
Throughout the text, the sentence ‘This code list shall not be extended by Member States.’ is replaced by the sentence ‘The allowed values for this code list comprise only the values in the table below.’.


Throughout the text, in the headings of all tables that are specifying code list values, the text ‘Allowed values for the code list’ is replaced by the text ‘Values for the code list’.


In Section 1.1, the following indents are added:

  • “mean sea level” (MSL) means the average height of the surface of the sea at a tide station for all stages of the tide over a 19-year period, usually determined from hourly height readings measured from a fixed predetermined reference level (chart datum).

  • “lowest astronomical tide” (LAT) means the lowest tide level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions.


Section 1.3.3 is amended as follows:


the second indent is replaced by the following:

  • For the vertical component in the free atmosphere, barometric pressure, converted to height using ISO 2533:1975 International Standard Atmosphere, or other linear or parametric reference systems shall be used. Where other parametric reference systems are used, these shall be described in an accessible reference using EN ISO 19111-2:2012.


the following indents are added:

  • For the vertical component in marine areas where there is an appreciable tidal range (tidal waters), the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) shall be used as the reference surface.

  • For the vertical component in marine areas without an appreciable tidal range, in open oceans and effectively in waters that are deeper than 200 meters, the Mean Sea Level (MSL) or a well-defined reference level close to the MSL shall be used as the reference surface..


Section 2.2 is amended as follows:


The first paragraph is replaced by the following:

Either of the grids with fixed and unambiguously defined locations defined in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 shall be used as a geo-referencing framework to make gridded data available in INSPIRE, unless one of the following conditions holds:


Other grids may be specified for specific spatial data themes in Annexes II-IV. In this case, data exchanged using such a theme-specific grid shall use standards in which the grid definition is either included with the data, or linked by reference.


For grid referencing in regions outside of continental Europe Member States may define their own grid based on a geodetic coordinate reference system compliant with ITRS and a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection, following the same principles as laid down for the grid specified in Section 2.2.1. In this case, an identifier for the coordinate reference system shall be created.


Section 2.2.1 is amended as follows:


the title is replaced by ‘Equal Area Grid’.


the sentences ‘The grid defined in this Section shall be used as a geo-referencing framework where grids with fixed and unambiguously defined locations of equal-area grid cells are required.’ and ‘The reference point of a grid cell shall be the lower left corner of the grid cell. ’ are deleted.


Section 2.2.2 is replaced by the following:

2.2.2. Zoned Geographic Grid

1.When gridded data is delivered using geodetic coordinates as specified in Section 1.3 of this Annex the multi-resolution grid defined in this Section may be used as a geo-referencing framework.

2.The resolution levels are defined in Table 1.

3.The grid shall be based on the ETRS89-GRS80 geodetic coordinate reference system.

4.The origin of the grid shall coincide with the intersection point of the Equator with the Greenwich Meridian (GRS80 latitude φ=0; GRS80 longitude λ=0).

5.The grid orientation shall be south-north and west-east according to the net defined by the meridians and parallels of the GRS80 ellipsoid.

6.For grid referencing in regions outside of continental Europe data providers may define their own grid based on a geodetic coordinate reference system compliant with ITRS, following the same principles as laid down for the Pan-European Grid_ETRS89-GRS80zn. In this case, an identifier for the coordinate reference system and the corresponding identifier for the grid shall be created.

7.This grid shall be subdivided in zones. The south-north resolution of the grid shall have equal angular spacing. The west-east resolution of the grid shall be established as the product of angular spacing multiplied by the factor of the zone as defined in Table 1.

Section 4 is replaced by the following:


4.1. Structure of the Spatial Data Theme Administrative Units

The types specified for the spatial data theme Administrative Units are structured in the following packages:

  • Administrative Units

  • Maritime Units

4.2. Administrative Units

4.2.1. Spatial object types

The package Administrative Units contains the following spatial object types:

  • Administrative Boundary

  • Administrative Unit

  • Condominium Boundary (AdministrativeBoundary)

A line of demarcation between administrative units.

Attributes of the spatial object type AdministrativeBoundary
beginLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
countryTwo-character country code according to the Interinstitutional style guide published by the Publications Office of the European Union.CountryCode
endLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
geometryGeometric representation of border line.GM_Curve
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
legalStatusLegal status of this administrative boundary.LegalStatusValuevoidable
nationalLevelThe hierarchy levels of all adjacent administrative units this boundary is part of.AdministrativeHierarchyLevel
technicalStatusThe technical status of the administrative boundary.TechnicalStatusValuevoidable
Association roles of the spatial object type AdministrativeBoundary
Association roleDefinitionTypeVoidability
admUnitThe administrative units separated by this administrative boundary.AdministrativeUnitvoidable Unit (AdministrativeUnit)

Unit of administration where a Member State has and/or exercises jurisdictional rights, for local, regional and national governance.

Attributes of the spatial object type AdministrativeUnit
beginLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
countryTwo-character country code according to the Interinstitutional style guide published by the Publications Office of the European Union.CountryCode
endLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
geometryGeometric representation of spatial area covered by this administrative unit.GM_MultiSurface
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
nameOfficial national geographical name of the administrative unit, given in several languages where required.GeographicalName
nationalCodeThematic identifier corresponding to the national administrative codes defined in each country.CharacterString
nationalLevelLevel in the national administrative hierarchy, at which the administrative unit is established.AdministrativeHierarchyLevel
nationalLevelNameName of the level in the national administrative hierarchy, at which the administrative unit is established.LocalisedCharacterStringvoidable
residenceOfAuthorityCenter for national or local administration.ResidenceOfAuthorityvoidable
Association roles of the spatial object type AdministrativeUnit
Association roleDefinitionTypeVoidability
administeredByAdministrative unit established at same level of national administrative hierarchy that administers this administrative unit.AdministrativeUnitvoidable
boundaryThe administrative boundaries between this administrative unit and all the units adjacent to it.AdministrativeBoundaryvoidable
coAdministerAdministrative unit established at same level of national administrative hierarchy which is co-administered by this administrative unit.AdministrativeUnitvoidable
condominiumCondominium administered by this administrative unit.Condominiumvoidable
lowerLevelUnitUnits established at a lower level of the national administrative hierarchy which are administered by the administrative unit.AdministrativeUnitvoidable
upperLevelUnitUnit established at a higher level of national administrative hierarchy that this administrative unit administersAdministrativeUnitvoidable
Constraints of the spatial object type AdministrativeUnit

Association role condominium applies only for administrative units which nationalLevel=“1st order” (country level).

No unit at lowest level can associate units at lower level.

No unit at highest level can associate units at a higher level. (Condominium)

An administrative area established independently to any national administrative division of territory and administered by two or more countries.

Attributes of the spatial object type Condominium
beginLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
endLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
geometryGeometric representation of spatial area covered by this condominiumGM_MultiSurface
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
nameOfficial geographical name of this condominium, given in several languages where required.GeographicalNamevoidable
Association roles of the spatial object type Condominium
Association roleDefinitionTypeVoidability
admUnitThe administrative unit administering the condominiumAdministrativeUnitvoidable
4.2.2. Data Types Of Authority (ResidenceOfAuthority)

Data type representing the name and position of a residence of authority.

Attributes of the data type ResidenceOfAuthority
geometryPosition of the residence of authority.GM_Pointvoidable
nameName of the residence of authority.GeographicalName
4.2.3. Enumerations Status (LegalStatusValue)

Description of the legal status of administrative boundaries.

Allowed values for the enumeration LegalStatusValue
agreedThe edge-matched boundary has been agreed between neighbouring administrative units and is stable now.
notAgreedThe edge-matched boundary has not yet been agreed between neighbouring administrative units and could be changed. Status (TechnicalStatusValue)

Description of the technical status of administrative boundaries.

Allowed values for the enumeration TechnicalStatusValue
edgeMatchedThe boundaries of neighbouring administrative units have the same set of coordinates.
notEdgeMatchedThe boundaries of neighbouring administrative units do not have the same set of coordinates.
4.2.4. Code Lists Hierarchy Level (AdministrativeHierarchyLevel)

Levels of administration in the national administrative hierarchy. This code list reflects the level in the hierarchical pyramid of the administrative structures, which is based on geometric aggregation of territories and does not necessarily describe the subordination between the related administrative authorities.

This code list shall be managed in a common code list register.

4.3. Maritime Units

4.3.1. Spatial object types

The package Maritime Units contains the following spatial object types:

  • Baseline

  • Maritime Boundary

  • Maritime Zone (Baseline)

The line from which the outer limits of the territorial sea and certain other outer limits are measured.

Attributes of the spatial object type Baseline
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
beginLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
endLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
Association roles of the spatial object type Baseline
Association roleDefinitionTypeVoidability
segmentSegment of a baseline.BaselineSegment Boundary (MaritimeBoundary)

A line depicting the separation of any type of maritime jurisdiction.

Attributes of the spatial object type MaritimeBoundary
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
geometryGeometric representation of the maritime boundary.GM_Curve
countryThe country that the maritime zone of this boundary belongs to.CountryCode
legalStatusLegal status of this maritime boundary.LegalStatusValuevoidable
technicalStatusThe technical status of the maritime boundary.TechnicalStatusValuevoidable
beginLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
endLifespanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable Zone (MaritimeZone)

A belt of sea defined by international treaties and conventions, where coastal State executes jurisdictional rights.

Attributes of the spatial object type MaritimeZone
inspireIdExternal object identifier of the spatial object.Identifier
geometryGeometric representation of spatial area covered by this maritime zone.GM_MultiSurface
zoneTypeType of maritime zone.MaritimeZoneTypeValue
countryThe country that this maritime zone belongs to.CountryCode
nameName(s) of the maritime zone.GeographicalNamevoidable
beginLifeSpanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
endLifepanVersionDate and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.DateTimevoidable
Association roles of the spatial object type MaritimeZone
Association roleDefinitionTypeVoidability
baselineBaseline or baselines used for the delineation of this maritime zone.Baselinevoidable
boundaryThe boundary or boundaries of this maritime zone.MaritimeBoundaryvoidable
4.3.2. Data types Segment (BaselineSegment)

Segment of the baseline from which the outer limits of the territorial sea and certain other outer limits are measured.

Attributes of the data type BaselineSegment
geometryGeometric representation of the baseline segment.GM_Curve
segmentTypeThe baseline type used for this segment.BaselineSegmentTypeValue
4.3.3. Code lists Segment Type (BaselineSegmentTypeValue)

The types of baselines used to measure the breadth of the territorial sea.

The allowed values for this code list comprise only the values specified in the table below.

Values for the code list BaselineSegmentTypeValue
normalnormalThe normal baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal State.
straightstraightThe baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the straight baseline established by joining the appropriate points.
archipelagicarchipelagicThe baseline for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the straight baseline joining the outermost points of the outermost islands and drying reefs of the archipelago. Zone Type (MaritimeZoneTypeValue)

Type of martime zone.

The allowed values for this code list comprise only the values specified in the table below.

Values for the code list MaritimeZoneTypeValue
internalWatersInternal WatersThe waters on the landward side of the baselines of the territorial sea of the coastal State.
territorialSeaTerritorial SeaA belt of sea of a defined breadth not exceeding 12 nautical miles measured from the baselines determined in accordance to the United Nations Convention of Law on the Sea.
contiguousZoneContiguous ZoneA zone contiguous to a territorial sea of a coastal State, which may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
exclusiveEconomicZoneExclusive Economic ZoneAn area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea of a coastal State, subject to the specific legal regime under which the rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State and the rights and freedoms of other States are governed by the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea.
continentalShelfContinental ShelfA maritime zone beyond and adjacent to the a territorial sea of a coastal State whose outer boundary is determined in accordance with Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

4.4. Theme-specific Requirements

1.Each instance of spatial object type AdministrativeUnit, except for the country level unit representing a Member State and co-administered units, shall refer exactly to one unit at a higher level of administrative hierarchy. This correspondence shall be expressed by the upperLevelUnit association role of AdministrativeUnit spatial object type.
2.Each instance of spatial object type AdministrativeUnit, except for those at the lowest level, shall refer to their respective lower level units. This correspondence shall be expressed by the lowerLevelUnit association role of AdministrativeUnit spatial object type.
3.If an administrative unit is co-administered by two or more other administrative units the association role administeredBy shall be used. The units co-administering this unit shall apply inverse role coAdminister.
4.Administrative units at the same level of administrative hierarchy shall not conceptually share common areas.
5.Instances of the spatial object type AdministrativeBoundary shall correspond to the edges in the topological structure of the complete (including all levels) boundary graph.
6.The spatial extent of a condominium may not be part of the geometry representing the spatial extent of an administrative unit.
7.Condominiums can only be administered by administrative units at country level.

4.5. Layers

Section 8 is amended as follows:

In Section 8.8, the table is replaced by the following table:

Layer TypeLayer TitleSpatial object type(s)
HY.NetworkHydrographic NetworkHydroNode, WatercourseLink
HY.PhysicalWaters.WaterbodiesWaterbodiesWatercourse, StandingWater
HY.PhysicalWaters.LandWaterBoundaryLand-Water BoundariesLandWaterBoundary
HY.PhysicalWaters.CatchmentsCatchmentsDrainageBasin, RiverBasin
HY.PhysicalWaters.HydroPointOfInterestHydro Points of InterestRapids, Falls
HY.PhysicalWaters.ManMadeObjectMan-made ObjectsCrossing, DamOrWeir, Embankment, Lock, Ford, ShorelineConstruction, Sluice
HY. PhysicalWaters.WetlandWetlandsWetland
HY. PhysicalWaters.ShoreShoresShore