CHAPTER IGeneral provisions

Section 1Establishment and objectives of a monitoring and evaluation system

F2F21Article 67Monitoring and evaluation system

The appropriate authority may make regulations setting out a monitoring and evaluation system.

F21Article 68Objectives

The monitoring and evaluation system shall aim to:

  1. (a)

    demonstrate the progress and achievements of rural development policy and assess the impact, effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of rural development policy interventions;

  2. (b)

    contribute to better targeted support for rural development;

  3. (c)

    support a common learning process related to monitoring and evaluation.

Section 2Technical provisions

F21Article 69Common indicators


A list of common indicators relating to the initial situation as well as to the financial execution, outputs, results and impact of the programme and applicable to each programme shall be specified in the monitoring and evaluation system provided for in Article 67 to allow for aggregation of data F3....


The common indicators shall be based on available data and linked to the structure and objectives of the rural development policy framework and shall allow assessment of the progress, efficiency and effectiveness of policy implementation against objectives and targets at F4... national and programme level. The common impact indicators shall be based on available data.


The evaluator shall quantify the impact of the programme measured by the impact indicators. F5...

F21Article 70Electronic Information System

Key information on the implementation of the programme, on each operation selected for funding, as well as on completed operations, needed for monitoring and evaluation, including key information on each beneficiary and project, shall be recorded and maintained electronically.

F21Article 71Provision of information

Beneficiaries of support under rural development measures and local action groups shall undertake to provide to the Managing Authority and/or to appointed evaluators or other bodies delegated to perform functions on its behalf, all the information necessary to permit monitoring and evaluation of the programme, in particular in relation to meeting specified objectives and priorities.

CHAPTER IIMonitoring

F21Article 72Monitoring procedures


The Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee referred to in Article 47 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 shall monitor the quality of the implementation of the programme.


The Managing Authority and the Monitoring Committee shall carry out monitoring of each rural development programme by means of financial, output and target indicators.

F6Article 73Monitoring Committee

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F21Article 74Responsibilities of the Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee shall satisfy itself as to the performance of the rural development programme and the effectiveness of its implementation. To that end, in addition to the functions referred to in Article 49 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 the Monitoring Committee shall:

  1. (a)

    F1be consulted and shall issue an opinion, before publication of the relevant call for proposals, on the selection criteria for financed operations, which shall be revised according to programming needs;

  2. (b)

    examine the activities and outputs related to the progress in the implementation of the evaluation plan of the programme;

  3. (c)

    examine, in particular, actions in the programme relating to the fulfilment of ex ante conditionalities, which fall within the responsibilities of the Managing Authority, and be informed of actions relating to the fulfilment of other ex ante conditionalities;

  4. (d)

    participate in the national rural network to exchange information on programme implementation; and

  5. (e)

    consider and approve the annual implementation reports F7....

F21Article 75Annual implementation report


By 30 June 2016 and by 30 June of each subsequent year until and including F202026F202025F222024, the F10Managing Authority shall submit to the F11Monitoring Committee the annual implementation report on implementation of the rural development programme in the previous calendar year. The report submitted in 2016 shall cover the calendar years 2014 and 2015.


In addition to complying with the requirements of Article 50 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 annual implementation reports shall include information inter alia on financial commitments and expenditure by measure, and a summary of the activities undertaken in relation to the evaluation plan.


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In addition to complying with the requirements of Article 50 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, the annual implementation report submitted in 2019 shall also coverF13... an assessment of progress made in ensuring an integrated approach to use of F14... financial instruments to support the territorial development of rural areas, including through local development strategies.


The F8appropriate authority may make regulations, laying down rules concerning the presentation of the annual implementation reports. F9...


F21Article 76General provisions


The appropriate authority may make regulations establishing the minimum requirements for the evaluation plan referred to in Article 56 of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013.


F16The relevant authority shall ensure that the evaluations are in accordance with the common evaluation approach agreed in accordance with Article 67, shall organise the production and gathering of the requisite data, and shall supply the various pieces of information provided by the monitoring system to the evaluators.


The evaluation reports shall be made available by the F17relevant authority on its website.

F18Article 77Ex ante evaluation

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F18Article 78Ex post evaluation

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F18Article 79Syntheses of evaluations

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