Prior to commencing the operation of an aerodrome or when an exemption in accordance with Article 5 has been revoked, the aerodrome operator shall obtain the applicable certificate(s) issued by the Competent Authority.
its official name and business name, address, and mailing address;
information and data regarding:
the location of the aerodrome;
the type of operations at the aerodrome; and
the design and facilities of the aerodrome, in accordance with the applicable certification specifications established by the Agency;
any proposed deviations from the identified applicable certification specifications established by the Agency;
documentation demonstrating how it will comply with the applicable requirements established in Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules. Such documentation shall include a procedure, contained in the aerodrome manual, describing how changes not requiring prior approval will be managed and notified to the Competent Authority; subsequent changes to this procedure shall require prior approval by the Competent Authority;
evidence of adequacy of resources to operate the aerodrome in accordance with the applicable requirements;
documented evidence showing the relationship of the applicant with the aerodrome owner and/or the land owner;
the name of and relevant information about the accountable manager and the other nominated persons required by ADR.OR.D.015; and
a copy of the aerodrome manual required by ADR.OR.E.005.
perform and document all actions, inspections, tests, safety assessments or exercises necessary, and shall demonstrate to the Competent Authority:
compliance with the notified certification basis, the certification specifications applicable to a change, any safety directive, as appropriate, and the applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules;
that the aerodrome, as well as its obstacle limitation and protection surfaces and other areas associated with the aerodrome, have no features or characteristics making it unsafe for operation; and
that the flight procedures of the aerodrome have been approved.
provide to the Competent Authority the means by which compliance has been demonstrated; and
declare to the Competent Authority its compliance with point (a)(1).
An aerodrome operator shall comply with the scope and privileges defined in the terms of the certificate attached to it.
the aerodrome operator remaining in compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, and its Implementing Rules, and the aerodrome remaining in compliance with the certification basis, taking into account the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under ADR.OR.C.020;
the Competent Authority being granted access to the aerodrome operator’s organisation as defined in ADR.OR.C.015 to determine continued compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules; and
the certificate not being surrendered or revoked.
A declaration made by a provider of apron management services in accordance with ADR.OR.B.060 shall remain valid subject to:
the provider of apron management services and the related facilities remaining in compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, taking into account the provisions related to the handling of findings as specified under ADR.OR.C.020;
the Competent Authority being granted access to the apron management services provider’s organisation as defined in ADR.OR.C.015 to determine continued compliance with the relevant requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules; and
the declaration not being withdrawn by the provider of such services or deregistered by the Competent Authority.
affecting the terms of the certificate, its certification basis and safety-critical aerodrome equipment; or
significantly affecting elements of the aerodrome operator’s management system as required in ADR.OR.D.005(b)
shall require prior approval by the Competent Authority.
The change shall only be implemented upon receipt of formal approval by the Competent Authority in accordance with ADR.AR.C.040.
During the changes, the aerodrome operator shall operate under the conditions approved by the Competent Authority.
determine the interdependencies with any affected parties, plan and conduct a safety assessment in coordination with these organisations;
align assumptions and mitigations with any affected parties, in a systematic way;
ensure a comprehensive assessment of the change including any necessary interactions; and
ensure that complete and valid arguments, evidence and safety criteria are established and documented to support the safety assessment, and that the change supports the improvement of safety whenever reasonably practicable.
The aerodrome operator, following an amendment of the certification specifications established by the Agency, shall:
perform a review to identify any certification specifications which are applicable to the aerodrome; and
if relevant, initiate a change process in accordance with ADR.OR.B.040 and implement the necessary changes at the aerodrome.
provide the Competent Authority with all relevant information and declare its compliance with all applicable requirements of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, using a form established by the Competent Authority;
provide the Competent Authority with a list of the alternative means of compliance used, in accordance with ADR.OR.A.015(b);
maintain compliance with the applicable requirements and with the information given in the declaration;
notify the Competent Authority of any changes to its declaration or the means of compliance it uses through submission of an amended declaration; and
provide its services in accordance with the aerodrome manual and comply with all relevant provisions contained therein.
An operator intending to terminate the operation of an aerodrome shall:
notify the Competent Authority as soon as possible;
provide such information to the appropriate Aeronautical Information Service provider;
surrender the certificate to the Competent Authority upon the date of termination of operation; and
ensure that appropriate measures have been taken to avoid the unintended use of the aerodrome by aircraft, unless the Competent Authority has approved the use of the aerodrome for other purposes.