Article 119U.K.Technical assistance of the Member States

[F11. The amount of the Funds allocated to technical assistance in a Member State shall be limited to 4 % of the total amount of the Funds allocated to operational programmes under the Investment for growth and jobs goal.]

The specific allocation for YEI may be taken into account by a Member State in the calculation of the limit to the total amount of the Funds allocated to the technical assistance of the Member State.

2.[F2Each Fund may support technical assistance operations eligible under any of the other Funds.] Without prejudice to paragraph 1, the allocation for technical assistance from a Fund shall not exceed 10 % of the total allocation of that Fund to operational programmes in a Member State under each category of region, where applicable, of the Investment for growth and jobs goal.

3.By way of derogation from Article 70(1) and (2), technical assistance operations may be implemented outside the programme area, but within the Union, provided that the operations are for the benefit of the operational programme, or, in the case of a technical assistance operational programme, for the other programmes concerned.

[F14. In the case of the Structural Funds, where the allocations referred to in paragraph 1 are used to support technical assistance operations altogether relating to more than one category of region, the expenditure relating to the operations may be implemented under a priority axis combining different categories of region and attributed on a pro rata basis taking into account either the respective allocations to the different categories of regions of the operational programme or the allocation under each category of region as a share of the total allocation to the Member State.]

5.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, where the total amount of the Funds allocated to a Member State under the Investment for growth and jobs goal does not exceed EUR 1 000 000 000 the amount allocated to technical assistance may increase up to 6 % of that total amount or EUR 50 000 000, whichever is the lower.

[F35a. The assessment of the respect of the percentages shall be carried out at the time of adoption of the operational programme.]

6.Technical assistance shall take the form of a mono-fund priority axis within an operational programme or of a specific operational programme, or both.