CHAPTER 2 Crop-specific payment for cotton

Article 58Base areas, fixed yields and reference amounts

1.The following national base areas are established:

  • Bulgaria: 3 342 ha,

  • Greece: 250 000 ha,

  • Spain: 48 000 ha,

  • Portugal: 360 ha.

2.The following fixed yields in the reference period are established:

  • Bulgaria: 1,2 tonne/ha,

  • Greece: 3,2 tonne/ha,

  • Spain: 3,5 tonne/ha,

  • Portugal: 2,2 tonne/ha.

3.The amount of the crop-specific payment per hectare of eligible area shall be calculated by multiplying the yields established in paragraph 2 with the following reference amounts:

  • Bulgaria: EUR 584,88 in 2015; and EUR 649,45 for 2016 and onwards,

  • Greece: EUR 234,18,

  • Spain: EUR 362,15,

  • Portugal: EUR 228,00.

4.If the eligible area of cotton in a given Member State and in a given year exceeds the base area established in paragraph 1, the amount referred to in paragraph 3 for that Member State shall be reduced proportionately to the overrun of the base area.

5.In order to make it possible to apply the crop-specific payment for cotton, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 70 concerning rules on the conditions for the granting of that payment, on the eligibility requirements and on agronomic practices.

6.The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down rules on the calculation of the reduction provided for in paragraph 4. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 71(2).