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Article 37U.K.Financial instruments

1.The ESI Funds may be used to support financial instruments under one or more programmes, including when organised through funds of funds, in order to contribute to the achievement of specific objectives set out under a priority.

Financial instruments shall be implemented to support investments which are expected to be financially viable and do not give rise to sufficient funding from market sources. When applying this Title, the managing authorities, the bodies implementing funds of funds, and the bodies implementing financial instruments shall comply with applicable law, in particular on State aid and public procurement.

2.Support of financial instruments shall be based on an ex ante assessment which has established evidence of market failures or suboptimal investment situations, and the estimated level and scope of public investment needs, including types of financial instruments to be supported. Such ex ante assessment shall include:

(a)an analysis of market failures, suboptimal investment situations, and investment needs for policy areas and thematic objectives or investment priorities to be addressed with a view to contributing to the achievement of specific objectives set out under a priority and to be supported through financial instruments. That analysis shall be based on available good practices methodology;

(b)an assessment of the added value of the financial instruments that are being considered for support from the ESI Funds, consistency with other forms of public intervention addressing the same market, possible State aid implications, the proportionality of the envisaged intervention and measures to minimise market distortion;

(c)an estimate of additional public and private resources to be potentially raised by the financial instrument down to the level of the final recipient (expected leverage effect), including as appropriate an assessment of the need for, and level of, preferential remuneration to attract counterpart resources from private investors and/or a description of the mechanisms which will be used to establish the need for, and extent of, such preferential remuneration, such as a competitive or appropriately independent assessment process;

(d)an assessment of lessons learnt from similar instruments and ex ante assessments carried out by the Member State in the past, and how such lessons will be applied in the future;

(e)the proposed investment strategy, including an examination of options for implementation arrangements within the meaning of Article 38, financial products to be offered, final recipients targeted and envisaged combination with grant support as appropriate;

(f)a specification of the expected results and how the financial instrument concerned is expected to contribute to the achievement of the specific objectives set out under the relevant priority including indicators for that contribution;

(g)provisions allowing for the ex ante assessment to be reviewed and updated as required during the implementation of any financial instrument which has been implemented based upon such assessment, where during the implementation phase, the managing authority considers that the ex ante assessment may no longer accurately represent the market conditions existing at the time of implementation.

3.The ex ante assessment referred to in paragraph 2 may be performed in stages. It shall, in any event, be completed before the managing authority decides to make programme contributions to a financial instrument.

The summary findings and conclusions of ex ante assessments in relation to financial instruments shall be published within three months of their date of finalisation.

The ex ante assessment shall be submitted to the monitoring committee for information purposes in accordance with the Fund-specific rules.

4.Where financial instruments support financing to enterprises, including SMEs, such support shall target the establishment of new enterprises, early stage-capital, i.e. seed capital and start-up capital, expansion capital, capital for the strengthening of the general activities of an enterprise, or the realisation of new projects, penetration of new markets or new developments by existing enterprises, without prejudice to applicable Union State aid rules, and in accordance with the Fund-specific rules. Such support may include investment in both tangible and intangible assets as well as working capital within the limits of applicable Union State aid rules and with a view to stimulating the private sector as a supplier of funding to enterprises. It may also include the costs of transfer of proprietary rights in enterprises provided that such transfers take place between independent investors.

5.Investments that are to be supported through financial instruments shall not be physically completed or fully implemented at the date of the investment decision.

6.Where financial instruments provide support to final recipients in respect of infrastructure investments with the objective of supporting urban development or urban regeneration or similar infrastructure investments with the objectives of diversifying non-agricultural activities in rural areas, such support may include the amount necessary for the reorganisation of a debt portfolio regarding infrastructure forming part of the new investment, up to a maximum of 20 % of the total amount of programme support from the financial instrument to the investment.

7.Financial instruments may be combined with grants, interest rate subsidies and guarantee fee subsidies. Where support from ESI Funds is provided by means of financial instruments and combined in a single operation, with other forms of support directly related to financial instruments targeting the same final recipients, including technical support, interest rate subsidies and guarantee fee subsidies, the provisions applicable to financial instruments shall apply to all forms of support within that operation. In such cases, applicable Union State aid rules shall be respected and separate records shall be maintained for each form of support.

8.Final recipients supported by an ESI Fund financial instrument may also receive assistance from another ESI Funds priority or programme or from another instrument supported by the budget of the Union in accordance with applicable Union State aid rules. In that case, separate records shall be maintained for each source of assistance and the ESI Funds financial instrument support shall be part of an operation with eligible expenditure distinct from the other sources of assistance.

9.The combination of support provided through grants and financial instruments as referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8 may, subject to applicable Union State aid rules, cover the same expenditure item provided that the sum of all forms of support combined does not exceed the total amount of the expenditure item concerned. Grants shall not be used to reimburse support received from financial instruments. Financial instruments shall not be used to pre-finance grants.

10.Contributions in kind shall not constitute eligible expenditure in respect of financial instruments, except for contributions of land or real estate in respect of investments with the objective of supporting rural development, urban development or urban regeneration, where the land or real estate forms part of the investment. Such contributions of land or real estate shall be eligible provided that the conditions laid down in Article 69(1) are met.

11.VAT shall not constitute eligible expenditure of an operation, except in the case of VAT which is non-recoverable under national VAT legislation. The treatment of VAT at the level of investments made by final recipients shall not be taken into account for the purposes of determining the eligibility of expenditure under the financial instrument. However, where financial instruments are combined with grants under paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Article, the provisions of Article 69(3) shall apply to the grant.

12.For the purposes of the application of this Article, the applicable Union State aid rules shall be those in force at the time when the managing authority or the body that implements the fund of funds contractually commits programme contributions to a financial instrument, or when the financial instrument contractually commits programme contributions to final recipients, as applicable.

13.The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 149 laying down additional specific rules on the purchase of land and on combining technical support with financial instruments.