F2ORO.SEC.100 Flight crew compartment security — aeroplanes

  1. (a)

    In an aeroplane which is equipped with a secure flight crew compartment door, that door shall be capable of being locked, and means shall be provided by which the cabin crew can notify the flight crew in the event of suspicious activity or security breaches in the cabin.

  2. (b)

    All passenger-carrying aeroplanes that are engaged in the commercial transportation of passengers shall be equipped with an approved secure flight crew compartment door that is capable of being locked and unlocked from either pilot's station and designed to meet the applicable airworthiness requirements, where such airplanes fall within any of the following categories:

    1. (1)

      aeroplanes with an MCTOM that exceeds 54 500 kg;

    2. (2)

      aeroplanes with an MCTOM that exceeds 45 500 kg and have an MOPSC of more than 19; or

    3. (3)

      aeroplanes with an MOPSC of more than 60.

  3. (c)

    In all aeroplanes which are equipped with a secure flight crew compartment door in accordance with point (b):

    1. (1)

      that door shall be closed prior to engine start for take-off and shall be locked when required so by security procedures or by the pilot-in-command until engine shutdown after landing, except when deemed to be necessary for authorised persons to access or egress in compliance with national civil aviation security programmes;

    2. (2)

      means shall be provided for monitoring from either pilot's station the entire door area outside the flight crew compartment to identify persons that request to enter and to detect suspicious behaviour or potential threat.

F1ORO.SEC.105 Flight crew compartment security — helicopters

If installed, the flight crew compartment door on a helicopter operated for the purpose of carrying passengers shall be capable of being locked from within the flight crew compartment in order to prevent unauthorised access.