For the purposes of this Part of this Annex, "meat" means all carcases, meat on the bone or boned, and offal, whether or not cut, intended for human consumption, obtained from bovine animals aged less than 12 months, presented fresh, frozen or deep-frozen, whether or not wrapped or packed.
On slaughter, all bovine animals aged less than 12 months shall be classified by the operators, under the supervision of the competent authority, in one of the following two categories:
Category V: bovine animals aged less than eight months
Category identification letter: V;
Category Z: bovine animals aged from 8 months to less than 12 months
Category identification letter: Z.
This classification shall be carried out on the basis of the information contained in the passport accompanying the bovine animals or, failing this, on the basis of the data contained in the computerised database provided for in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1).
For the meat of bovine animals aged less than eight months (category identification letter: V):
Country of marketing | Sales descriptions to be used |
Belgium | veau, viande de veau/kalfsvlees/Kalbfleisch |
Bulgaria | месо от малки телета |
Czech Republic | Telecí |
Denmark | Lyst kalvekød |
Germany | Kalbfleisch |
Estonia | Vasikaliha |
Ireland | Veal |
Greece | μοσχάρι γάλακτος |
Spain | Ternera blanca, carne de ternera blanca |
France | veau, viande de veau |
Croatia | teletina |
Italy | vitello, carne di vitello |
Cyprus | μοσχάρι γάλακτος |
Latvia | Teļa gaļa |
Lithuania | Veršiena |
Luxembourg | veau, viande de veau/Kalbfleisch |
Hungary | Borjúhús |
Malta | Vitella |
Netherlands | Kalfsvlees |
Austria | Kalbfleisch |
Poland | Cielęcina |
Portugal | Vitela |
Romania | carne de vițel |
Slovenia | Teletina |
Slovakia | Teľacie mäso |
Finland | vaalea vasikanliha/ljust kalvkött |
Sweden | ljust kalvkött |
United Kingdom | Veal |
For the meat of bovine animals aged from 8 months to less than 12 months (category identification letter: Z):
Country of marketing | Sales descriptions to be used |
Belgium | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin/jongrundvlees/Jungrindfleisch |
Bulgaria | Телешко месо |
Czech Republic | hovězí maso z mladého skotu |
Denmark | Kalvekød |
Germany | Jungrindfleisch |
Estonia | noorloomaliha |
Ireland | rosé veal |
Greece | νεαρό μοσχάρι |
Spain | Ternera, carne de ternera |
France | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin |
Croatia | mlada junetina |
Italy | vitellone, carne di vitellone |
Cyprus | νεαρό μοσχάρι |
Latvia | jaunlopa gaļa |
Lithuania | Jautiena |
Luxembourg | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin/Jungrindfleisch |
Hungary | Növendék marha húsa |
Malta | Vitellun |
Netherlands | rosé kalfsvlees |
Austria | Jungrindfleisch |
Poland | młoda wołowina |
Portugal | Vitelão |
Romania | carne de tineret bovin |
Slovenia | meso težjih telet |
Slovakia | mäso z mladého dobytka |
Finland | vasikanliha/kalvkött |
Sweden | Kalvkött |
United Kingdom | Beef |
In particular, the terms "veau", "telecí", "Kalb", "μοσχάρι", "ternera", "kalv", "veal", "vitello", "vitella", "kalf", "vitela" and "teletina" shall not be used in a sales description or be indicated on the labelling of the meat of bovine animals aged more than 12 months.
the sales description in accordance with point III of this Part;
the age of the animals on slaughter, indicated, as the case may be, on the form:
"age on slaughter: less than 8 months";
"age on slaughter: from 8 to less than 12 months".
By way of derogation from point (b) of the first subparagraph, operators may replace the indication on the age at slaughter by the indication of the category, respectively: "category V" or "category Z", at stages preceding the release to the final consumer.
At each stage of production and marketing, operators shall record the following information:
the identification number and the date of birth of the animals, at slaughterhouse level only;
a reference number making it possible to establish a link between, on the one hand, the identification of the animals from which the meat originates and, on the other hand, the sales description, the age on slaughter and the category identification letter given on the meat label;
the date of arrival and departure of the animals and meat in the establishment.
Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products (OJ L 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1).
Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1).