[CHAPTER 1 U.K. General principles
Article 107 U.K. Approaches to credit risk
1 . Institutions shall apply either the Standardised Approach provided for in Chapter 2 or, if permitted by the competent authorities in accordance with Article 143, the Internal Ratings Based Approach provided for in Chapter 3 to calculate their risk-weighted exposure amounts for the purposes of points (a) and (f) of Article 92(3).
2 . For trade exposures and for default fund contributions to a central counterparty, institutions shall apply the treatment set out in Chapter 6, Section 9 to calculate their risk-weighted exposure amounts for the purposes of points (a) and (f) of Article 92(3). For all other types of exposures to a central counterparty, institutions shall treat those exposures as follows:
( a ) as exposures to an institution for other types of exposures to a qualifying CCP;
( b ) as exposures to a corporate for other types of exposures to a non-qualifying CCP.
3 . For the purposes of this Regulation, exposures to [a third-country investment firm, a third-country credit institution and a third-country exchange] shall be treated as exposures to an institution only if the third country applies prudential and supervisory requirements to that entity that are at least equivalent to those applied in the [United Kingdom].
4 . For the purposes of paragraph 3, [the Treasury may by regulations determine whether] a third country applies prudential supervisory and regulatory requirements at least equivalent to those applied in the [United Kingdom]. ...
Article 108 U.K. Use of credit risk mitigation technique under the Standardised Approach and the IRB Approach
1. For an exposure to which an institution applies the Standardised Approach under Chapter 2 or applies the IRB Approach under Chapter 3 but without using its own estimates of loss given default (LGD) and conversion factors under Article 151, the institution may use credit risk mitigation in accordance with Chapter 4 in the calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts for the purposes of points (a) and (f) of Article 92(3) or, as relevant, expected loss amounts for the purposes of the calculation referred to in point (d) of Article 36(1) and point (c) of Article 62.
2. For an exposure to which an institution applies the IRB Approach by using their own estimates of LGD and conversion factors under Article 151, the institution may use credit risk mitigation in accordance with Chapter 3.
[Article 109 U.K. Treatment of securitisation positions
Institutions shall calculate the risk-weighted exposure amount for a position they hold in a securitisation in accordance with Chapter 5.]
Article 110 U.K. Treatment of credit risk adjustment
1. Institutions applying the Standardised Approach shall treat general credit risk adjustments in accordance with Article 62(c).
2. Institutions applying the IRB Approach shall treat general credit risk adjustments in accordance with Article 159, Article 62(d) and Article 36(1)(d).
For the purposes of this Article and Chapters 2 and 3, general and specific credit risk adjustments shall exclude funds for general banking risk.
3. Institutions using the IRB Approach that apply the Standardised Approach for a part of their exposures on consolidated or individual basis, in accordance with Articles 148 and 150 shall determine the part of general credit risk adjustment that shall be assigned to the treatment of general credit risk adjustment under the Standardised Approach and to the treatment of general credit risk adjustment under the IRB Approach as follows:
(a) where applicable, when an institution included in the consolidation exclusively applies the IRB Approach, general credit risk adjustments of this institution shall be assigned to the treatment set out in paragraph 2;
(b) where applicable, when an institution included in the consolidation exclusively applies the Standardised Approach, general credit risk adjustment of this institution shall be assigned to the treatment set out in paragraph 1;
(c) the remainder of credit risk adjustment shall be assigned on a pro rata basis according to the proportion of risk weighted exposure amounts subject to the Standardised Approach and subject to the IRB Approach.
4.[The [PRA may] make technical standards] to specify the calculation of specific credit risk adjustments and general credit risk adjustments under the applicable accounting framework for the following:
(a) exposure value under the Standardised Approach referred to in Article 111;
(b) exposure value under the IRB Approach referred to in Articles 166 to 168;
(c) treatment of expected loss amounts referred to in Article 159;
(d) exposure value for the calculation of the risk-weighted exposure amounts for securitisation position referred to in Articles 246 and 266;
(e) the determination of default under Article 178.