1.Small pelagic fisheries in ICES IIIa (Skagerrak and Kattegat):U.K.


Bottom otter and bottom pair trawl with mesh size < 70 mm


Mesh size 50-99 mm

CodePelagic fishing gearSpecies targeted
OTM and PTMMid-water trawl and mid-water pair trawlHerring, mackerel, blue whiting, horse mackerel, sprat (for human consumption)
PSPurse seineHerring, mackerel, sprat (for human consumption)
OTB and PTBaBottom otter and bottom pair trawlHerring, mackerel, sprat (for human consumption)
GNS and GNDbGillnets anchored (set), and gillnets (drift)Mackerel, herring
LLS, LHP and LHMSet longlines, handlines and pole lines (hand operated) and handlines and pole lines (mechanised)Mackerel
MISMiscellaneous gear, including traps, pots and pound netsMackerel, herring, sprat (for human consumption)