1.In order to ensure fair access for the quantities available and the equal treatment of operators within the tariff quota, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227:
(a)determining the conditions and eligibility requirements that an operator has to fulfil to submit an application within the tariff quota; the provisions concerned may require a minimum experience in trade with third countries and assimilated territories, or in processing activity, expressed as a minimum quantity and period of time in a given market sector; those provisions may include specific rules to suit the needs and practices in force in a certain sector and the uses and needs of the processing industries;
(b)establishing rules on the transfer of rights between operators and, where necessary, the limitations to such transfer within the management of the tariff quota;
(c)making participation in the tariff quota subject to the lodging of a security;
(d)providing, where necessary, for any particular specific characteristics, requirements or restrictions applicable to the tariff quota as set out in the international agreement or other act referred to in Article 184(1).
2.In order to ensure that exported products may benefit from a special treatment on importation into a third country under certain conditions, pursuant to international agreements concluded by the Union in accordance with the TFEU, the Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 227 of this Regulation concerning rules requiring the competent authorities of Member States to issue, on request and after appropriate checks, a document certifying that the conditions are met for products that, if exported, may benefit from a special treatment on importation into a third country if certain conditions are respected.