Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006

Article 22U.K.Application of the performance framework

1.The performance reserve shall constitute between 5 and 7 % of the allocation to each priority within a programme, with the exception of priorities dedicated to technical assistance and programmes dedicated to financial instruments in accordance with Article 39. The total amount of the performance reserve allocated by ESI Fund and category of region shall be 6 %. The amounts corresponding to the performance reserve shall be set out in the programmes broken down by priority and, where appropriate, by ESI Fund and by category of region.

2.On the basis of the performance review, the Commission shall within two months of the receipt of the respective annual implementation reports in the year 2019 adopt a decision, by means of implementing acts, to determine for each ESI Fund and Member State, the programmes and priorities which have achieved their milestones, setting out that information by ESI Fund and by category of region, where a priority covers more than one ESI Fund or category of region.

3.The performance reserve shall be allocated only to programmes and priorities which have achieved their milestones. Where priorities have achieved their milestones the amount of the performance reserve established for the priority shall be considered to be definitively allocated on the basis of the Commission decision referred to in paragraph 2.

4.Where priorities have not achieved their milestones, the Member State shall propose the reallocation of the corresponding amount of the performance reserve to priorities set out in the Commission decision referred to in paragraph 2, and other amendments to the programme which result from the reallocation of the performance reserve, no later than three months after the adoption of the decision referred to in paragraph 2.

The Commission shall approve, in accordance with Article 30(3) and (4), the amendment of the programmes concerned. Where a Member State fails to submit the information in accordance with Article 50(5) and (6), the performance reserve for the programmes or the priorities concerned shall not be allocated to the programmes or the priorities concerned.

5.The Member State's proposal to reallocate the performance reserve shall be consistent with thematic concentration requirements and minimum allocations set out in this Regulation and the Fund-specific rules. By way of derogation, where one or more of the priorities linked to thematic concentration requirements or minimum allocations have not achieved their milestones, the Member State may propose a reallocation of the reserve, which does not comply with the aforementioned requirements and minimum allocations.

6.Where there is evidence, resulting from the performance review for a priority, that there has been a serious failure in achieving that priority's milestones relating only to the financial and output indicators and key implementation steps set out in the performance framework and that that failure is due to clearly identified implementation weaknesses, which the Commission had previously communicated pursuant to Article 50(8) following close consultations with the Member State concerned, and that Member State has failed to take the necessary corrective action to address such weaknesses, the Commission may, not earlier than five months after such communication, suspend all or part of an interim payment of a priority of a programme in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Fund-specific rules.

The Commission shall without delay lift the suspension of interim payments when the Member State has taken the necessary corrective action. Where the corrective action concerns the transfer of financial allocations to other programmes or priorities, which have achieved their milestones, the Commission shall approve, by means of an implementing act, the necessary amendment of the programmes concerned in accordance with Article 30(2). By way of derogation from Article 30(2), in such case the Commission shall decide on the amendment no later than two months after the submission of the Member State request for amendment.

7.Where the Commission, based on the examination of the final implementation report of the programme, establishes a serious failure to achieve the targets relating only to financial indicators, output indicators and key implementation steps set out in the performance framework due to clearly identified implementation weaknesses, which the Commission had previously communicated pursuant to Article 50(8) following close consultations with the Member State concerned, and the Member State has failed to take the necessary corrective action to address such weaknesses, the Commission may notwithstanding Article 85 apply financial corrections in respect of the priorities concerned in accordance with the Fund-specific rules.

When applying financial corrections, the Commission shall take into account, with due regard to the principle of proportionality, the absorption level and external factors contributing to the failure.

Financial corrections shall not be applied where the failure to achieve targets is due to the impact of socio-economic or environmental factors, significant changes in the economic or environmental conditions in the Member State concerned or because of reasons of force majeure seriously affecting implementation of the priorities concerned.

The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 to establish detailed rules on criteria for determining the level of financial correction to be applied.

The Commission shall adopt implementing acts, laying down the detailed arrangements to ensure a consistent approach for determining the milestones and targets in the performance framework for each priority and for assessing the achievement of the milestones and targets. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 150(3).