Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1314/2013 (repealed)Show full title

Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1314/2013 of 16 December 2013 on the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2014-2018) complementing the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (repealed)


This Annex presents for each of the specific objectives of the Euratom Programme a number of key performance indicators for assessing results and impacts that may be refined during the implementation of the Euratom Programme.

1. Indicators for indirect actions

(a)Supporting safety of nuclear systems

  • The number of projects (joint research and/or coordinated actions) likely to lead to a demonstrable improvement in nuclear safety practice in Europe.

(b)Contributing to the development of safe, longer term solutions for the management of ultimate nuclear waste, including final geological disposal as well as partitioning and transmutation

  • The number of projects contributing to the development of safe long term solutions for the management of ultimate nuclear waste.

(c)Supporting the development and sustainability of nuclear expertise and excellence in the Union

  • Training through research - the number of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers supported through the Euratom fission projects.

  • The number of fellows and trainees in the Euratom fusion programme.

(d)Supporting radiation protection and development of medical applications of radiation, including, inter alia, the secure and safe supply and use of radioisotopes

  • The number of projects likely to have a demonstrable impact on regulatory practice regarding radiation protection and on development of medical applications of radiation.

(e)Moving towards demonstration of feasibility of fusion as a power source by exploiting existing and future fusion facilities

  • The number of publications in peer-reviewed high impact journals.

(f)Laying the foundations for future fusion power plants by developing materials, technologies and conceptual design

  • The percentage of the Fusion Roadmap's milestones, established for the period 2014-2018, reached by the Euratom Programme.

(g)Promoting innovation and industry competitiveness

  • The number of spin-offs from the fusion research under the Euratom Programme.

  • The patents applications generated and patents awarded on the basis of research activities supported by the Euratom Programme.

(h)Ensuring availability and use of research infrastructures of pan-European relevance

  • The number of researchers having access to research infrastructures through Euratom Programme support.

2. Indicators for direct actions

(a)Impact indicator for JRC policy support

  • The number of occurrences of tangible specific impacts on Union policies resulting from technical and scientific policy support provided by the JRC.

(b)JRC scientific productivity indicator

  • The number of peer reviewed publications.

The indicators referred to in points (a) and (b) may be represented according to the following Community objectives of direct actions:

  • Improving nuclear safety including: nuclear reactor and fuel safety, waste management, including final geological disposal as well as partitioning and transmutation; decommissioning; and emergency preparedness;

  • Improving nuclear security including: nuclear safeguards, non-proliferation, combating illicit trafficking, and nuclear forensics;

  • Increasing excellence in the nuclear science base for standardisation;

  • Fostering knowledge management, education and training;

  • Supporting the policy of the Union on nuclear safety and security.