ANNEX IIEcodesign requirements


1.1. Requirements for water heating energy efficiency

(a)From 26 September 2015 the water heating energy efficiency of water heaters shall not fall below the following values:
Declared load profile 3XS XXS XS S M L XL XXL 3XL 4XL
Water heating energy efficiency22 %23 %26 %26 %30 %30 %30 %32 %32 %32 %
In addition, for water heaters with smart being declared as ‘1’: water heating energy efficiency calculated for smart = 0, tested under the declared load profile19 %20 %23 %23 %27 %27 %27 %28 %28 %28 %
(b)From 26 September 2017 the water heating energy efficiency of water heaters shall not fall below the following values:
Declared load profile 3XS XXS XS S M L XL XXL 3XL 4XL
Water heating energy efficiency32 %32 %32 %32 %36 %37 %37 %37 %37 %38 %
In addition, for water heaters with smart being declared as ‘1’: water heating energy efficiency calculated for smart = 0, tested under the declared load profile29 %29 %29 %29 %33 %34 %35 %36 %36 %36 %
(c)From 26 September 2018 the water heating energy efficiency of water heaters shall not fall below the following values:
Declared load profile XXL 3XL 4XL
Water heating energy efficiency60 %64 %64 %

1.2. Requirements for storage volume of storage water heaters with declared load profiles 3XS, XXS, XS and S

From 26 September 2015:


for storage water heaters with declared load profile 3XS the storage volume shall not exceed 7 litres;


for storage water heaters with declared load profiles XXS and XS, the storage volume shall not exceed 15 litres;


for storage water heaters with declared load profile S the storage volume shall not exceed 36 litres.

1.3. Requirements for mixed water at 40 °C of storage water heaters with declared load profiles M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL and 4XL

From 26 September 2015 the amount of mixed water at 40 °C shall not fall below the following values:

Declared load profile M L XL XXL 3XL 4XL
Mixed water at 40 °C65 litres130 litres210 litres300 litres520 litres1 040 litres

1.4. Requirements for sound power level

From 26 September 2015 the sound power level of heat pump water heaters shall not exceed the following values:

Rated heat output ≤ 6 kWRated heat output > 6 kW and ≤ 12 kWRated heat output > 12 kW and ≤ 30 kWRated heat output > 30 kW and ≤ 70 kW
Sound power level (LWA ), indoorsSound power level (LWA ), outdoorsSound power level (LWA ), indoorsSound power level (LWA ), outdoorsSound power level (LWA ), indoorsSound power level (LWA ), outdoorsSound power level (LWA ), indoorsSound power level (LWA ), outdoors
60 dB65 dB65 dB70 dB70 dB78 dB80 dB88 dB

1.5. Requirements for emissions of nitrogen oxides

(a)From 26 September 2018 emissions of nitrogen oxides, expressed in nitrogen dioxide, of water heaters shall not exceed the following values:

1.6. Requirements for product information related to water heaters

From 26 September 2015 the instruction manuals for installers and end-users, free access websites of manufacturers, their authorised representatives and importers and technical documentation for the purposes of conformity assessment pursuant to Article 4 shall contain the following elements:


information identifying the model(s), including equivalent models, to which the information relates;


the results of the measurements for the technical parameters specified in point 6 of Annex III;


the results of the calculations for the technical parameters specified in point 2 of Annex IV;


any specific precautions that shall be taken when the water heater is assembled, installed or maintained;


for heat generators designed for water heaters and water heater housings to be equipped with such heat generators, their characteristics, the requirements for assembly, to ensure compliance with the ecodesign requirements for water heaters and, where appropriate, the list of combinations recommended by the manufacturer;


information relevant for disassembly, recycling and/or disposal at end-of-life.