2.Annex XIIIa to Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 is amended as follows:
- (a)
in the row on ‘Maximum stocking density’ in the table in Section 1, ‘Arctic charr 20 kg/m3’, is replaced by ‘Arctic charr 25 kg/m3’;
- (b)
the following section is inserted after Section 7:
Section 7a
Organic production of crayfish:
Species concerned: Astacus astacus, Pacifastacus leniusculus.
Maximum stocking density:
For small-sized crayfish (< 20 mm): 100 individuals per m2. For crayfish of intermediate size (20-50 mm): 30 individuals per m2. For adult crayfish (> 50 mm): 10 individuals per m2, provided that adequate hiding places are available.