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For the meat of bovine animals aged less than eight months (category identification letter: V):
Country of marketing | Sales descriptions to be used |
Belgium | veau, viande de veau/kalfsvlees/Kalbfleisch |
Bulgaria | месо от малки телета |
Czech Republic | Telecí |
Denmark | Lyst kalvekød |
Germany | Kalbfleisch |
Estonia | Vasikaliha |
Ireland | Veal |
Greece | μοσχάρι γάλακτος |
Spain | Ternera blanca, carne de ternera blanca |
France | veau, viande de veau |
Croatia | teletina |
Italy | vitello, carne di vitello |
Cyprus | μοσχάρι γάλακτος |
Latvia | Teļa gaļa |
Lithuania | Veršiena |
Luxembourg | veau, viande de veau/Kalbfleisch |
Hungary | Borjúhús |
Malta | Vitella |
Netherlands | Kalfsvlees |
Austria | Kalbfleisch |
Poland | Cielęcina |
Portugal | Vitela |
Romania | carne de vițel |
Slovenia | Teletina |
Slovakia | Teľacie mäso |
Finland | vaalea vasikanliha/ljust kalvkött |
Sweden | ljust kalvkött |
United Kingdom | Veal |
For the meat of bovine animals aged from 8 months to less than 12 months (category identification letter: Z):
Country of marketing | Sales descriptions to be used |
Belgium | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin/jongrundvlees/Jungrindfleisch |
Bulgaria | Телешко месо |
Czech Republic | hovězí maso z mladého skotu |
Denmark | Kalvekød |
Germany | Jungrindfleisch |
Estonia | noorloomaliha |
Ireland | rosé veal |
Greece | νεαρό μοσχάρι |
Spain | Ternera, carne de ternera |
France | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin |
Croatia | mlada junetina |
Italy | vitellone, carne di vitellone |
Cyprus | νεαρό μοσχάρι |
Latvia | jaunlopa gaļa |
Lithuania | Jautiena |
Luxembourg | jeune bovin, viande de jeune bovin/Jungrindfleisch |
Hungary | Növendék marha húsa |
Malta | Vitellun |
Netherlands | rosé kalfsvlees |
Austria | Jungrindfleisch |
Poland | młoda wołowina |
Portugal | Vitelão |
Romania | carne de tineret bovin |
Slovenia | meso težjih telet |
Slovakia | mäso z mladého dobytka |
Finland | vasikanliha/kalvkött |
Sweden | Kalvkött |
United Kingdom | Beef |