[ [Article 513 U.K. Macroprudential rules
1. By 30 June 2022 , and every five years thereafter, the Commission shall, after consulting the ESRB and EBA, review whether the macroprudential rules contained in this Regulation and in Directive 2013/36/EU are sufficient to mitigate systemic risks in sectors, regions and Member States including assessing:
(a) whether the current macroprudential tools in this Regulation and in Directive 2013/36/EU are effective, efficient and transparent;
(b) whether the coverage and the possible degrees of overlap between different macroprudential tools for targeting similar risks in this Regulation and in Directive 2013/36/EU are adequate and, if appropriate, propose new macroprudential rules;
(c) how internationally agreed standards for systemic institutions interact with the provisions in this Regulation and in Directive 2013/36/EU and, if appropriate, propose new rules taking into account those internationally agreed standards;
(d) whether other types of instruments, such as borrower-based instruments, should be added to the macroprudential tools provided for in this Regulation and in Directive 2013/36/EU to complement capital-based instruments and to allow for the harmonised use of the instruments in the internal market; taking into account whether harmonised definitions of those instruments and the reporting of respective data at Union level are a prerequisite for the introduction of such instruments;
(e) whether the leverage ratio buffer requirement as referred to in Article 92(1a) should be extended to systemically important institutions other than G-SIIs, whether its calibration should be different from the calibration for G-SIIs, and whether its calibration should depend on the level of systemic importance of the institution;
(f) whether the current voluntary reciprocity of macroprudnetial measures should be turned into mandatory reciprocity and whether the current ESRB framework for voluntary reciprocity is an appropriate basis for that;
(g) how relevant Union and national macroprudential authorities can be mandated with tools to address new emerging systemic risks arising from credit institutions exposures to the non-banking sector, in particular from derivatives and securities financing transactions markets, the asset management sector and the insurance sector.
2. By 31 December 2022 , and every five years thereafter, the Commission shall, on the basis of the consultation with the ESRB and EBA, report to the European Parliament and to the Council on the assessment referred to in paragraph 1 and, where appropriate, submit a legislative proposal to the European Parliament and to the Council.] ]
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