Article 24U.K.Transmission

1.Fingerprints shall be digitally processed and transmitted in the data format referred to in Annex I. As far as necessary for the efficient operation of the Central System, the Agency shall establish the technical requirements for transmission of the data format by Member States to the Central System and vice versa. The Agency shall ensure that the fingerprint data transmitted by the Member States can be compared by the computerised fingerprint recognition system.

2.Member States shall transmit the data referred to in Article 11, Article 14(2) and Article 17(2) electronically. The data referred to in Article 11 and Article 14(2) shall be automatically recorded in the Central System. As far as necessary for the efficient operation of the Central System, the Agency shall establish the technical requirements to ensure that data can be properly electronically transmitted from the Member States to the Central System and vice versa.

3.The reference number referred to in Articles 11(d), 14(2)(d), 17(1) and 19(1) shall make it possible to relate data unambiguously to one particular person and to the Member State which is transmitting the data. In addition, it shall make it possible to tell whether such data relate to a person referred to in Article 9(1), 14(1) or 17(1).

4.The reference number shall begin with the identification letter or letters by which, in accordance with the norm referred to in Annex I, the Member State transmitting the data is identified. The identification letter or letters shall be followed by the identification of the category of person or request. "1" refers to data relating to persons referred to in Article 9(1), "2" to persons referred to in Article 14(1), "3" to persons referred to in Article 17(1), "4" to requests referred to in Article 20, "5" to requests referred to in Article 21 and "9" to requests referred to in Article 29.

5.The Agency shall establish the technical procedures necessary for Member States to ensure receipt of unambiguous data by the Central System.

6The Central System shall confirm receipt of the transmitted data as soon as possible. To that end, the Agency shall establish the necessary technical requirements to ensure that Member States receive the confirmation receipt if requested.