ADR.OPS.A.005 Aerodrome data
The aerodrome operator shall as appropriate:
determine, document and maintain data relevant to the aerodrome and available services;
provide data relevant to the aerodrome and available services to the users and the relevant air traffic services and aeronautical information services providers.
ADR.OPS.A.010 Data quality requirements
The aerodrome operator shall have formal arrangements with organisations with which it exchanges aeronautical data and/or aeronautical information.
(a)All data relevant to the aerodrome and available services shall be provided by the aerodrome operator with the required quality and integrity.
(b)When data relevant to the aerodrome and available services are published, the aerodrome operator, shall:
monitor data relevant to the aerodrome and available services originating from the aerodrome operator and promulgated by the relevant air traffic services providers and aeronautical information services providers;
notify the relevant aeronautical information services providers of any changes necessary to ensure correct and complete data relevant to the aerodrome and available services, originating from the aerodrome operator;
notify the relevant air traffic services providers and aeronautical information services providers when the published data originating from the aerodrome operator are incorrect or inappropriate.
ADR.OPS.A.015 Coordination between aerodrome operators and providers of aeronautical information services
(a)To ensure that aeronautical information services providers obtain information to enable them to provide up-to-date pre-flight information and to meet the need for in-flight information, the aerodrome operator shall make arrangements to report to the relevant aeronautical information service providers, with a minimum of delay, the following:
information on the aerodrome conditions, disabled aircraft removal, rescue and firefighting and visual approach slope indicator systems;
the operational status of associated facilities, services and navigational aids at the aerodrome;
any other information considered to be of operational significance.