Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2013 of 16 January 2013 on the Catalogue of feed materials (Text with EEA relevance)

[F1PART B U.K. Glossary of processes


In German Konzentrieren may be replaced by Eindicken where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be eingedickt .


Decortication may be replaced by dehulling or dehusking where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be dehulled or dehusked .


In the case of rice, this process is referred to as husking and the common qualifier as husked .


In French the name issues may be used.


In German the qualifier aufgeschlossen and the name Quellwasser (referring to starch) may be used. In Danish the qualifier Kvældning and the name Kvældet (referring to starch) may be used.


In French Pressage may be replaced by Extraction mécanique where appropriate.]

Process Definition Common name/qualifier
1 Air fractionation Separation of particles by means of an air stream Air fractionated
2 Aspiration Process to remove dust, fine particles and other particulates with suspended cereal fines from bulk grain during transfer by means of an air-flow Aspirated
3 Blanching Process consisting of heat treatment of an organic substance by boiling or steaming in order to denature natural enzymes, soften tissue and remove raw flavouring, followed by immersion in cold water to halt the cooking process Blanched
4 Bleaching Removing naturally occurring colour by chemical or physical processes or by the use of bleaching earth Bleached
5 Chilling Lowering the temperature below ambient but above freezing point to aid preservation Chilled
6 Chopping Reduction of particle size using one or more knives Chopped
7 Cleaning Removal of objects (contaminants, e.g. stones) or vegetative parts of the plant e.g. unattached particles of straw or husks or weeds Cleaned/sorted
8 Concentration a Removal of water and/or other constituents Concentrate
9 Condensation Transition of a substance from a gaseous to a liquid phase Condensed
10 Cooking The application of heat to change the physical and chemical characteristics of feed materials Cooked
11 Crushing Reduction of particle size using a crusher Crushed
12 Crystallisation Purification by the formation of solid crystals from a liquid solution. Impurities in the liquid are usually not incorporated into the lattice structure of the crystal. Crystallised
13 Decortication b Complete or partial removal of outer layers from grains, seeds, fruits, nuts and others Decorticated, partially decorticated
14 Dehulling/dehusking Removal of the outer skins of beans, grains and seeds usually by physical means Dehulled or dehusked c
15 Depectinising Extraction of pectins from a feed material Depectinised
16 Desiccation Process of extracting moisture Desiccated
17 Desliming Process used to remove the slime layer on a surface Deslimed
18 Desugaring Complete or partial removal of mono- and disaccharides from molasses and other material containing sugar by chemical or physical means Desugared, partially desugared
19 Detoxification Process by which toxic contaminants are destroyed or reduced in concentration Detoxified
20 Distillation Fractionation of liquids by boiling and collecting condensed vapour into a separate container Distilled
21 Drying Dehydration by artificial or natural processes Naturally dried or artificially dried, as appropriate
22 Ensiling Storage of feed materials with or without the addition of preservatives, or by using anaerobic conditions with or without silage additives Ensiled
23 Evaporation Reducing water content Evaporated
24 Expansion Thermal process during which the product's internal water content, abruptly steamed, leads to the breaking-up of the product Expanded or puffed
25 Expelling Removal of oil/fat by pressing Expeller/cake and oil/fat
26 Extraction Removal either by organic solvent of fat/oil from certain materials or by aqueous solvent of sugar or other water-soluble components Extracted/meal and fat/oil, molasses/pulp and sugar or other water-soluble components
27 Extrusion Thermal process during which the product's internal water content is rapidly evaporated leading to the breaking-down of the product, combined with specific shaping of the product by passing through a defined orifice Extruded
28 Fermentation Process in which micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi or yeasts either are produced or used on materials to modify their chemical composition or properties Fermented
29 Filtration The process of passing a liquid through a porous media or membrane filter in order to remove solid particles Filtered
30 Flaking Rolling of moist heat-treated material to generate thin pieces of material Flakes
31 Flour milling Reduction of particle size of dry grain and to facilitate separation into constituent fractions (principally flour, bran and middlings) Flour, bran, middlings d or feed, as appropriate
32 Winterisation Cooling of oils separates the more saturated parts of the oils and the more unsaturated parts of the oil. The more saturated parts of the oil congeal by cooling, while the more unsaturated parts of the oil are liquid and may e.g. be decanted. The winterized product is the congealed oil. Winterised
33 Fragmentation Process of breaking a feed material into fragments Fragmented
34 Frying Process of cooking feed materials in a oil or fat Fried
35 Gelling Process to form a gel, a solid, jelly-like material that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and tough usually using gelling agents Gelled
36 Granulation Treatment of feed materials to obtain a specific particle size and consistency Granulated
37 Grinding/milling Reducing the particle size of solid feed materials in a dry or wet process Ground or milled
38 Heating Heat treatments carried out under specific conditions such as pressure and moisture Heated/Heat treated
39 Hydrogenation Catalytic process aimed at saturating double bonds of oils/fats/fatty acids, carried out at high temperature under hydrogen pressure, in order to obtain partially of or fully saturated triglycerides/fatty acids, or polyols by reduction of carbonyl groups of carbohydrates to hydroxyl groups Hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated
40 Hydrolysis Reduction of molecular size by appropriate treatment with water and either heat/pressure, enzymes or acid/alkali Hydrolysed
41 Liquefying Transition from a solid or a gas phase into a liquid Liquefied
42 Maceration Reducing the size of feed materials using mechanical means often in the presence of water or other liquids Macerated
43 Malting Allowing grain to commence germination to activate naturally occurring enzymes that are able to break down starch to fermentable carbohydrates and proteins to amino acids and peptides Malted
44 Melting Transition from a solid to a liquid phase by the application of heat Melted
45 Micronisation Process of reducing the average diameter of a solid material's particles to the micrometre scale Micronised
46 Parboiling Process of soaking in water and subjecting to a heat treatment so that starch is fully gelatinised, followed by a drying process Par-boiled
47 Pasteurisation Heating to a critical temperature for a specified time to eliminate harmful micro-organisms, followed by rapid cooling Pasteurised
48 Peeling Removal of the skin/peel from fruit and vegetables Peeled
49 Pelleting Shaping by compression through a die Pellet, pelleted
50 Rice milling Removal of almost all or part of the bran and embryo from husked rice Milled
51 Pregelatinisation Modification of starch to significantly improve its swelling properties in cold water Pregelatinised e
52 Pressing f Physical removal of liquids like fat, oil, water or juice from solids

Expeller/cake (in case of oil-containing materials)

Pulp, pomace (in case of fruits, etc.)

Pressed pulp (in case of sugar beet)

53 Refining Complete or partial removal of impurities or unwanted components by chemical/physical treatment Refined, partially refined
54 Roasting Heating of feed materials into a dry state to improve digestibility, increase colour and/or reduce naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors Roasted
55 Rolling Reduction of particle size by passing the material, e.g. grains, between pairs of rollers Rolled
56 Rumen protection

Process which, either by physical treatment with use of heat, pressure, steam and combination of such conditions and/or through the action of e.g. aldehydes, lignosulfonates, sodium hydroxide or organic acids (such as propionic or tannic acid) aims to protect the nutrients from degradation in the rumen

Feed materials which are rumen protected by aldehydes may contain up to 0,12 % of free aldehydes.

Rumen protected through the action of [insert as applicable]
57 Sieving/Screening Separation of particles of different sizes by passing feed materials through screen(s) whilst being shaken or poured Sieved, sifted, screened
58 Skimming Separating the top floating layer of a liquid by mechanical means, e.g. milk fat Skimmed
59 Slicing Cutting feed materials into flat pieces Sliced
60 Soaking/Steeping Moistening and softening of feed materials, usually seeds, to reduce cooking time, aid seed coat removal and facilitate water uptake to activate the germination process or reduce concentration of naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors Steeped
61 Spray-drying Reducing the moisture content of a liquid by creating a spray or mist of feed material to increase the surface area to weight ratio through which warm air is blown Spray-dried
62 Steaming Process using pressurised steam for heating and cooking to increase digestibility Steamed
63 Toasting Heating using dry heat usually applied to oilseeds, e.g. to reduce or remove naturally occurring anti-nutritive factors Toasted
64 Ultra-filtration Filtration of liquids through a fine membrane permeable to small molecules only Ultra-filtered
65 Degermination Process of complete or partial removal of germ from crushed cereal grain Degermed, degerminated
66 Infra-red micronisation Thermal process using infrared heat for cooking and roasting cereals, roots, seeds or tubers, or their co-products, usually followed by flaking Infrared micronised
67 Oil/fats and hydrogenated oils/fats splitting Chemical process of hydrolysis of fats/oils. The reaction of fats/oils with water, carried out at high temperatures and pressures, allows obtaining crude fatty acids in the hydrophobic phase and sweet waters (crude glycerol) in the hydrophilic phase. Split
68 Ultrasound sonication Release of soluble compounds by mechanical processing with power ultrasound and heat in water. Sonicated
69 Mechanical food packaging removal Mechanical removal of packaging material Mechanically unpacked