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In Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 78/2009, the following is added to point 1.1:


Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is amended as follows:


Part 1 of Annex III is amended as follows:


Table 1.1 is amended as follows:

Code H200: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNestabilni eksplozivi

Code H201: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HREksplozivno; opasnost od eksplozije ogromnih razmjera.

Code H202: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HREksplozivno; velika opasnost od rasprskavanja.

Code H203: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HREksplozivno; opasnost od vatre, udarnog vala ili rasprskavanja.

Code H204: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROpasnost od vatre ili rasprskavanja.

Code H205: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU vatri može izazvati eksploziju ogromnih razmjera.

Code H220: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRVrlo lako zapaljivi plin.

Code H221: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZapaljivi plin.

Code H222: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRVrlo lako zapaljivi aerosol.

Code H223: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZapaljivi aerosol.

Code H224: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRVrlo lako zapaljiva tekućina i para.

Code H225: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRLako zapaljiva tekućina i para.

Code H226: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZapaljiva tekućina i para.

Code H228: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZapaljiva krutina.

Code H240: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZagrijavanje može uzrokovati eksploziju.

Code H241: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZagrijavanje može uzrokovati požar ili eksploziju.

Code H242: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZagrijavanje može uzrokovati požar.

Code H250: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSamozapaljivo u dodiru sa zrakom.

Code H251: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSamozagrijavanje; može se zapaliti.

Code H252: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSamozagrijavanje u velikim količinama; može se zapaliti.

Code H260: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU dodiru s vodom oslobađa zapaljive plinove koji se mogu spontano zapaliti.

Code H261: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU dodiru s vodom oslobađa zapaljive plinove.

Code H270: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati ili pojačati požar; oksidans.

Code H271: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati požar ili eksploziju; jaki oksidans.

Code H272: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože pojačati požar; oksidans.

Code H280: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži stlačeni plin; zagrijavanje može uzrokovati eksploziju.

Code H281: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži pothlađeni, ukapljeni plin; može uzrokovati kriogene opekline ili ozljede.

Code H290: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože nagrizati metale.

Table 1.2 is amended as follows:

Code H300: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno ako se proguta.

Code H301: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno ako se proguta.

Code H302: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno ako se proguta.

Code H304: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože biti smrtonosno ako se proguta i uđe u dišni sustav.

Code H310: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno u dodiru s kožom.

Code H311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno u dodiru s kožom.

Code H312: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno u dodiru s kožom.

Code H314: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzrokuje teške opekline kože i ozljede oka.

Code H315: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNadražuje kožu.

Code H317: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože izazvati alergijsku reakciju na koži.

Code H318: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzrokuje teške ozljede oka.

Code H319: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzrokuje jako nadraživanje oka.

Code H330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno ako se udiše.

Code H331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno ako se udiše.

Code H332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno ako se udiše.

Code H334: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAko se udiše može izazvati simptome alergije ili astme ili poteškoće s disanjem.

Code H335: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože nadražiti dišni sustav.

Code H336: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože izazvati pospanost ili vrtoglavicu.

Code H340: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože izazvati genetska oštećenja <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H341: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSumnja na moguća genetska oštećenja <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H350: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati rak <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H351: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSumnja na moguće uzrokovanje raka <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H360: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože štetno djelovati na plodnost ili naškoditi nerođenom djetetu <navesti konkretan učinak ako je poznat > <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H361: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSumnja na moguće štetno djelovanje na plodnost ili mogućnost štetnog djelovanja na nerođeno dijete <navesti konkretan učinak ako je poznat > <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H362: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože štetno djelovati na djecu koja se hrane majčinim mlijekom.

Code H370: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzrokuje oštećenje organa <ili navesti sve organe na koje djeluje ako je poznato> <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H371: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati oštećenje organa <ili navesti sve organe na koje djeluje ako je poznato> <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H372: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzrokuje oštećenje organa <ili navesti sve organe na koje djeluje ako je poznato> tijekom produljene ili ponavljane izloženosti <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Code H373: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati oštećenje organa <ili navesti sve organe na koje djeluje ako je poznato> tijekom produljene ili ponavljane izloženosti <navesti način izloženosti ako je nedvojbeno dokazano da niti jedan drugi način izloženosti ne uzrokuje takvu opasnost>.

Combined Hazard Codes H300+H310: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno ako se proguta ili u dodiru s kožom.

Combined Hazard Codes H300+H330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno ako se proguta ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H310+H330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H300+H310+H330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSmrtonosno ako se proguta, u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H301+H311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno ako se proguta ili u dodiru s kožom.

Combined Hazard Codes H301+H331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno ako se proguta ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H311+H331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H301+H311+H331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno ako se proguta, u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H302+H312: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno ako se proguta ili u dodiru s kožom.

Combined Hazard Codes H302+H332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno ako se proguta ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H312+H332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Combined Hazard Codes H302+H312+H332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno ako se proguta, u dodiru s kožom ili ako se udiše.

Table 1.3 is amended as follows:

Code H400: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRVrlo otrovno za vodeni okoliš.

Code H410: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRVrlo otrovno za vodeni okoliš, s dugotrajnim učincima.

Code H411: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno za vodeni okoliš s dugotrajnim učincima.

Code H412: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno za vodeni okoliš s dugotrajnim učincima.

Code H413: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože uzrokovati dugotrajne štetne učinke na vodeni okoliš.

Code H420: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRŠtetno za zdravlje ljudi i okoliš zbog uništavanja ozona u višoj atmosferi.

Part 2 of Annex III is amended as follows:


Table 2.1 is amended as follows:

Code EUH001: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HREksplozivno u suhom stanju.

Code EUH006: the following inserted after the entry GA:

HREksplozivno u dodiru ili bez dodira sa zrakom.

Code EUH014: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRBurno reagira s vodom.

Code EUH018: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPri uporabi može nastati zapaljiva/eksplozivna smjesa para-zrak.

Code EUH019: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRMože stvarati eksplozivne perokside.

Code EUH044: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROpasnost od eksplozije ako se zagrijava u zatvorenom prostoru.

Table 2.2 is amended as follows:

Code EUH029: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU dodiru s vodom oslobađa otrovni plin.

Code EUH031: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU dodiru s kiselinama oslobađa otrovni plin.

Code EUH032: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU dodiru s kiselinama oslobađa vrlo otrovni plin.

Code EUH066: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPonavljano izlaganje može prouzročiti sušenje ili pucanje kože.

Code EUH070: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROtrovno u dodiru s očima.

Code EUH071: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNagrizajuće za dišni sustav.

In Part 3 of Annex III, the Table is amended as follows:

Code EUH 201/201A: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Sadrži olovo. Ne smije se koristiti na površinama koje mogu žvakati ili sisati djeca.

Upozorenje! Sadrži olovo.

Code EUH 202: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRCianoakrilat. Opasnost. Trenutno lijepi kožu i oči. Čuvati izvan dohvata djece.

Code EUH203: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži krom (VI). Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju.

Code EUH 204: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži izocianate. Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju.

Code EUH205: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži epoksidne sastojke. Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju.

Code EUH206: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUpozorenje! Ne koristiti s drugim proizvodima. Mogu se osloboditi opasni plinovi (klor).

Code EUH 207: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUpozorenje! Sadrži kadmij. Tijekom uporabe stvara se opasni dim. Vidi podatke dostavljene od proizvođača. Postupati prema uputama o mjerama sigurnosti.

Code EUH208: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSadrži <naziv tvari koja dovodi do preosjetljivosti>. Može izazvati alergijsku reakciju.

Code EUH209/209A: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Pri uporabi može postati lako zapaljivo.

Pri uporabi može postati zapaljivo.

Code EUH210: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSigurnosno-tehnički list dostupan na zahtjev.

Code EUH401: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRDa bi se izbjegli rizici za zdravlje ljudi i okoliš, treba se pridržavati uputa za uporabu.

Part 2 of Annex IV is amended as follows:


Table 1.1 is amended as follows:

Code P101: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAko je potrebna liječnička pomoć pokazati spremnik ili naljepnicu.

Code P102: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati izvan dohvata djece.

Code P103: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPrije uporabe pročitati naljepnicu.

Table 1.2 is amended as follows:

Code P201: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPrije uporabe pribaviti posebne upute.

Code P202: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNe rukovati prije upoznavanja i razumijevanja sigurnosnih mjera predostrožnosti.

Code P210: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati odvojeno od topline/iskre/otvorenog plamena/vrućih površina. – Ne pušiti.

Code P211: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNe prskati u otvoreni plamen ili drugi izvor paljenja.

Code P220: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati/skladištiti odvojeno od odjeće/…/zapaljivih materijala.

Code P221: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPoduzeti sve mjere opreza za sprječavanje miješanja sa zapaljivim …

Code P222: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSpriječiti dodir sa zrakom.

Code P223: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSpriječiti svaki dodir s vodom zbog burne reakcije i mogućeg zapaljenja.

Code P230: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati navlaženo s …

Code P231: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRRukovati u inertnom plinu.

Code P232: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZaštititi od vlage.

Code P233: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati u dobro zatvorenom spremniku.

Code P234: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRČuvati samo u originalnom spremniku.

Code P235: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdržavati hladnim.

Code P240: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUzemljiti/učvrstiti spremnik i opremu za prihvat kemikalije.

Code P241: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRRabiti električnu/ventilacijsku/rasvjetnu/…/ opremu koja neće izazvati eksploziju.

Code P242: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRRabiti samo neiskreći alat.

Code P243: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPoduzeti mjere protiv pojave statičkog elektriciteta.

Code P244: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSpriječiti dodir redukcijskih ventila s masti i uljem.

Code P250: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNe izlagati mrvljenju/udarcima/…/trenju.

Code P251: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPosuda je pod tlakom: ne bušiti, niti paliti čak niti nakon uporabe.

Code P260: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNe udisati prašinu/dim/plin/maglu/pare/aerosol.

Code P261: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIzbjegavati udisanje prašine/dima/plina/magle/pare/aerosola.

Code P262: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSpriječiti dodir s očima, kožom ili odjećom.

Code P263: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIzbjegavati dodir tijekom trudnoće/dojenja.

Code P264: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNakon uporabe temeljito oprati …

Code P270: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPri rukovanju proizvodom ne jesti, piti niti pušiti.

Code P271: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRRabiti samo na otvorenom ili u dobro prozračenom prostoru.

Code P272: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZagađena radna odjeća ne smije se iznositi izvan radnog prostora.

Code P273: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIzbjegavati ispuštanje u okoliš.

Code P280: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNositi zaštitne rukavice/zaštitno odijelo/zaštitu za oči/zaštitu za lice.

Code P281: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNositi propisanu osobnu zaštitnu opremu.

Code P282: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNositi zaštitne rukavice za hladnoću/zaštitu za lice/zaštitu za oči.

Code P283: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNositi otpornu na vatru/nezapaljivu odjeću.

Code P284: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNositi sredstva za zaštitu dišnog sustava.

Code P285: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju nedovoljnog prozračivanja nositi sredstva za zaštitu dišnog sustava.

Combined Codes P231+P232: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRRukovati u inertnom plinu. Zaštititi od vlage.

Combined Codes P235+P410: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdržavati hladnim. Zaštititi od sunčevog svjetla.

Table 1.3 is amended as follows:

Code P301: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P302: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P303: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P304: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P305: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P306: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P307: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti:

Code P308: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti ili sumnje na izloženost:

Code P309: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti ili zdravstvenih tegoba:

Code P310: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdmah nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Code P311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Code P312: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju zdravstvenih tegoba nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Code P313: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Code P314: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju zdravstvenih tegoba zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Code P315: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRHitno zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Code P320: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRHitno je potrebna posebna liječnička obrada (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).

Code P321: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPotrebna je posebna liječnička obrada (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).

Code P322: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPotrebne su posebne mjere (vidi … na ovoj naljepnici).

Code P330: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIsprati usta.

Code P331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNE izazivati povraćanje.

Code P332: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju nadražaja kože:

Code P333: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju nadražaja ili osipa na koži:

Code P334: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUroniti u hladnu vodu/omotati vlažnim zavojem.

Code P335: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIzmesti zaostale čestice s kože.

Code P336: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZamrznute dijelove odmrznuti mlakom vodom. Ne trljati oštećeno mjesto.

Code P337: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAko nadražaj oka ne prestaje:

Code P338: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUkloniti kontaktne leće ukoliko ih nosite i ako se one lako uklanjaju. Nastaviti ispiranje.

Code P340: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPremjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti u položaj koji olakšava disanje.

Code P341: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju otežanog disanja premjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti u položaj koji olakšava disanje.

Code P342: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPri otežanom disanju:

Code P350: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNježno oprati velikom količinom sapuna i vode.

Code P351: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROprezno ispirati vodom nekoliko minuta.

Code P352: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROprati velikom količinom sapuna i vode.

Code P353: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIsprati kožu vodom/tuširanjem.

Code P360: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdmah isprati zagađenu odjeću i kožu velikom količinom vode prije uklanjanja odjeće.

Code P361: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdmah ukloniti/skinuti svu zagađenu odjeću.

Code P362: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkinuti zagađenu odjeću i oprati prije ponovne uporabe.

Code P363: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROprati zagađenu odjeću prije ponovne uporabe.

Code P370: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju požara:

Code P371: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju velikog požara i velikih količina:

Code P372: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROpasnost od eksplozije u slučaju požara.

Code P373: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNE gasiti vatru kada plamen može zahvatiti eksplozive.

Code P374: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRGasiti vatru uz odgovarajući oprez s primjerene udaljenosti.

Code P375: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRGasiti s veće udaljenosti zbog opasnosti od eksplozije.

Code P376: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAko je sigurno, zaustaviti istjecanje.

Code P377: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Požar zbog istjecanja plina:

ne gasiti ako nije moguće sa sigurnošću zaustaviti istjecanje.

Code P378: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZa gašenje rabiti …

Code P380: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HREvakuirati područje.

Code P381: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRUkloniti sve izvore paljenja ukoliko je to moguće sigurno učiniti.

Code P390: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRApsorbirati proliveno kako bi se spriječila materijalna šteta.

Code P391: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSakupiti proliveno/rasuto.

Combined Codes P301+310: the following is inserted after the entry GA:


Combined Codes P301+P312: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAKO SE PROGUTA: u slučaju zdravstvenih tegoba nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Combined Codes P301+P330+P331: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAKO SE PROGUTA: isprati usta. NE izazivati povraćanje.

Combined Codes P302+P334: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S KOŽOM: uroniti u hladnu vodu/omotati vlažnim zavojem.

Combined Codes P302+P350: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S KOŽOM: nježno oprati velikom količinom sapuna i vode.

Combined Codes P302+P352: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S KOŽOM: oprati velikom količinom sapuna i vode.

Combined Codes P303+P361+P353: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S KOŽOM (ili kosom): odmah ukloniti/skinuti svu zagađenu odjeću. Isprati kožu vodom/tuširanjem.

Combined Codes P304+P340: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAKO SE UDIŠE: premjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti u položaj koji olakšava disanje.

Combined Codes P304+P341: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAKO SE UDIŠE: u slučaju otežanog disanja premjestiti unesrećenog na svježi zrak, umiriti ga i postaviti u položaj koji olakšava disanje.

Combined Codes P305+P351+P338: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S OČIMA: oprezno ispirati vodom nekoliko minuta. Ukloniti kontaktne leće ukoliko ih nosite i ako se one lako uklanjaju. Nastaviti ispiranje.

Combined Codes P306+P360: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU DODIRA S ODJEĆOM: odmah isprati zagađenu odjeću i kožu velikom količinom vode prije uklanjanja odjeće.

Combined Codes P307+P311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti: nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Combined Codes P308+P313: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti ili sumnje na izloženost: zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Combined Codes P309+P311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU SLUČAJU izloženosti ili zdravstvenih tegoba: nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Combined Codes P332+P313: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju nadražaja kože: zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Combined Codes P333+P313: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju nadražaja ili osipa na koži: zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Combined Codes P335+P334: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRIzmesti zaostale čestice s kože. Uroniti u hladnu vodu/omotati vlažnim zavojem.

Combined Codes P337+P313: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRAko nadražaj oka ne prestaje: zatražiti savjet/pomoć liječnika.

Combined Codes P342+P311: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPri otežanom disanju: nazvati CENTAR ZA KONTROLU OTROVANJA ili liječnika.

Combined Codes P370+P376: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju požara: ako je sigurno, zaustaviti istjecanje.

Combined Codes P370+P378: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju požara: za gašenje rabiti …

Combined Codes P370+P380: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju požara: evakuirati područje.

Combined Codes P370+P380+P375: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju požara: evakuirati područje. Gasiti s veće udaljenosti zbog opasnosti od eksplozije.

Combined Codes P371+P380+P375: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRU slučaju velikog požara i velikih količina: evakuirati područje. Gasiti s veće udaljenosti zbog opasnosti od eksplozije.

Table 1.4 is amended as follows:

Code P401: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti …

Code P402: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na suhom mjestu.

Code P403: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na dobro prozračenom mjestu.

Code P404: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti u zatvorenom spremniku.

Code P405: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti pod ključem.

Code P406: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti u spremniku otpornom na nagrizanje/… spremniku s otpornom unutarnjom oblogom.

Code P407: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROsigurati razmak između polica/paleta.

Code P410: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZaštititi od sunčevog svjetla.

Code P411: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na temperaturi koja ne prelazi …°C/…°F.

Code P412: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRNe izlagati temperaturi višoj od 50 °C/122 °F.

Code P413: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti količine veće od … kg/ … lbs na temperaturi koja ne prelazi … °C/… °F.

Code P420: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti odvojeno od drugih materijala.

Code P422: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti uz ove uvjete: …

Combined Codes P402+404: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na suhom mjestu. Skladištiti u zatvorenom spremniku.

Combined Codes P403+P233: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na dobro prozračenom mjestu. Čuvati u dobro zatvorenom spremniku.

Combined Codes P403+P235: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na dobro prozračenom mjestu. Održavati hladnim.

Combined Codes P410+P403: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZaštititi od sunčevog svjetla. Skladištiti na dobro prozračenom mjestu.

Combined Codes P410+P412: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRZaštititi od sunčevog svjetla. Ne izlagati temperaturi višoj od 50 °C/122 °F.

Combined Codes P411+P235: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRSkladištiti na temperaturi koja ne prelazi … °C/… °F. Održavati hladnim.

Table 1.5 is amended as follows:

Code P501: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HROdložiti sadržaj/spremnik u/na …

Code P502: the following is inserted after the entry GA:

HRPogledajte proizvođača/dobavljača zatražiti podatke o recikliranju/preradi.


In Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1007/2011, the following indent is inserted after the entry in French:

— in Croatian


“runska vuna” .


In Article 3(20) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, points (b) and (c) are replaced by the following:


it was manufactured in the Community, or in the countries acceding to the European Union on 1 January 1995, on 1 May 2004, on 1 January 2007 or on 1 July 2013, but not placed on the market by the manufacturer or importer, at least once in the 15 years before the entry into force of this Regulation, provided the manufacturer or importer has documentary evidence of this;


it was placed on the market in the Community, or in the countries acceding to the European Union on 1 January 1995, on 1 May 2004, on 1 January 2007 or on 1 July 2013, by the manufacturer or importer before the entry into force of this Regulation and it was considered as having been notified in accordance with the first indent of Article 8(1) of Directive 67/548/EEC in the version of Article 8(1) resulting from the amendment effected by Directive 79/831/EEC, but it does not meet the definition of a polymer as set out in this Regulation, provided the manufacturer or importer has documentary evidence of this, including proof that the substance was placed on the market by any manufacturer or importer between 18 September 1981 and 31 October 1993 inclusive;.


Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 is amended as follows:


in Part I of Annex I, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Temporary advances paid by Centres for Social Welfare on the basis of the obligation to provide temporary maintenance pursuant to the Family Act (OG 116/03, as amended);


in Part II of Annex I, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


One-off cash benefit for a newborn child under the Maternity and Parental Benefits Act (OG 85/08, as amended)

One-off cash benefit for an adopted child under the Maternity and Parental Benefits Act (OG 85/08, as amended)

One-off cash benefits for a newborn child or an adopted child provided by regulations on local and regional self-government pursuant to Article 59 of the Maternity and Parental Benefits Act (OG 85/08, as amended);


in Annex II, the following entries are inserted:


after the entry for BULGARIA-GERMANY:


Article 35(3) of the Convention on Social Security of 14 July 2003 (recognition of periods of insurance completed until 31 December 1957 at the expense of the contracting state in which the insured person resided on 31 December 1957).;


after the entry for GERMANY-FRANCE:


Article 41 of the Convention on Social Security of 24 November 1997 (settlement of rights acquired before 1 January 1956 under the social security scheme of the other contracting state); the application of that provision remains restricted to the persons covered by it.;


after the entry for SPAIN-PORTUGAL:



The Agreement between Yugoslavia and Italy on Regulation of Mutual Obligations in Social Insurance with Reference to Paragraph 7 of Annex XIV to the Peace Treaty, concluded by exchange of notes on 5 February 1959 (reckoning of periods of insurance completed before 18 December 1954); the application remains restricted to the persons covered by that Agreement;


Article 44(3) of the Convention on Social Security between the Republic of Croatia and the Italian Republic of 27 June 1997, concerning ex Zone B of the Free Territory of Trieste (reckoning of periods of insurance completed before 5 October 1956); the application of that provision remains restricted to persons covered by that Convention.


Article 43(6) of the Convention on Social Security of 8 February 2005 (recognition of periods of insurance completed until 29 May 1956 at the expense of the contracting state in which the insured person resided on 29 May 1956).


Article 35 of the Convention on Social Security of 16 January 1997 (reckoning of periods of insurance completed before 1 January 1956); the application of that provision remains restricted to the persons covered by it.



Article 35(3) of the Agreement on Social Security of 28 April 1997 (recognition of periods with bonus under the legislation of the former common State);


Articles 36 and 37 of the Agreement on Social Security of 28 April 1997 (benefits acquired before 8 October 1991 remain the obligation of the contracting state that granted them; pensions granted between 8 October 1991 and 1 February 1998, the date of entry into force of the said Agreement, in respect of the periods of insurance completed in the other contracting state until 31 January 1998, are subject to recalculation).;


in Annex III, the following is inserted after the entry for SPAIN:



in Annex VI, the following is inserted after the entry for GREECE:



Invalidity pension due to occupational injury or disease according to Article 52(5) of the Pension Insurance Act (OG 102/98, as amended).


Physical damage allowance according to Article 56 of the Pension Insurance Act (OG 102/98, as amended).;


in Part 2 of Annex VIII, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Pensions from the compulsory insurance scheme based on the individual capitalised savings according to the Compulsory and Voluntary Pension Funds Act (OG 49/99, as amended) and the Act on Pension Insurance Companies and Payment of Pensions Based on Individual Capitalised Savings (OG 106/99, as amended), except in the cases provided by Articles 47 and 48 of the Compulsory and Voluntary Pension Funds Act (invalidity pension based on general incapacity to work and survivor’s pension)..


Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 is amended as follows:


in Annex I, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


dioničko društvo;


in Annex II, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


dioničko društvo,

društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću.


In Article 1(b) of Regulation (EC) No 659/1999, point (i) is replaced by the following:


without prejudice to Articles 144 and 172 of the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden, to Annex IV, point 3 and the Appendix to said Annex of the Act of Accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia, to Annex V, point 2 and 3(b) and the Appendix to said Annex of the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania, and to Annex IV, points 2 and 3(b) and the Appendix to said Annex of the Act of Accession of Croatia, all aid which existed prior to the entry into force of the Treaty in the respective Member States, that is to say, aid schemes and individual aid which were put into effect before, and are still applicable after, the entry into force of the Treaty;.



In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, the following is inserted after the entry for GA:





Annex XIa to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 is amended as follows:


in the table in point III.2(A) on the sales description for the meat of bovine animals in category V aged 8 months or less, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

Croatia teletina;


in the table in point III.2(B) on the sales description for the meat of bovine animals in category Z aged more than 8 months but not more than 12 months, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

Croatia mlada junetina.


In Article 10a of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009, paragraphs 3 and 4 are replaced by the following:

3.Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to direct payments granted to farmers in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and in the French overseas departments, in the Azores and Madeira, in the Canary Islands and in the Aegean Islands.

4.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the reduction referred to in that paragraph shall be set at 0 % for new Member States other than Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania..


Regulation (EC) No 1217/2009 is amended as follows:


the following sentence is added to Article 6(1):

‘Croatia shall set up a National Committee by the end of the sixth month following the date of accession at the latest.’;


the following is added to Annex I, after the entry for France:



Kontinentalna Hrvatska


Jadranska Hrvatska

However, Croatia may constitute a single division for the three years following accession..



1.Section I of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 is amended as follows:U.K.

the second subparagraph of point B.6 is replaced by the following:

In the case of Member States, however, these codes are BE, BG, CZ, DK, DE, EE, GR, ES, FR, HR, IE, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, SI, SK, FI, RO, SE and UK.;


the first subparagraph of point B.8 is replaced by the following:

When applied in an establishment located within the Community, the mark must be oval in shape and include the abbreviation CE, EC, EF, EG, EK, EO, EY, ES, EÜ, EK, EB, EZ or WE..

2.Section I, Chapter III of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 854/2004 is amended as follows:U.K.

in point 3(a), the second subparagraph is replaced by the following:

In the case of Member States, however, these codes are BE, BG, CZ, DK, DE, EE, GR, ES, FR, HR, IE, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, SI, SK, FI, RO, SE and UK.;


in point 3(c), the first subparagraph is replaced by the following:

When applied in an establishment located within the Community, the mark must be oval in shape and include the abbreviation CE, EC, EF, EG, EK, EO, EY, ES, EÜ, EK, EB, EZ or WE..

3.Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 is replaced by the following:U.K.
1.The territory of the Kingdom of BelgiumU.K.
2.The territory of the Republic of BulgariaU.K.
3.The territory of the Czech RepublicU.K.
4.The territory of the Kingdom of Denmark with the exception of the Faeroe Islands and GreenlandU.K.
5.The territory of the Federal Republic of GermanyU.K.
6.The territory of the Republic of EstoniaU.K.
7.The territory of IrelandU.K.
8.The territory of the Hellenic RepublicU.K.
9.The territory of the Kingdom of Spain with the exception of Ceuta and MelillaU.K.
10.The territory of the French RepublicU.K.
11.The territory of the Republic of CroatiaU.K.
12.The territory of the Italian RepublicU.K.
13.The territory of the Republic of CyprusU.K.
14.The territory of the Republic of LatviaU.K.
15.The territory of the Republic of LithuaniaU.K.
16.The territory of the Grand Duchy of LuxembourgU.K.
17.The territory of HungaryU.K.
18.The territory of MaltaU.K.
19.The territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in EuropeU.K.
20.The territory of the Republic of AustriaU.K.
21.The territory of the Republic of PolandU.K.
22.The territory of the Portuguese RepublicU.K.
23.The territory of RomaniaU.K.
24.The territory of the Republic of SloveniaU.K.
25.The territory of the Slovak RepublicU.K.
26.The territory of the Republic of FinlandU.K.
27.The territory of the Kingdom of SwedenU.K.
28.The territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.’.U.K.


1.Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Article 4(1) first subparagraph, the following sentence is added after the third sentence:

‘All animals on a holding in Croatia born by the date of accession or intended for intra-Community trade after that date shall be identified by an ear tag approved by the competent authority, applied to each ear.’;


in Article 4(2), the following subparagraph is added after the fifth subparagraph:

No animal born in Croatia after the date of accession may be moved from a holding unless it is identified in accordance with this Article.;


in Article 6(1), the following subparagraph is added after the third subparagraph:

The competent authority in Croatia shall, as of the date of accession, for each animal which has to be identified in accordance with Article 4, issue a passport within 14 days of the notification of its birth, or, in the case of animals imported from third countries, within 14 days of the notification of its re-identification by the Member State concerned in accordance with Article 4(3).;


in Article 20, the following sentence is added:

‘Croatia shall do so no later than three months after the date of accession.’.

2.In Chapter A, point 3 of Annex X to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001, the following is inserted in the list after the entry for France:U.K.


Hrvatski veterinarski institut

Savska cesta 143

10 000 Zagreb.

3.In Part B, Section 2 of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003, the following entry is deleted:U.K.


4.In Article 5(7) of Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003, the following subparagraph is added:U.K.

For Croatia, where the date of submission of the national control programmes for other Member States has already passed, the date of submission shall be the date of accession..

5.Regulation (EC) No 21/2004 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Article 4(1) and (4), Article 6(1), Article 7(3) and Article 8(1) the words ‘or for Bulgaria and Romania the date of accession’ is replaced by the words ‘or for Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia the respective date of accession’;


in Article 8(5) the following is added after ‘1 January 2008’:

‘or for Croatia the date of accession,’;


in Article 9(3) the following is added after ‘31 December 2009’:

‘or for Croatia the date of accession,’;


the Annex is amended as follows:


in footnote (1) in Part A and Part B, the following is inserted after the entry for Bulgaria:


in point 1 of Part B, the following is added after ‘9 July 2005’:

‘or for Croatia the date of accession,’;


in point 2 of Part C, the following is added after ‘1 January 2011’:

‘or for Croatia the date of accession,’.

6.in Article 27 of Decision 2009/470/EC the following paragraph is added:U.K.

12.For the programmes to be implemented by Croatia during 2013 the dates of 30 April mentioned in paragraph 2, of 15 September mentioned in paragraph 4 and 30 November mentioned in paragraph 5 are not applicable..


1.In Annex I to Decision 2003/17/EC, the entry for Croatia is deleted.U.K.
2.Annex to Decision 2005/834/EC is amended as follows:U.K.

the entry for Croatia (HR) is deleted;


in the footnote (*), the following words are deleted:

‘HR — Croatia,’.

3.Decision 2006/545/EC is repealed.U.K.
4.Annex I to Decision 2008/971/EC is amended as follows:U.K.

the entry for Croatia (HR) is deleted;


in the footnote (*), the following words are deleted:

‘HR — Croatia,’.



Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 is amended as follows:


under the heading ‘A.1. RAIL — Main networks’, the following is added:

Republic of Croatia

HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o.;


under the heading ‘B. ROAD’ the following is added:

Republic of Croatia
2.Državne ceste
3.Županijske ceste
4.Lokalne ceste.


1.Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 is amended as follows:U.K.

Part IV (1) of Annex IB is amended as follows:


the third subparagraph is replaced by the following:

the same words in the other official languages of the Community, printed to form the background of the card:


the fifth subparagraph is replaced by the following:

the distinguishing sign of the Member State issuing the card, printed in negative in a blue rectangle and encircled by 12 yellow stars; the distinguishing signs shall be as follows:









The Czech Republic
















































The Netherlands



























The United Kingdom.


in Annex II, Section I, point 1, the following is inserted after the entry for France:



2.In Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009, footnote (1) is replaced by:U.K.
(1)The distinguishing signs of the Member States are: (B) Belgium, (BG) Bulgaria, (CZ) Czech Republic, (DK) Denmark, (D) Germany, (EST) Estonia, (IRL) Ireland, (GR) Greece, (E) Spain, (F) France, (HR) Croatia, (I) Italy, (CY) Cyprus, (LV) Latvia, (LT) Lithuania, (L) Luxembourg, (H) Hungary, (M) Malta, (NL) Netherlands, (A) Austria, (PL) Poland, (P) Portugal, (RO) Romania, (SLO) Slovenia, (SK) Slovakia, (FIN) Finland, (S) Sweden, (UK) United Kingdom..
3.Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annex II, footnote (1) is replaced by:

(1)The distinguishing signs of the Member States are: (B) Belgium, (BG) Bulgaria, (CZ) Czech Republic, (DK) Denmark, (D) Germany, (EST) Estonia, (IRL) Ireland, (GR) Greece, (E) Spain, (F) France, (HR) Croatia, (I) Italy, (CY) Cyprus, (LV) Latvia, (LT) Lithuania, (L) Luxembourg, (H) Hungary, (M) Malta, (NL) Netherlands, (A) Austria, (PL) Poland, (P) Portugal, (RO) Romania, (SLO) Slovenia, (SK) Slovakia, (FIN) Finland, (S) Sweden, (UK) United Kingdom.;

in Annex III, footnote (1) is replaced by:

(1)The distinguishing signs of the Member States are: (B) Belgium, (BG) Bulgaria, (CZ) Czech Republic, (DK) Denmark, (D) Germany, (EST) Estonia, (IRL) Ireland, (GR) Greece, (E) Spain, (F) France, (HR) Croatia, (I) Italy, (CY) Cyprus, (LV) Latvia, (LT) Lithuania, (L) Luxembourg, (H) Hungary, (M) Malta, (NL) Netherlands, (A) Austria, (PL) Poland, (P) Portugal, (RO) Romania, (SLO) Slovenia, (SK) Slovakia, (FIN) Finland, (S) Sweden, (UK) United Kingdom..
4.In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009, footnote (1) is replaced by:U.K.
(1)The distinguishing signs of the Member States are: (B) Belgium, (BG) Bulgaria, (CZ) Czech Republic, (DK) Denmark, (D) Germany, (EST) Estonia, (IRL) Ireland, (GR) Greece, (E) Spain, (F) France, (HR) Croatia, (I) Italy, (CY) Cyprus, (LV) Latvia, (LT) Lithuania, (L) Luxembourg, (H) Hungary, (M) Malta, (NL) Netherlands, (A) Austria, (PL) Poland, (P) Portugal, (RO) Romania, (SLO) Slovenia, (SK) Slovakia, (FIN) Finland, (S) Sweden, (UK) United Kingdom..


In Article 3(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1192/69, the following indent is added:


1.In Article 2(2) of Decision 2012/22/EU, point 2 is replaced by the following:U.K.

2.The current Members of the European Union are the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Republic of Croatia, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland..

2.In Article 2(3) of Decision 2012/23/EU, point 1 is replaced by the following:U.K.

1.Judgments on matters covered by the Athens Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, when given by a court of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, Ireland, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Republic of Croatia, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, Romania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, shall be recognised and enforced in a Member State of the European Union in accordance with the relevant rules of the European Union on the subject..


1.Decision No 1364/2006/EC is amended as follows:U.K.


Annex II section ‘Electricity Networks’ is amended as follows:


in subsection 2 ‘Developing the electricity connections between the Member States where needed for the functioning of the internal market and in order to ensure the reliability and dependability of the operation of electricity networks:’, the following is inserted after the entry ‘Hungary — Austria’:

Hungary — Croatia;


in subsection 4 ‘Developing electricity connections with non-Member States, and more particularly with the candidate countries, thus contributing towards interoperability, the operational reliability and dependability of the electricity grids or the supply of electricity within the European Community:’, the entry ‘Hungary — Croatia’ is deleted;


Annex III, Section ‘Electricity Networks’ is amended as follows:


the following is inserted after the entry ‘3.85. New wind energy connections in Malta (MT)’:

3.86.Pécs (HU) — Ernestinovo (HR);

the entries ‘4.7. Ernestinovo (Croatia) substation and connecting lines’ and ‘4.31 Pécs (HU) — Ernestinovo (HR)’ are deleted.

2.Annex to Decision 2008/114/EC, Euratom is amended as follows:U.K.


Article 9(1) is replaced by the following:

1.The capital of the Agency shall be EUR 5 856 000.;


the following is inserted in the table in Article 9(2) after the entry for France:

CroatiaEUR32 000

the following is inserted in the list of Article 11(1) after the entry for France:

Croatia2 members


1.In Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 904/2010, the following paragraph is inserted after the second paragraph:U.K.

Croatia shall inform the Commission by 1 July 2013 of its competent authority for the purposes of this Regulation and of the subsequent changes as mentioned in the second paragraph..

2.In Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) No 389/2012, the following sentence is added:U.K.

‘Croatia shall inform the Commission by 1 July 2013 of its competent authority.’.


1.In Annex I to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, in the table of Chapter 98, the following is inserted after the entry for France:U.K.


Ministarstvo financija

Carinska uprava

Alexandera von Humboldta 4a

10 000 Zagreb

Državni zavod za statistiku

Ilica 3

10 000 Zagreb

2.Annex B to Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 is amended as follows:U.K.


in point 6(a) of Section ‘Data transmission’, the following indent is added:

  • 2000 (2000 Q1 for quarterly data) onwards for Croatia;;


in Section ‘Derogations by Member State’, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

9a.1Derogations for tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1All variables/itemsBackward data before 1995Before 1995Not to be transmitted
2All variables/itemsYears 1995-20011995-2001Not to be transmitted
2All variables/items except K.2Years 2002-20092002-20092012
3All variables/itemsBackward data before 19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
3All variables except P.1, P.2, B.1g and D.1Years 2000-20122000-20122014
6All variablesYears 1995-20011995-2001Not to be transmitted
7All variablesYears 1995-20001995-2000Not to be transmitted
8All variables/items -annualYears 1995-20011995-2001Not to be transmitted
8All variables/items (excluding breakdown of S.2) except K.2Years 2002-20092002-20092012
9All variables/itemsYears 1995-20011995-2001Not to be transmitted
Years 2002-20092002-20092012
10All variables/itemsYears 1995-19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
11All variablesYears 1995-20011995-2001Not to be transmitted
11All variables except K.2Years 2002-20092002-20092012
12All variablesYears 1995-19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
13All variables/itemsYears 1995-20091995-2009Not to be transmitted
Years 2010-20112010-20112015
15All variables/items, current pricesYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092015
15All variables/items, constant pricesYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092015
16All variables/items, current pricesYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092014
16All variables/items, constant pricesYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092015
17All variables/itemsYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092016
18All variables/itemsYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092016
19All variables/itemsYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092016
22All variables/itemsYears 1995-20041995-2004Not to be transmitted
Years 2005-20092005-20092016
26All variables/itemsYears 2000-20122000-20122017
Years 1995-19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
9a.2Derogations for single variables/items in the tables
Table NoVariable/itemDerogationPeriod covered by the derogationFirst transmission in
1Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2) — annualYears 1995-20101995-20102012
1Acquisitions less disposals of valuables — annualYears 1995-20091995-2009Not to be transmitted
Years 2010-20142010-20142015
1Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8) — annualYears 2002-20092002-20092012
1Capital transfer receivable and payable from/to the rest of the world (D.9) — annualYears 2002-20092002-20092012
1Exports and Imports, geographical breakdown — annualYears 2010-20112010-20112012
1Gross fixed capital formation by assets — annualYears 1995-20121995-20122014
1Households final consumption expenditure; breakdown by durability — annualYears 1995-20141995-20142015
1Net lending/net borrowing (B.9) — annualYears 1995-20091995-20092012
1Saving, net (B.8n) — annualYears 1995-20091995-20092012
1Split between taxes on products (D.21) and subsidies on products (D.31) — annualYears 1995-20081995-20082012
1Compensation of employees (D.1) by industry — annualYears 1995-20081995-20082012
1Gross wages and salaries (D.11) by industry — annualYears 1995-20081995-20082012
1Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (K.2) — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
1Acquisitions less disposals of valuables — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
Years 2012-20142012-20142015
1Actual individual consumption — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
Years 2012-20142012-20142015
1Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8) — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
1Capital transfer receivable and payable from/to the rest of the world (D.9) — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
1Exports of goods — quarterlyYears 2000-20122000-20122013
1Exports of services — quarterlyYears 2000-20122000-20122013
1General Government - individual and collective consumption — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
Years 2012-20142012-20142015
1Gross fixed capital formation by assets — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
Years 2012-20142012-20142015
1Households final consumption expenditure; breakdown by durability — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
Years 2012-20142012-20142015
1Imports of goods — quarterlyYears 2000-20122000-20122013
1Imports of services — quarterlyYears 2000-20122000-20122013
1Net lending/net borrowing (B.9) — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
1Saving, net (B.8n) — quarterlyYears 2000-20112000-2011Not to be transmitted
1Compensation of employees (D.1) by industry — quarterlyYears 2000-20082000-20082012
1Gross wages and salaries (D.11) by industry — quarterlyYears 2000-20082000-20082012
2Acquisitions less disposals for non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Years 2002-20132002-20132015
3P.1, P.2, B.1g and D.1Years 2000-20082000-20082012
3Gross fixed capital formation breakdown by industry — annualYears 1995-19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
Years 2000-20122000-20122014
3Split between office machinery (AN.111321) and radio, TV and communication (AN.111322)Years 1995-20121995-2012Not to be transmitted
6Other changes in volume, consolidated and non-consolidated, all itemsYears 2002-20092002-2009Not to be transmitted
Year 2010T + 21 months
Year 2011T + 18 months
Year 2012T + 9 months
6Revaluation of financial instruments, consolidated and non-consolidated, all itemsYears 2002-20092002-2009Not to be transmitted
Year 2010T + 21 months
Year 2011T + 18 months
Year 2012T + 9 months
8Acquisitions less disposals for non-financial non-produced assets (K.2) — annualYears 2002-20132002-20132015
10Compensation of employeesYears 2000-20082000-20082014
10EmployeesYears 2000-20122000-20122014
10Employment in thousands of hours workedYears 2000-20122000-20122014
10TotalYears 2000-20122000-20122014
11Acquisitions less disposals for non-financial non-produced assets (K.2)Years 1995-20011995-2001Not to be submitted
Years 2002-20132002-20132015
20Fixed assets: breakdown AN_F6+Years 1995-19991995-1999Not to be transmitted
Years 2000-20122000-20122015
20Split between office machinery (AN.111321) and radio, TV and communication (AN.111322)Years 2001-20122001-2012Not to be transmitted

3.Regulation (EC) No 1221/2002 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Article 5(2), the following sentence is added at the first subparagraph:

‘For the Republic of Croatia, the first transmission of quarterly data shall relate to data starting with the first quarter of 2012. The Republic of Croatia shall deliver these data no later than by the end of the first quarter following the date of accession.’;


in Article 6(1), the following sentence is added at the first subparagraph:

‘The Republic of Croatia shall deliver to the Commission (Eurostat) quarterly back data for the categories referred to in Article 3, starting from the first quarter of 2002.’;


in Article 6(2), the following sentence is added at the first subparagraph:

‘The Republic of Croatia shall transmit to the Commission (Eurostat) quarterly data relating to the first quarter of 2002 until the fourth quarter of 2011 no later than end December 2015.’.

4.In Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 437/2003, Section ‘CODES’, ‘1. Reporting country’, the following is inserted after the entry for France:U.K.



5.Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Annex I, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

HR03Jadranska Hrvatska
HR031Primorsko-goranska županija
HR032Ličko-senjska županija
HR033Zadarska županija
HR034Šibensko-kninska županija
HR035Splitsko-dalmatinska županija
HR036Istarska županija
HR037Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija
HR04Kontinentalna Hrvatska
HR041Grad Zagreb
HR042Zagrebačka županija
HR043Krapinsko-zagorska županija
HR044Varaždinska županija
HR045Koprivničko-križevačka županija
HR046Međimurska županija
HR047Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija
HR048Virovitičko-podravska županija
HR049Požeško-slavonska županija
HR04ABrodsko-posavska županija
HR04BOsječko-baranjska županija
HR04CVukovarsko-srijemska županija
HR04DKarlovačka županija
HR04ESisačko-moslavačka županija
HRZZExtra-Regio NUTS 2
HRZZZExtra-Regio NUTS 3

in Annex II, the following is inserted in the list of existing administrative units at NUTS level 3 after the entry for France:

‘for Croatia “Županije”,’;


in Annex III, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

‘for Croatia “Gradovi i općine”,’.

6.In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, the table is amended as follows:U.K.


the following is inserted after the row for France:

Croatia4 2503 2509 2507 000

the row for ‘Total for EU Member States’ is replaced by:

Total for EU Member States135 000101 500282 150210 850

the row for ‘Total including Iceland and Norway’ is replaced by:

Total including Iceland and Norway141 000105 950292 150218 300

7.Regulation (EC) No 501/2004 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Article 6, the following paragraph is added:

5.For the Republic of Croatia, the first transmission of quarterly data as referred to in Articles 3, 4 and 5 shall relate to data starting with the first quarter of 2012. The Republic of Croatia shall deliver these data no later than by the end of the first quarter following the date of accession.;


in Article 7(1), the following subparagraph is added:

The Republic of Croatia shall transmit to the Commission (Eurostat) back data relating to all quarterly variables and items as referred to in Article 6 for the years 2002-2011 no later than end December 2015..

8.Regulation (EC) No 1222/2004 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Article 2(2), the following subparagraph is added:

For the Republic of Croatia, the first transmission of the data on the quarterly government debt shall relate to data starting with the first quarter of 2012 and shall take place by the end of the first quarter following the date of accession.;


in Article 3, the following paragraph is added:

The Republic of Croatia shall transmit back-data from the first quarter of 2002 until the fourth quarter of 2011 by the end of December 2015..

9.In Article 2(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005, the following subparagraph is added:U.K.

For the Republic of Croatia, the first transmission of quarterly data shall relate to data for the third quarter of 2014. The Republic of Croatia shall deliver these data by 29 December 2015 at the latest. This first transmission shall include back data for the periods from the first quarter of 2012..

10.In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1921/2006, the following is inserted after the entry for France:U.K.



11.Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 is amended as follows:U.K.


at Level 2-OUT, the following is deleted from the table:




at Level 2-IN, the following is inserted after the entry for France:




at Level 3, the following is inserted after the word Croatia:


12.In Article 8(3) of Regulation (EC) No 295/2008, point (c) is replaced by the following:U.K.


Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia: CETO-flagged data may be sent for NACE Rev. 2 group and class level and for the size class breakdown at NACE Rev. 2 group level. No more than 25 % of the cells at group level may be marked.

13.In Section A point (c) of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 216/2009, the following is inserted after the entry for Greece:U.K.




14.Regulation (EC) No 217/2009 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Annex V, in the notes at (B), point (e), the following is inserted after the entry for Greece:




in Section A point (b) of Annex VI, the following is inserted after the entry for Greece:



15.In Section A point (c) of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 218/2009, the following is inserted after the entry for Greece:U.K.



16.Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1337/2011 is amended as follows:U.K.


footnote (a) to Table 1 is replaced by:

(a)Member States concerned with regional breakdown: BG, CZ, DE, IT, EL, ES, FR, HR, HU, AT, PT, RO, SI and SK.;

footnote (a) to Table 4, is replaced by:

(a)Member States concerned with regional breakdown: BG, CZ, DE, IT, EL, ES, FR, HR, HU, AT, PT, RO, SI and SK..

17.Annex VII to Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 is amended as follows:U.K.


in paragraph 2 in ‘TABLE OF COUNTRY CODES’ point (a) ‘Member States (corresponding to NUTS 2-alpha country codes)’, the following is inserted after the entry ‘France FR’:




in paragraph 2 ‘TABLE OF COUNTRY CODES’ point (b) ‘Other countries (ISO 3166 2-alpha codes)’, the entry for Croatia is deleted.



Annex I to Decision No 661/2010/EU is amended as follows:


Section 2 ‘Road network’ is amended as follows:


the following is added ‘Croatia’;


map 2.0 is replaced by the following:


the following map is added:


Section 3 ‘Rail network’ is amended as follows:


the following is added ‘Croatia’;


map 3.0 is replaced by the following:


the following map is added:


Section 4 ‘Inland waterway network and inland ports’ is amended as follows:


the following is added ‘Croatia’;


map 4.0 is replaced by the following:


the following map is added:


Section 5 ‘Seaports’ is amended as follows:


the following is added ‘Croatia’;


map 5.0 is replaced by the following:


the following map is added:


Section 6 ‘Airports’ is amended as follows:


the following is added ‘Croatia’;


map 6.0 is replaced by the following:


the following map is added:


in Section 7 ‘Combined transport network’, map 7.1-A is replaced by the following:



1.Decision 96/409/CFSP is amended as follows:U.K.

Annex I is amended as follows:


the following shall be added after the words ‘ANEXA I’:



the following shall be added after the words ‘UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ’:



the following shall be added after the words ‘DOCUMENT DE CĂLĂTORIE PROVIZORIU’:



the following shall be added after the words ‘GLOSAR’:



the following shall be added after the words ‘(13) Ștampila autorității emitente’:

(1) Prezime (2) Ime(na) (3) Datum rođenja (4) Mjesto rođenja (5) Visina (6) Državljanstvo (7) Vlastoručni potpis (8) Za jedno putovanje u – preko (9) Vrijedi do (10) Datum izdavanja (11) Registarski broj (12) Potpis službene osobe (13) Pečat nadležnog tijela;


in Annex III, paragraph 3, the list appearing after the words ‘as follows’ is replaced by the following:

Czech Republic=CZ[OOOOO]
United Kingdom=UK[OOOOO]
2.Regulation (EU) No 211/2011 is amended as follows:U.K.

Annex I is replaced by the following:

Belgium16 500
Bulgaria13 500
Czech Republic16 500
Denmark9 750
Germany74 250
Estonia4 500
Ireland9 000
Greece16 500
Spain40 500
France55 500
Croatia9 000
Italy54 750
Cyprus4 500
Latvia6 750
Lithuania9 000
Luxembourg4 500
Hungary16 500
Malta4 500
Netherlands19 500
Austria14 250
Poland38 250
Portugal16 500
Romania24 750
Slovenia6 000
Slovakia9 750
Finland9 750
Sweden15 000
United Kingdom54 750

in Annex III, Part B is replaced by the following:


(for Member States which require the provision of a personal identification number/personal identification document number)


in Annex III, the following is inserted in point 2 of Part C ‘List of Member States which require the provision of one of the personal identification numbers/personal identification document numbers, as specified below, in the statement of support form — Part B’ after the entry for France:


Osobni identifikacijski broj (personal identification number);


Annex VII is replaced by the following:

1.Title of citizens’ initiative:U.K.
2.Commission registration number:U.K.
3.Date of registration:U.K.
4.Number of valid statements of support received (must be at least one million):U.K.
5.Number of signatories certified by Member States:U.K.
Number of signatories
Number of signatories
6.Full names, postal addresses and e-mail addresses of the contact persons(1).U.K.
7.Indicate all sources of support and funding received for the initiative, including the amount of financial support at the time of submission(1):U.K.
8.We hereby declare that the information provided in this form is correct.U.K.

Date and signature of the contact persons:


(Include all certificates)



1.Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annex A, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • Stečajni postupak;


in Annex B, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • Stečajni postupak;


in Annex C, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • Stečajni upravitelj

  • Privremeni stečajni upravitelj

  • Stečajni povjerenik

  • Povjerenik.

2.Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 is amended as follows:U.K.

the list of conventions, treaties and agreements in Article 69 is replaced by the following:

  • the Convention between Belgium and France on Jurisdiction and the Validity and Enforcement of Judgments, Arbitration Awards and Authentic Instruments, signed at Paris on 8 July 1899,

  • the Convention between Belgium and the Netherlands on Jurisdiction, Bankruptcy, and the Validity and Enforcement of Judgments, Arbitration Awards and Authentic Instruments, signed at Brussels on 28 March 1925,

  • the Convention between France and Italy on the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Rome on 3 June 1930,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the French Republic providing for the reciprocal enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, with Protocol, signed at Paris on 18 January 1934,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Belgium providing for the reciprocal enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, with Protocol, signed at Brussels on 2 May 1934,

  • the Convention between Germany and Italy on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Rome on 9 March 1936,

  • the Convention between Belgium and Austria on the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Authentic Instruments relating to Maintenance Obligations, signed at Vienna on 25 October 1957,

  • the Convention between Germany and Belgium on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Arbitration Awards and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bonn on 30 June 1958,

  • the Convention between the Netherlands and Italy on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Rome on 17 April 1959,

  • the Convention between Germany and Austria on the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Settlements and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Vienna on 6 June 1959,

  • the Convention between Belgium and Austria on the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Arbitral Awards and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Vienna on 16 June 1959,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, signed at Bonn on 14 July 1960,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and Austria providing for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, signed at Vienna on 14 July 1961, with amending Protocol signed at London on 6 March 1970,

  • the Convention between Greece and Germany for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Settlements and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed in Athens on 4 November 1961,

  • the Convention between Belgium and Italy on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and other Enforceable Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Rome on 6 April 1962,

  • the Convention between the Netherlands and Germany on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Other Enforceable Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at The Hague on 30 August 1962,

  • the Convention between the Netherlands and Austria on the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at The Hague on 6 February 1963,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Italy for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, signed at Rome on 7 February 1964, with amending Protocol signed at Rome on 14 July 1970,

  • the Convention between France and Austria on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Vienna on 15 July 1966,

  • the Convention between the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Netherlands providing for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil matters, signed at The Hague on 17 November 1967,

  • the Convention between Spain and France on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgment Arbitration Awards in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Paris on 28 May 1969,

  • the Convention between Luxembourg and Austria on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Luxembourg on 29 July 1971,

  • the Convention between Italy and Austria on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, of Judicial Settlements and of Authentic Instruments, signed at Rome on 16 November 1971,

  • the Convention between Spain and Italy regarding Legal Aid and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Madrid on 22 May 1973,

  • the Convention between Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters, signed at Copenhagen on 11 October 1977,

  • the Convention between Austria and Sweden on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters, signed at Stockholm on 16 September 1982,

  • the Convention between Spain and the Federal Republic of Germany on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Settlements and Enforceable Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bonn on 14 November 1983,

  • the Convention between Austria and Spain on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, Settlements and Enforceable Authentic Instruments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Vienna on 17 February 1984,

  • the Convention between Finland and Austria on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters, signed at Vienna on 17 November 1986,

  • the Treaty between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in Jurisdiction, Bankruptcy, and the Validity and Enforcement of Judgments, Arbitration Awards and Authentic Instruments, signed at Brussels on 24 November 1961, in so far as it is in force,

  • the Convention between the Czechoslovak Republic and Portugal on the Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions, signed at Lisbon on 23 November 1927, still in force between the Czech Republic and Portugal,

  • the Convention between the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Austria on Mutual Judicial Cooperation, signed at Vienna on 16 December 1954,

  • the Convention between the Polish People’s Republic and the Hungarian People’s Republic on the Legal Assistance in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Budapest on 6 March 1959,

  • the Convention between the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Greece on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments, signed at Athens on 18 June 1959,

  • the Convention between the Polish People’s Republic and the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia on the Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Warsaw on 6 February 1960, now in force between Poland and Slovenia, and between Poland and Croatia,

  • the Agreement between the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Austria on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Arbitral Settlements in Commercial Matters, signed at Belgrade on 18 March 1960,

  • the Agreement between the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Austria on the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions in Alimony Matters, signed at Vienna on 10 October 1961,

  • the Convention between Poland and Austria on Mutual Relations in Civil Matters and on Documents, signed at Vienna on 11 December 1963,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia on Settlement of Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Belgrade on 20 January 1964, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia and between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia,

  • the Convention between Poland and France on Applicable Law, Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in the Field of Personal and Family Law, concluded in Warsaw on 5 April 1967,

  • the Convention between the Governments of Yugoslavia and France on the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Paris on 18 May 1971,

  • the Convention between the Federative Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions in Alimony Matters, signed at Belgrade on 12 December 1973,

  • the Convention between Hungary and Greece on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Budapest on 8 October 1979,

  • the Convention between Poland and Greece on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Athens on 24 October 1979,

  • the Convention between Hungary and France on Legal Assistance in Civil and Family Law, on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions and on Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and on Extradition, signed at Budapest on 31 July 1980,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Hellenic Republic on Legal Aid in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Athens on 22 October 1980, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Greece,

  • the Convention between the Republic of Cyprus and the Hungarian People’s Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Nicosia on 30 November 1981,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic and the Republic of Cyprus on Legal Aid in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Nicosia on 23 April 1982, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Cyprus,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Greece on Legal Cooperation in Matters of Civil, Family, Commercial and Criminal Law, signed at Nicosia on 5 March 1984,

  • the Treaty between the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Government of the Republic of France on Legal Aid and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil, Family and Commercial Matters, signed at Paris on 10 May 1984, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and France,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Nicosia on 19 September 1984, now in force between Cyprus and Slovenia,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Italian Republic on Legal Aid in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Prague on 6 December 1985, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Kingdom of Spain on Legal Aid, Recognition and Enforcement of Court Decisions in Civil Matters, signed at Madrid on 4 May 1987, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Polish People’s Republic on Legal Aid and Settlement of Legal Relations in Civil, Family, Labour and Criminal Matters, signed at Warsaw on 21 December 1987, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland,

  • the Treaty between the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the Hungarian People’s Republic on Legal Aid and Settlement of Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Bratislava on 28 March 1989, still in force between the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary,

  • the Convention between Poland and Italy on Judicial Assistance and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters, signed at Warsaw on 28 April 1989,

  • the Treaty between the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic on Legal Aid provided by Judicial Bodies and on Settlements of Certain Legal Relations in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Prague on 29 October 1992,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Lithuania on Legal Assistance and Legal Relationships, signed at Tallinn on 11 November 1992,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Lithuania on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family, Labour and Criminal Matters, signed in Warsaw on 26 January 1993,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Poland on Legal Assistance and Legal Relationships in Civil, Family, Labour and Criminal Matters, signed at Riga on 23 February 1994,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Poland on Legal Cooperation in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Nicosia on 14 November 1996,

  • the Agreement between Estonia and Poland on Granting Legal Assistance and Legal Relations on Civil, Labour and Criminal Matters, signed at Tallinn on 27 November 1998,

  • the Convention between Bulgaria and Belgium on certain Judicial Matters, signed at Sofia on 2 July 1930,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia on Mutual Legal Assistance, signed at Sofia on 23 March 1956, still in force between Bulgaria and Slovenia and between Bulgaria and Croatia,

  • the Treaty between the People’s Republic of Romania and the People’s Republic of Hungary on Legal Assistance in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Bucharest on 7 October 1958,

  • the Treaty between the People’s Republic of Romania and the Czechoslovak Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Prague on 25 October 1958, still in force between Romania and Slovakia,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Romanian People’s Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Sofia on 3 December 1958,

  • the Treaty between the People’s Republic of Romania and the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia on Legal Assistance, signed at Belgrade on 18 October 1960 and its Protocol, still in force between Romania and Slovenia and between Romania and Croatia,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Polish People’s Republic on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Warsaw on 4 December 1961,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Republic of Austria on Legal Assistance in Civil and Family law and the Validity and Service of Documents and its annexed Protocol, signed at Vienna on 17 November 1965,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Hungarian People’s Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Sofia on 16 May 1966,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Hellenic Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters and its Protocol, signed at Bucharest on 19 October 1972,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Italian Republic on Judicial Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Bucharest on 11 November 1972,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the French Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Paris on 5 November 1974,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Kingdom of Belgium on Legal Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bucharest on 30 October 1975,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Hellenic Republic on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Athens on 10 April 1976,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on Legal Assistance and Settlement of Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters, signed at Sofia on 25 November 1976,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Legal Assistance in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at London on 15 June 1978,

  • the Additional Protocol to the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Kingdom of Belgium on Legal Assistance Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bucharest on 30 October 1979,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Kingdom of Belgium on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions in Alimony Obligations, signed at Bucharest on 30 October 1979,

  • the Convention between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the Kingdom of Belgium on Recognition and Enforcement of Divorce Decisions, signed at Bucharest on 6 November 1980,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Cyprus on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Nicosia on 29 April 1983,

  • the Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the French Republic on Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil Matters, signed at Sofia on 18 January 1989,

  • the Agreement between the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Italian Republic on Legal Assistance and Enforcement of Decisions in Civil Matters, signed at Rome on 18 May 1990,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Spain on Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil Matters, signed at Sofia on 23 May 1993,

  • the Treaty between Romania and the Czech Republic on Judicial Assistance in Civil Matters, signed at Bucharest on 11 July 1994,

  • the Convention between Romania and the Kingdom of Spain on Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at Bucharest on 17 November 1997,

  • the Convention between Romania and the Kingdom of Spain — complementary to the Hague Convention relating to civil procedure law (Hague, 1 March 1954), signed at Bucharest on 17 November 1997,

  • the Treaty between Romania and the Republic of Poland on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil Cases, signed at Bucharest on 15 May 1999,

  • the Agreement between the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and the People’s Republic of Hungary on Mutual Legal Assistance, signed at Belgrade on 7 March 1968, still in force between Croatia and Hungary,

  • the Agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia on Legal Assistance in Civil and Criminal Matters, signed at Zagreb on 7 February 1994.;


in Annex I, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • in Croatia: Article 46(2) of the Act on Resolution of Conflicts of Law with Regulations of Other Countries in Certain Relations (Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona s propisima drugih zemalja u određenim odnosima) in relation to Article 47(2) of the Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o parničnom postupku) and Article 54(1) of the Act on Resolution of Conflicts of Law with Regulations of Other Countries in Certain Relations (Zakon o rješavanju sukoba zakona s propisima drugih zemalja u određenim odnosima) in relation to Article 58(1) of the Civil Procedure Act (Zakon o parničnom postupku),;


in Annex II, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • in Croatia, the “općinski sud” in civil matters and the “trgovački sud” in commercial matters,;


in Annex III, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

  • in Croatia, the “općinski sud” in civil matters and the “trgovački sud” in commercial matters,;


in Annex IV, the following is inserted after the entry for Estonia:

  • in Croatia, an appeal to the “Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske”,.

3.Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annex I, under the heading ‘4. Cross border nature of the cases’, the ‘Codes’ are replaced by the following:

01 Belgium

02 Bulgaria

03 Czech Republic

04 Germany

05 Estonia

06 Greece

07 Spain

08 France

09 Croatia

10 Ireland

11 Italy

12 Cyprus

13 Latvia

14 Lithuania

15 Luxembourg

16 Hungary

17 Malta

18 The Netherlands

19 Austria

20 Poland

21 Portugal

22 Romania

23 Slovenia

24 Slovakia

25 Finland

26 Sweden

27 United Kingdom

28 other (please specify);


in Annex I, under the heading ‘5.2 Payment by defendant of amount awarded’, the following is inserted after the entry for GBP:


Croatian Kuna;


in Annex II, Box 2, the list of languages after the sentence ‘Please fill it in in one of the following languages:’ is replaced by the following:

01 Bulgarian

02 Czech

03 German

04 Estonian

05 Spanish

06 Greek

07 French

08 Croatian

09 Italian

10 Latvian

11 Lithuanian

12 Hungarian

13 Maltese

14 Dutch

15 Polish

16 Portuguese

17 Romanian

18 Slovak

19 Slovene

20 Finnish

21 Swedish

22 English

23 other (please specify);


in Annex V, the following is inserted after the entry for GBP:


Croatian Kuna.

4.Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annex I, Box 7, the following is inserted in 7.1 and 7.2 after the entry for ‘ Pound Sterling (GBP)’:

 Croatian kuna (HRK);


in Annex II, the following is inserted in the second box after the entry for Irish:

 Croatian.

5.Regulation EC No 1393/2007 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annex I, in points 6.3.1 and 6.3.2, the following is inserted after the entry for Irish:



in Annex II, the following Box is inserted after the entry for Ireland:

6.Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 is amended as follows:U.K.

in Annexes I and II, point 2.2.3 is replaced by the following:

 Belgium  Bulgaria  Czech Republic  Germany  Estonia  Ireland  Greece  Spain  France  Croatia  Italy  Cyprus  Latvia  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Hungary  Malta  Netherlands  Austria  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovenia  Slovakia  Finland  Sweden;


in Annexes III and IV, point is replaced by the following:

 Belgium  Bulgaria  Czech Republic  Germany  Estonia  Ireland  Greece  Spain  France  Croatia  Italy  Cyprus  Latvia  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Hungary  Malta  Netherlands  Austria  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovenia  Slovakia  Finland  Sweden;


in Annex V, points 1.2.3 and 2.2.3 are replaced by the following:

 Belgium  Bulgaria  Czech Republic  Germany  Estonia  Ireland  Greece  Spain  France  Croatia  Italy  Cyprus  Latvia  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Hungary  Malta  Netherlands  Austria  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovenia  Slovakia  Finland  Sweden;


in Annex VI, points 2.2.3, 3.2.3,, and 9.7.3 are replaced by the following:

 Belgium  Bulgaria  Czech Republic  Germany  Estonia  Ireland  Greece  Spain  France  Croatia  Italy  Cyprus  Latvia  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Hungary  Malta  Netherlands  Austria  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovenia  Slovakia  Finland  Sweden;


in Annex VII, points 2.2.3, 3.2.3, 6.2.4 and 7.2.3 are replaced by the following:

 Belgium  Bulgaria  Czech Republic  Germany  Estonia  Ireland  Greece  Spain  France  Croatia  Italy  Cyprus  Latvia  Lithuania  Luxembourg  Hungary  Malta  Netherlands  Austria  Poland  Portugal  Romania  Slovenia  Slovakia  Finland  Sweden;


in Annexes I, II, III and IV, point 5.1 is replaced by the following:

 euro (EUR)  lev (BGN)  Czech koruna (CZK)  kuna (HRK)  forint (HUF)  litas (LTL)  lats (LVL)  zloty (PLN)  Romanian leu (RON)  krona (SEK)  Other (please specify ISO code): …;


in Annex VII, point 11.1 is replaced by the following:

 euro (EUR)  lev (BGN)  Czech koruna (CZK)  kuna (HRK)  forint (HUF)  litas (LTL)n  lats (LVL)  zloty (PLN)  Romanian leu (RON)  krona (SEK)  Other (please specify ISO code): ….


1.in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1683/95, point 3 is replaced by the following:U.K.
3.The logo consisting of a letter or letters indicating the issuing Member State (or ‘BNL’ in the case of the Benelux countries, namely Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) with a latent image effect shall appear in this space. This logo shall appear light when held flat and dark when turned by 90°. The following logos shall be used: A for Austria, BG for Bulgaria, BNL for Benelux, CY for Cyprus, CZE for the Czech Republic, D for Germany, DK for Denmark, E for Spain, EST for Estonia, F for France, FIN for Finland, GR for Greece, H for Hungary, HR for Croatia, I for Italy, IRL for Ireland, LT for Lithuania, LVA for Latvia, M for Malta, P for Portugal, PL for Poland, ROU for Romania, S for Sweden, SK for Slovakia, SVN for Slovenia, UK for the United Kingdom..
2.in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 539/2001, the following entry is deleted in point (1):U.K.



In Annex II to Decision of the Executive Committee (SCH/Com-ex (94) 28 rev.), the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministry of Health

Service for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices

Ksaver 200a

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. + 385 14607541

Fax + 385 14677085.



In the Annex to Decision 97/602/EC, the following entry is deleted:

Republic of Croatia

Martes zibellina

Mustela erminea

Ondatra zibethicus.


Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 is amended as follows:


in Annex II, part A, the list of national standard bodies is replaced by the following list:



IBN/BIN (Institut Belge de Normalisation/Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie)



ČNI (Český normalizační institut)



DS (Dansk Standard)



DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.)



EVS (Eesti Standardikeskus)



ELOT (Ελληνικός Οργανισμός Τυποποίησης)



AENOR (Asociacion Espanola de Normalizacion y Certificacion)



AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation)



HZN (Hrvatski zavod za norme)



NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland)



UNI (Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione)



Κυπριακός Οργανισμός Προώθησης Ποιότητας



LVS (Latvijas Standarts)



LST (Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentas)



SEE (Service de l’Energie de l’Etat) (Luxembourg)



MSZT (Magyar Szabványügyi Testület)



MSA (Awtorita' Maltija dwar l-Istandards/Malta Standards Authority)



NEN (Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut)



ON (Österreichisches Normungsinstitut)



PKN (Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny)



IPQ (Instituto Português da Qualidade)



SIST (Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo)



SÚTN (Slovenský ústav technickej normalizácie)



SFS (Suomen Standardisoimisliitto r.y)



SIS (Swedish Standards Institute)



BSI (British Standards Institution).;


in Annex V, point 1 is replaced by the following:

1.The logo may be used in any of the 24 languages provided the following wording is used:
Bulgarian:“Проверено управление по околна среда”
Czech:“Ověřený systém environmentálního řízení”
Croatian:“Verificirani sustav upravljanja okolišem”
Danish:“Verificeret miljøledelse”
Dutch:“Geverifieerd milieuzorgsysteem”
English:“Verified environmental management”
Estonian:“Tõendatud keskkonnajuhtimine”
Finnish:“Todennettu ympäristöasioiden hallinta”
French:“Management environnemental vérifié”
German:“Geprüftes Umweltmanagement”
Greek:“επιθεωρημένη περιβαλλοντική διαχείριση”
Hungarian:“Hitelesített környezetvédelmi vezetési rendszer”
Italian:“Gestione ambientale verificata”
Irish:“Bainistíocht comhshaoil fíoraithe”
Latvian:“Verificēta vides pārvaldība”
Lithuanian:“Įvertinta aplinkosaugos vadyba”
Maltese:“Immaniggjar Ambjentali Verifikat”
Polish:“Zweryfikowany system zarządzania środowiskowego”
Portuguese:“Gestão ambiental verificada”
Romanian:“Management de mediu verificat”
Slovak:“Overené environmentálne manažérstvo”
Slovenian:“Preverjen sistem ravnanja z okoljem”
Spanish:“Gestión medioambiental verificada”
Swedish:“Verifierat miljöledningssystem”



In Article 3(1) to Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 the following is added:


1.In Appendix 4 (Invoice declaration) to Decision 2001/822/EC the following is inserted after the French version:U.K.
Croatian version

Izvoznik proizvoda obuhvaćenih ovom ispravom (carinsko ovlaštenje br. … (1)) izjavljuje da su, osim ako je drukčije izričito navedeno, ovi proizvodi … (2) preferencijalnog podrijetla..

2.In Appendix 4 (Invoice declaration) to Regulation (EC) No 1528/2007 the following is inserted after the French version:U.K.
Croatian version

Izvoznik proizvoda obuhvaćenih ovom ispravom (carinsko ovlaštenje br. … (1)) izjavljuje da su, osim ako je drukčije izričito navedeno, ovi proizvodi … (2) preferencijalnog podrijetla..


1.Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 is amended as follows:U.K.


the following paragraph is added to Article 2:

11.The release for free circulation in the Member State acceding to the European Union on 1 July 2013, namely Croatia, of textile products which are subject to quantitative limits or to surveillance in the Community and which have been shipped before 1 July 2013 and enter the new Member State on or after 1 July 2013 shall be subject to presentation of an import authorisation. Such import authorisation shall be granted automatically and without quantitative limitation by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned, upon adequate proof, such as the bill of lading, that the products have been shipped before 1 July 2013.

Such licences shall be communicated to the Commission.;


the following paragraph is added to Article 5:

The release for free circulation of textile products sent from the new Member State acceding to the European Union on 1 July 2013 to a destination outside the Community for processing before 1 July 2013, and re-imported into the same Member State on or after that date, shall upon adequate proof, such as the export declaration, not be subject to quantitative limits or import authorisation requirements. The competent authorities of the Member State concerned shall provide information on those imports to the Commission.;


the following is inserted in Article 28(6), second indent of Annex III, after the entry for United Kingdom:

— HR



2.In Annex III A to Regulation (EC) No 517/94, the third paragraph under the title ‘UK Residual Textile Area’ is replaced by the following:U.K.

 “CEFTA Area” means Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom..

3.In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2368/2002, the following entry is deleted:U.K.


Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Croatia

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

10 000 Zagreb


4.In Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1236/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:U.K.


Državni ured za trgovinsku politiku

Gajeva 4

10 000 Zagreb

Republika Hrvatska

Tel. + 385 16303794

Fax + 385 16303885.

5.Regulation (EC) No 1215/2009 is amended as follows:U.K.


in Article 1(2), the following word is deleted:



in Annex I, in the subparagraph under order No 09.1515, the following word is deleted:



in Annex I, the following footnote is deleted:

(5)Access for wine originating in Croatia to this global tariff quota is subject to the prior exhaustion of both individual tariff quotas provided for in the Additional Protocol on wine concluded with Croatia. These individual tariff quotas are opened under order Nos 09.1588 and 09.1589..




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 2488/2000 I, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 881/2002, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Concerning technical assistance and export restrictions:

Ministarstvo gospodarstva

Uprava za trgovinu i unutarnje tržište

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 16106304

Fax +385 16109150

Concerning freezing of funds and economic resources:

Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 147/2003, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1210/2003, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 131/2004, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo gospodarstva

Uprava za trgovinu i unutarnje tržište

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 16106304

Fax +385 16109150

Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 234/2004, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 314/2004, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 872/2004, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 174/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo gospodarstva

Uprava za trgovinu i unutarnje tržište

Ulica grada Vukovara 78

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 16106304

Fax +385 16109150

Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 560/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 889/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1183/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1184/2005, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 305/2006, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Uprava za multilateralne poslove i globalna pitanja

Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 7-8

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14569952

Fax +385 14597416.


In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 765/2006, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1412/2006, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 329/2007, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 194/2008, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1284/2009, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 356/2010, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 667/2010, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 101/2011, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex IV to Regulation (EU) No 204/2011, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 270/2011, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 359/2011, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 753/2011, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 36/2012, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex X to Regulation (EU) No 267/2012, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




In Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 377/2012, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:




Decision 2011/292/EU is amended as follows:


in Appendix B, the following is inserted after the entry for France:

CroatiaVrlo tajnoTajnoPovjerljivoOgraničeno

in Appendix C, the following is inserted after the entry for FRANCE:


Ured Vijeća za nacionalnu sigurnost

Jurjevska 34

10 000 Zagreb

Tel. +385 14686046

Fax +385 14686049.


1.Article 1 of Council Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community is replaced by the following:U.K.

Article 1

The official languages and the working languages of the institutions of the Union shall be Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish..

2.Article 1 of Council Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used by the European Atomic Energy Community is replaced by the following:U.K.

Article 1

The official languages and the working languages of the institutions of the Union shall be Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish..


Privacy statement: in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data, data subjects are informed that these personal data are compiled by the Commission for the purpose of the procedure in respect of the citizens’ initiative. Only the full names of the organisers, the e-mail addresses of the contact persons and information relating to the sources of support and funding will be made available to the public on the Commission’s online register. Data subjects are entitled to object to the publication of their personal data on compelling legitimate grounds relating to their particular situation, and to request the rectification of that data at any time and its removal from the Commission’s online register after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of registration of the proposed citizens’ initiative.’.