4.5Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)(1) and the environmental acquisU.K.
1.Member States and the Commission shall, through a stronger thematic focus in programmes and the application of the principle of sustainable development in accordance with Article 8, seek to exploit synergies with Union policy instruments (both funding and non-funding instruments) serving climate change mitigation and adaptation, environmental protection and resource efficiency.U.K.
2.Member States shall promote and, where appropriate and in accordance with Article 4, ensure complementarity and coordination with LIFE, in particular with integrated projects in the areas of nature, biodiversity, water, waste, air, climate change mitigation and adaptation. Such coordination shall be achieved through measures such as promoting the funding of activities through the ESI Funds that complement integrated projects under LIFE as well as by promoting the use of solutions, methods and approaches validated under LIFE, inter alia, including investments in green infrastructure, energy efficiency, eco-innovation, ecosystem-based solutions, and the adoption of related innovative technologies.U.K.
3.The relevant sectoral plans, programmes or strategies (including the Prioritised Action Framework, the River Basin Management Plan, the Waste Management Plan, the mitigation plan or adaptation strategy) may serve as the coordination framework, where support is envisaged for the areas concerned.U.K.
Regulation (EU) No 1293/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 on the establishment of a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 (See page 185 of this Official Journal).