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Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 637/2009 is amended as follows:


in Table 1, ‘Classes within a genus’, the rows concerning classes 4.1 and 4.2 are replaced by the following:

ClassesScientific names
‘Class 4.1 Solanum tuberosum
Class 4.2 Solanum lycopersicum, rootstocks of tomato and interspecific hybrids
Class 4.3 Solanum melongena
Class 4.4 Solanum other than classes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3’

in Table 2, ‘Classes encompassing more than one genus’, the rows concerning classes 201 and 203 are replaced by the following:

ClassesScientific names
‘Class 201 Secale, Triticum, xTriticosecale
Class 203 (*) Agrostis, Dactylis, Festuca, xFestulolium, Lolium, Phalaris, Phleum and Poa