CHAPTER IIIEligibility of expenditure and durability

Article 65Eligibility


The eligibility of expenditure shall be determined on the basis of national rules, except where specific rules are laid down in, or on the basis of, this Regulation or the Fund-specific rules.


Expenditure shall be eligible for a contribution from the ESI Funds if it has been incurred by a beneficiary and paid between the date of submission of the programme to the Commission or from 1 January 2014, whichever is earlier, and 31 December 2023. In addition, expenditure shall only be eligible for a contribution from the EAFRD if the relevant aid is actually paid by the paying agency between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023.


By way of derogation from paragraph 2, expenditure under the YEI shall be eligible as of 1 September 2013.


In the case of costs reimbursed pursuant to points (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 67(1), the actions constituting the basis for reimbursement shall be carried out between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023.


By way of derogation from paragraph 4, the starting date in relation to costs reimbursed on the basis of (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 67(1) for actions under the YEI shall be 1 September 2013.


Operations shall not be selected for support by the ESI Funds where they have been physically completed or fully implemented before the application for funding under the programme is submitted by the beneficiary to the managing authority, irrespective of whether all related payments have been made by the beneficiary.


This Article shall be without prejudice to the rules on eligibility of technical assistance at the initiative of the Commission set out in Article 58.


This paragraph shall apply to operations which generate net revenue during their implementation and to which paragraphs 1 to 6 of Article 61 do not apply.

The eligible expenditure of the operation to be co-financed from the ESI Funds shall be reduced by the net revenue not taken into account at the time of approval of the operation directly generated only during its implementation, not later than at the final payment claim submitted by the beneficiary. Where not all the costs are eligible for co-financing, the net revenue shall be allocated pro rata to the eligible and non-eligible parts of the cost.

This paragraph shall not apply to:


technical assistance;


financial instruments;


repayable assistance subject to an obligation for full repayment;




operations subject to the State aid rules;


operations for which public support takes the form of lump sums or standard scale unit costs provided that the net revenue has been taken into account ex ante;


operations implemented under a joint action plan provided that the net revenue has been taken into account ex ante;


operations for which amounts or rates of support are defined in Annex II to the EAFRD Regulation or in the EMFF Regulation with the exception of those operations for which reference is made to this paragraph in the EMFF Regulation; or


operations for which the total eligible cost does not exceed EUR 100 000.

For the purposes of this Article and Article 61, any payment received by the beneficiary arising from contractual penalties as a result of a breach of contract between the beneficiary and a third party or third parties or that has occurred as a result of the withdrawal of an offer by a third party chosen under public procurement rules (the 'deposit') shall not be considered as revenue and shall not be deducted from the eligible expenditure of the operation.


Expenditure that becomes eligible as a result of an amendment to a programme shall only be eligible from the date of submission to the Commission of the request for amendment or, in the event of application of Article 96(11), from the date of entry into force of the decision amending the programme.

The Fund-specific rules for the EMFF may derogate from the first subparagraph.


By way of derogation from paragraph 9, specific provisions on the starting date of eligibility may be established in the EAFRD Regulation.

F2By way of derogation from paragraph 9, expenditure for operations for fostering crisis response capacities in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak shall be eligible as of 1 February 2020.


An operation may receive support from one or more ESI Funds or from one or more programmes and from other Union instruments, provided that the expenditure declared in a payment application for one of the ESI Funds is not declared for support from another Fund or Union instrument, or for support from the same Fund under another programme. The amount of expenditure to be entered into a payment application of an ESI Fund may be calculated for each ESI Fund and for the programme or programmes concerned on a pro rata basis in accordance with the document setting out the conditions for support.