CHAPTER 2 Basic indicator approach
Article 315Own funds requirement
1.Under the Basic Indicator Approach, the own funds requirement for operational risk is equal to 15 % of the average over three years of the relevant indicator as set out in Article 316.
Institutions shall calculate the average over three years of the relevant indicator on the basis of the last three twelve-monthly observations at the end of the financial year. When audited figures are not available, institutions may use business estimates.
2.Where an institution has been in operation for less than three years it may use forward-looking business estimates in calculating the relevant indicator, provided that it starts using historical data as soon as it is available.
3.Where an institution can prove to its competent authority that, due to a merger, an acquisition or a disposal of entities or activities, using a three year average to calculate the relevant indicator would lead to a biased estimation for the own funds requirement for operational risk, the competent authority may permit the institution to amend the calculation in a way that would take into account such events and shall duly inform EBA thereof. In such circumstances, the competent authority may, on its own initiative, also require an institution to amend the calculation.
4.Where for any given observation, the relevant indicator is negative or equal to zero, institutions shall not take into account this figure in the calculation of the average over three years. Institutions shall calculate the average over three years as the sum of positive figures divided by the number of positive figures.
Article 316Relevant indicator
1.For institutions applying accounting standards established by Directive 86/635/EEC, based on the accounting categories for the profit and loss account of institutions under Article 27 of that Directive, the relevant indicator is the sum of the elements listed in Table 1 of this paragraph. Institutions shall include each element in the sum with its positive or negative sign.
Table 1
(1Interest receivable and similar income
(2Interest payable and similar charges
(3Income from shares and other variable/fixed-yield securities
(4Commissions/fees receivable
(5Commissions/fees payable
(6Net profit or net loss on financial operations
(7Other operating income
Institutions shall adjust these elements to reflect the following qualifications:
(a)institutions shall calculate the relevant indicator before the deduction of any provisions and operating expenses. Institutions shall include in operating expenses fees paid for outsourcing services rendered by third parties which are not a parent or subsidiary of the institution or a subsidiary of a parent which is also the parent of the institution. Institutions may use expenditure on the outsourcing of services rendered by third parties to reduce the relevant indicator where the expenditure is incurred from an undertaking subject to rules under, or equivalent to, this Regulation;
(b)institutions shall not use the following elements in the calculation of the relevant indicator:
realised profits/losses from the sale of non-trading book items;
income from extraordinary or irregular items;
income derived from insurance.
(c)when revaluation of trading items is part of the profit and loss statement, institutions may include revaluation. When institutions apply Article 36(2) of Directive 86/635/EEC, they shall include revaluation booked in the profit and loss account.
2.When institutions apply accounting standards different from those established by Directive 86/635/EEC, they shall calculate the relevant indicator on the basis of data that best reflect the definition set out in this Article.
3.EBA shall develop draft regulatory technical standards to determine the methodology to calculate the relevant indicator referred to in paragraph 2.
EBA shall submit those draft regulatory technical standards to the Commission by 31 December 2017.
Power is delegated to the Commission to adopt the regulatory technical standards referred to in the first subparagraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010.