CHAPTER II MEDIA Sub-programme
Article 9Priorities of the MEDIA Sub-programme
The priorities in the field of reinforcing the European audiovisual sector's capacity to operate transnationally shall be the following:
facilitating the acquisition and improvement of skills and competences of audiovisual professionals and the development of networks, including the use of digital technologies to ensure adaptation to market development, testing new approaches to audience development and testing new business models;
increasing the capacity of audiovisual operators to develop European audiovisual works with a potential to circulate in the Union and beyond and to facilitate European and international co-production, including with television broadcasters;
encouraging business-to-business exchanges by facilitating access to markets and business tools enabling audiovisual operators to increase the visibility of their projects on Union and international markets.
The priorities in the field of promoting transnational circulation shall be the following:
supporting theatrical distribution through transnational marketing, branding, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual works;
promoting transnational marketing, branding and distribution of audiovisual works on all other non-theatrical platforms;
supporting audience development as a means of stimulating interest in, and improving access to, European audiovisual works, in particular through promotion, events, film literacy and festivals;
promoting new distribution modes in order to allow the emergence of new business models.
Article 10Support measures of the MEDIA Sub-programme
In order to implement the priorities set out in Article 9, the MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for:
- (a)
the development of a comprehensive range of training measures promoting the acquisition and improvement of skills and competences by audiovisual professionals, knowledge-sharing and networking initiatives, including the integration of digital technologies;
- (b)
the development of European audiovisual works, in particular films and television works such as fiction, documentaries and children's and animated films, as well as interactive works such as video games and multimedia with enhanced cross-border circulation potential;
- (c)
activities aiming to support European audiovisual production companies, in particular independent production companies, with a view to facilitating European and international co-productions of audiovisual works including television works;
- (d)
activities helping European and international co-production partners to come together and/or providing indirect support for audiovisual works co-produced by international co-production funds based in a country participating in the Programme;
- (e)
facilitating access to professional audiovisual trade events and markets and the use of online business tools inside and outside the Union;
- (f)
establishing systems of support for the distribution of non-national European films through theatrical distribution and on other platforms, as well as for international sales activities, in particular the subtitling, dubbing and audio description of audiovisual works;
- (g)
facilitating the circulation of European films worldwide and of international films in the Union on all distribution platforms, via international cooperation projects in the audiovisual sector;
- (h)
a European cinema operators' network screening a significant proportion of non-national European films;
- (i)
initiatives presenting and promoting a diversity of European audiovisual works, including short films, such as festivals and other promotional events;
- (j)
activities aimed at promoting film literacy and at increasing audiences' knowledge of, and interest in, European audiovisual works, including the audiovisual and cinematographic heritage, in particular among young audiences;
- (k)
innovative actions testing new business models and tools in areas likely to be influenced by the introduction and use of digital technologies.
Article 11European Audiovisual Observatory
The Union shall be a member of the Observatory for the duration of the Programme.
The Union's participation in the Observatory shall contribute to the achievement of the priorities of the MEDIA Sub-programme by:
encouraging transparency and the establishment of a level playing field as regards the accessibility of legal and financial/market information, and contributing to the comparability of legal and statistical information;
providing data and market analysis useful for the elaboration of the action lines of the MEDIA Sub-programme and for the evaluation of their impact on the market.
The Commission shall represent the Union in its dealings with the Observatory.