ANNEX VIIIU.K. Performance Indicators
To guarantee the supply to the outermost regions of products essential for human consumption or for processing and as agricultural inputs:
Level of coverage (in %) of the Specific Supply Arrangements over the total supply needs of the outermost regions for certain products/groups of products included in the forecast supply balance.
To ensure a fair price level for products essential for human consumption or for animal feed:
Comparison of prices for the consumer in the outermost regions of certain products/groups of products covered under the Specific Supply Arrangements with prices of similar products in their Member States.
To encourage local agriculture production in view of the self-supply of the outermost regions and of maintaining/developing export-oriented productions:
Level of coverage (in %) of the local needs by certain significant products produced locally.
To maintain/develop local agricultural production:
Evolution of the Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) in the outermost regions and in their Member States.
Evolution of the livestock in Livestock Units (LU) in the outermost regions and in their Member States.
Evolution of quantities of certain local agricultural products in the outermost regions.
Evolution of the quantities of certain products processed in the outermost regions from local products.
Evolution of employment in the agricultural sector in the outermost regions and in their Member States.