Regulation (EU) No 1163/2014 of the European Central BankShow full title

Regulation (EU) No 1163/2014 of the European Central Bank of 22 October 2014 on supervisory fees (ECB/2014/41)


Article 5Annual costs

1.The annual costs shall be the basis for determining the annual supervisory fees and they shall be recovered via the payment of such annual supervisory fees.

2.The amount of the annual costs shall be determined on the basis of the amount of the annual expenditure consisting of any expenses incurred by the ECB in the relevant fee period that are directly or indirectly related to its supervisory tasks.

The total amount of the annual supervisory fees shall cover, but not exceed, the expenditure incurred by the ECB in relation to its supervisory tasks in the relevant fee period.

3.When determining the annual costs, the ECB shall take into account:

(a)any fee amounts related to previous fee periods that were not collectible;

(b)any interest payments received in accordance with Article 14;

(c)any amounts received or refunded in accordance with Article 7(3).

Article 6Estimating and determining the annual costs

1.Without prejudice to its reporting obligations under Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013, the ECB shall by the end of each calendar year calculate the estimated annual costs in respect of the fee period for the following calendar year.

2.Within four months after the end of each fee period the ECB shall determine the actual annual costs for that fee period.

3.The estimated annual costs and actual annual costs shall serve as a basis for the calculation of the total amount of the annual supervisory fees referred to in Article 9(1).