xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
Standard quality beet shall:
be of sound, fair and marketable quality;
have a sugar content of 16 % at the reception point.
sound, fair and marketable quality; dry, in homogeneous granulated crystals, free-flowing;
minimum polarisation: 99,7;
maximum moisture content: 0,06 %;
maximum invert sugar content: 0,04 %;
the number of points determined under point 2 not exceeding a total of 22, nor:
15 for the ash content,
9 for the colour type, determined using the method of the Brunswick Institute of Agricultural Technology ("the Brunswick method"),
6 for the colouring of the solution, determined using the method of the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis ("the ICUMSA method").
0,0018 % of ash content determined using the ICUMSA method at 28o Brix;
0,5 units of colour type determined using the Brunswick method;
7,5 units of colouring of the solution determined using the ICUMSA method.
its percentage ash content multiplied by four;
its percentage invert sugar content multiplied by two;
the number 1.