PART 1General statistical reporting requirements

1.The actual reporting population must provide the following statistical information:

  1. (a)

    on a quarterly basis: (i) security-by-security information for securities with publicly available identification codes held by IFs; (ii) aggregated information broken down by instrument/maturity categories, currencies and counterparties, for assets and liabilities other than securities and for securities without publicly available identification codes; (iii) either security-by-security or aggregated information on holders of IF shares/units issued, as further specified in Part 2. The relevant NCB may require reporting agents to report security-by-security information for securities without publicly available identification codes or item-by-item information for assets and liabilities other than securities; and

  2. (b)

    on a monthly basis, security-by-security information separately identifying all shares/units issued by IFs.

In addition to the data in respect of the fields that are required to be reported in the context of security-by-security reporting in order to derive aggregated information on securities, as laid down in Table 2, the relevant NCB may also decide to collect data on transactions on a security-by-security basis.

The aggregated data must be provided in terms of stocks and, in accordance with the relevant NCB’s instructions, in terms of either: (a) revaluations due to price and exchange rate changes; or (b) transactions.

Subject to obtaining the relevant NCB’s prior approval, reporting agents which provide the required quarterly data on an security-by-security basis may choose to report the required monthly data on an aggregated basis, instead of providing security-by-security information.


The information to be provided to the relevant NCB on a security-by-security basis is specified in Table 2. The aggregated quarterly statistical reporting requirements for stocks are specified in Table 1 and those for revaluations due to price and exchange rate changes or transactions are specified in Table 3. The aggregated monthly statistical reporting requirements for stocks, revaluations due to price and exchange rate changes or transactions, and new issuances and redemptions of IF shares/units are specified in Table 4.


As far as it fulfils the conditions of the protection and use of confidential statistical information collected by the ESCB under Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 2533/98, in particular paragraph 5 thereof, an NCB may also derive the necessary information from the data collected via Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers6, to the extent that the data collected by the competent national supervisory authority under this Directive is transmitted to the NCB in accordance with terms agreed on between the two bodies.