3) When coordination as in (2) has not been achieved or...

            4. (4) When prescribed by the ATS unit, aircraft shall contact a...

            5. (5) When an aircraft intends to depart from an aerodrome within...

            6. (6) When an aircraft intends to leave a control area for...

        5. SERA.8020 Adherence to flight plan

          1. (a) Except as provided for in (b) and (d) an aircraft...

          2. (b) Inadvertent changes. In the event that a controlled flight inadvertently...

          3. (c) Intended changes. Requests for flight plan changes shall include information...

          4. (d) Weather deterioration below the VMC. When it becomes evident that...

        6. SERA.8025 Position reports

          1. (a) Unless exempted by the competent authority or by the appropriate...

        7. SERA.8030 Termination of control

        8. SERA.8035 Communications

          1. (a) An aircraft operated as a controlled flight shall maintain continuous...

          2. (b) The Member States shall comply with the appropriate provisions on...

      9. SECTION 9 Flight information service

        1. SERA.9001 Application

          1. (a) Flight information service shall be provided by the appropriate air...

          2. (b) The reception of flight information service does not relieve the...

          3. (c) Where air traffic services units provide both flight information service...

        2. SERA.9005 Scope of flight information service

          1. (a) Flight information service shall include the provision of pertinent:

          2. (b) Flight information service provided to flights shall include, in addition...

          3. (c) Flight information service provided to VFR flights shall include, in...

        3. SERA.9010 Automatic terminal information service (ATIS)

          1. (a) Use of the ATIS messages in directed request/reply transmissions

            1. (1) When requested by the pilot, the applicable ATIS message(s) shall...

            2. (2) Whenever Voice-ATIS and/or D-ATIS is provided:

            3. (3) Information contained in a current ATIS, the receipt of which...

            4. (4) If an aircraft acknowledges receipt of an ATIS that is...

          2. (b) ATIS for arriving and departing aircraft

          3. (c) ATIS for arriving aircraft

          4. (d) ATIS for departing aircraft

      10. SECTION 10 Alerting service

        1. SERA.10001 Application

          1. (a) Alerting service shall be provided by the air traffic services...

        2. SERA.10005 Information to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aircraft...

          1. (a) When it has been established by an air traffic services...

          2. (b) When an air traffic services unit knows or believes that...

      11. SECTION 11 Interference, emergency contingencies and interception

        1. SERA.11001 Unlawful interference

          1. (a) An aircraft which is being subjected to unlawful interference shall...

          2. (b) If an aircraft is subjected to unlawful interference, the pilot-in-command...

        2. SERA.11005 Service to aircraft in the event of an emergency

          1. (a) In the case of an aircraft known or believed to...

          2. (b) When an occurrence of unlawful interference with an aircraft takes...

          3. (c) When an occurrence of unlawful interference with an aircraft takes...

        3. SERA.11010 In-flight contingencies

          1. Strayed or unidentified aircraft

            1. (a) As soon as an air traffic services unit becomes aware...

            2. (b) As soon as an air traffic services unit becomes aware...

            3. (c) In the case of a strayed or unidentified aircraft, the...

        4. SERA.11015 Interception

          1. (a) Except for intercept and escort service provided on request to...

          2. (b) The pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft, when intercepted, shall:

          3. (c) If any instructions received by radio from any sources conflict...

          4. (d) If any instructions received by radio from any sources conflict...

          5. (e) If radio contact is established during interception but communication in...

          6. (f) As soon as an air traffic services unit learns that...

          7. (g) As soon as an air traffic services unit learns that...

      12. SECTION 12 Services related to meteorology — Aircraft observations and reports by voice communications

        1. SERA.12001 Types of aircraft observations

          1. (a) The following aircraft observations shall be made during any phase...

        2. SERA.12005 Special aircraft observations

          1. (a) Special observations shall be made and reported by all aircraft...

          2. (b) Competent authorities shall prescribe as necessary other conditions which shall...

        3. SERA.12010 Other non-routine aircraft observations

        4. SERA.12015 Reporting of aircraft observations by voice communication

          1. (a) Aircraft observations shall be reported during flight at the time...

          2. (b) Aircraft observations shall be reported as air-reports and shall comply...

        5. SERA.12020 Exchange of air-reports

          1. (a) ATS units shall transmit, as soon as practicable, special and...

          2. (b) Transmissions to aircraft shall be repeated at a frequency and...

      13. Appendix 1



          1. 1.1. General

            1. 1.1.1. Notwithstanding the provisions in 1.2 and 1.3, an aircraft in...

            2. 1.1.2. The telecommunication transmission procedures for the distress and urgency signals...

          2. 1.2. Distress signals

            1. 1.2.1. The following signals, used either together or separately, mean that...

          3. 1.3. Urgency signals

            1. 1.3.1. The following signals, used either together or separately, mean that...

            2. 1.3.2. The following signals, used either together or separately, mean that...


          1. 2.1. When visual signals are used to warn unauthorised aircraft flying...


          1. 3.1. Light and pyrotechnic signals

            1. 3.1.1. Instructions

            2. 3.1.2. Acknowledgement by an aircraft

              1. (a) When in flight:

              2. (b) When on the ground:

          2. 3.2. Visual ground signals

            1. 3.2.1. Prohibition of landing

              1. A horizontal red square panel with yellow diagonals (Figure A1-2)...

            2. 3.2.2. Need for special precautions while approaching or landing

              1. A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal (Figure...

            3. 3.2.3. Use of runways and taxiways

              1. A horizontal white dumb-bell (Figure A1-4) when displayed in a...

              2. The same horizontal white dumb-bell as in but with...

            4. 3.2.4. Closed runways or taxiways

              1. Crosses of a single contrasting colour, yellow or white (Figure...

            5. 3.2.5. Directions for landing or take-off

              1. A horizontal white or orange landing T (Figure A1-7) indicates...

              2. A set of two digits (Figure A1-8) displayed vertically at...

            6. 3.2.6. Right-hand traffic

              1. When displayed in a signal area, or horizontally at the...

            7. 3.2.7. Air traffic services reporting office

              1. The letter C displayed vertically in black against a yellow...

            8. 3.2.8. Sailplane flights in operation

              1. A double white cross displayed horizontally (Figure A1-11) in the...


          1. 4.1. From a signalman/marshaller to an aircraft

            1. 4.1.1. The signals for use by the signalman/marshaller, with hands illuminated...

            2. 4.1.2. Prior to using the following signals, the signalman/marshaller shall ascertain...

          2. 4.2. From the pilot of an aircraft to a signalman/marshaller

            1. 4.2.1. These signals shall be used by a pilot in the...

              1. Brakes

              2. Chocks

              3. Ready to start engine(s)

                1. (a) Raise the appropriate number of fingers on one hand indicating...

          3. 4.3. Technical/servicing communication signals

            1. 4.3.1. Manual signals shall only be used when verbal communication is...

            2. 4.3.2. Signalmen/marshallers shall ensure that an acknowledgement is received from the...


          1. 5.1. The following hand signals are established as the minimum required...

      14. Appendix 2

        Unmanned free balloons


          1. 1.1. Unmanned free balloons shall be classified as (see Figure AP2-1):...


          1. 2.1. An unmanned free balloon shall not be operated without authorisation...

          2. 2.2. An unmanned free balloon, other than a light balloon used...

          3. 2.3. The authorisation referred to in 2.2 shall be obtained prior...

          4. 2.4. An unmanned free balloon shall be operated in accordance with...

          5. 2.5. An unmanned free balloon shall not be operated in such...

          6. 2.6. A heavy unmanned free balloon shall not be operated over...


          1. 3.1. A heavy unmanned free balloon shall not be operated without...

          2. 3.2. A heavy or medium unmanned free balloon shall not be...

          3. 3.3. A heavy unmanned free balloon shall not be operated unless:...

          4. 3.4. A heavy unmanned free balloon shall not be operated under...

          5. 3.5. An unmanned free balloon that is equipped with a trailing...

          6. 3.6. A heavy unmanned free balloon shall not be operated below...

          7. 3.7. A heavy unmanned free balloon that is equipped with a...

        4. 4. TERMINATION

          1. 4.1. The operator of a heavy unmanned free balloon shall activate...


          1. 5.1. Pre-flight notification

            1. 5.1.1. Early notification of the intended flight of an unmanned free...

            2. 5.1.2. Notification of the intended flight shall include such of the...

            3. 5.1.3. Any changes in the pre-launch information notified in accordance with...

          2. 5.2. Notification of launch

            1. 5.2.1. Immediately after a medium or heavy unmanned free balloon is...

          3. 5.3. Notification of cancellation

            1. 5.3.1. The operator shall notify the appropriate air traffic services unit...


          1. 6.1. The operator of a heavy unmanned free balloon operating at...

          2. 6.2. The operator of a heavy unmanned free balloon operating above...

          3. 6.3. If a position cannot be recorded in accordance with 6.1...

          4. 6.4. One hour before the beginning of planned descent of a...

          5. 6.5. The operator of a heavy or medium unmanned free balloon...

      15. Appendix 3

        Table of cruising levels

        1. 1.1. The cruising levels to be observed are as follows:

      16. Appendix 4

      17. Appendix 5


        1. Technical specifications related to aircraft observations and reports by voice...


            1. 1.1. Special air-reports

              1. 1.1.1. The elements contained in special air-reports shall be:


            1. 2.1. Reporting of wind shear

              1. 2.1.1. When reporting aircraft observations of wind shear encountered during the...

              2. 2.1.2. Where wind shear conditions in the climb-out or approach phases...

            2. 2.2. Post-flight reporting of volcanic activity

              1. 2.2.1. On arrival of a flight at an aerodrome, the completed...

              2. 2.2.2. The completed report of volcanic activity received by a meteorological...

      18. Supplement to the ANNEX

        1. List of commonly agreed differences to be notified to ICAO...

        2. ICAO Annex 2

        3. ICAO Annex 11