Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 is amended as follows:


The title of FCL.015 is replaced by the following:

FCL.020 is replaced by the following:

FCL.025 is amended as follows:

the title is replaced by the following:

FCL.035 is amended as follows:

FCL.105.B is replaced by the following:

FCL.600 is replaced by the following:

In FCL.720.A, point (e) is replaced by the following:

The following new FCL.825 and FLC.830 are inserted:

FCL.825 En route instrument rating (EIR)


Privileges and conditions


The privileges of the holder of an en route instrument rating (EIR) are to conduct flights by day under IFR in the en route phase of flight, with an aeroplane for which a class or type rating is held. The privilege may be extended to conduct flights by night under IFR in the en route phase of flight if the pilot holds a night rating in accordance with FCL.810.


The holder of the EIR shall only commence or continue a flight on which he/she intends to exercise the privileges of his/her rating if the latest available meteorological information indicates that:


the weather conditions on departure are such as to enable the segment of the flight from take-off to a planned VFR-to-IFR transition to be conducted in compliance with VFR; and


at the estimated time of arrival at the planned destination aerodrome, the weather conditions will be such as to enable the segment of the flight from an IFR-to-VFR transition to landing to be conducted in compliance with VFR.


Prerequisites. Applicants for the EIR shall hold at least a PPL(A) and shall have completed at least 20 hours of cross-country flight time as PIC in aeroplanes.


Training course. Applicants for an EIR shall have completed, within a period of 36 months at an ATO:


at least 80 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction in accordance with FCL.615; and


instrument flight instruction, during which:


the flying training for a single-engine EIR shall include at least 15 hours of instrument flight time under instruction; and


the flying training for a multi-engine EIR shall include at least 16 hours of instrument flight time under instruction, of which at least 4 hours shall be in multi-engine aeroplanes.


Theoretical knowledge. Prior to taking the skill test, the applicant shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted, in the subjects referred to in FCL.615(b).


Skill test. After the completion of the training, the applicant shall pass a skill test in an aeroplane with an IRE. For a multi-engine EIR, the skill test shall be taken in a multi-engine aeroplane. For a single-engine EIR, the test shall be taken in a single-engine aeroplane.


By way of derogation from points (c) and (d), the holder of a single-engine EIR who also holds a multi-engine class or type rating wishing to obtain a multi-engine EIR for the first time, shall complete a course at an ATO comprising at least 2 hours instrument flight time under instruction in the en route phase of flight in multi-engine aeroplanes and shall pass the skill test referred to in point (e).


Validity, revalidation, and renewal.


An EIR shall be valid for 1 year.


Applicants for the revalidation of an EIR shall:


pass a proficiency check in an aeroplane within a period of 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating; or


within 12 months preceding the expiry date of the rating, complete 6 hours as PIC under IFR and a training flight of at least 1 hour with an instructor holding privileges to provide training for the IR(A) or EIR.


For each alternate subsequent revalidation, the holder of the EIR shall pass a proficiency check in accordance with point (g)(2)(i).


If an EIR has expired, in order to renew their privileges applicants shall:


complete refresher training provided by an instructor holding privileges to provide training for the IR(A) or EIR to reach the level of proficiency needed; and


complete a proficiency check.


If the EIR has not been revalidated or renewed within 7 years from the last validity date, the holder will also be required to pass again the EIR theoretical knowledge examinations in accordance with FCL.615(b).


For a multi-engine EIR, the proficiency check for the revalidation or renewal, and the training flight required in point (g)(2)(ii) have to be completed in a multi-engine aeroplane. If the pilot also holds a single-engine EIR, this proficiency check shall also achieve revalidation or renewal of the single-engine EIR.


When the applicant for the EIR has completed instrument flight time under instruction with an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the privilege to provide training for the IR or EIR, these hours may be credited towards the hours required in point (c)(2)(i) and (ii) up to a maximum of 5 or 6 hours respectively. The 4 hours of instrument flight instruction in multi-engine aeroplanes required in point (c)(2)(ii) shall not be subject to this credit.


To determine the amount of hours to be credited and to establish the training needs, the applicant shall complete a pre-entry assessment at the ATO.


The completion of the instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or FI(A) shall be documented in a specific training record and signed by the instructor.


Applicants for the EIR, holding a Part-FCL PPL or CPL and a valid IR(A) issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention by a third country, may be credited in full towards the training course requirements mentioned in point (c). In order to be issued the EIR, the applicant shall:


successfully complete the skill test for the EIR;


by way of derogation from point (d), demonstrate during the skill test towards the examiner that he/she has acquired an adequate level of theoretical knowledge of air law, meteorology and flight planning and performance (IR);


have a minimum experience of at least 25 hours of flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes.

FCL.830 Sailplane Cloud Flying Rating


Holders of a pilot licence with privileges to fly sailplanes shall only operate a sailplane or a powered sailplane, excluding TMG, within cloud when they hold a sailplane cloud flying rating.


Applicants for a sailplane cloud flying rating shall have completed at least:


30 hours as PIC in sailplanes or powered sailplanes after the issue of the licence;


a training course at an ATO including:


theoretical knowledge instruction; and


at least 2 hours of dual flight instruction in sailplanes or powered sailplanes, controlling the sailplane solely by reference to instruments, of which a maximum of one hour may be completed on TMGs; and


a skill test with an FE qualified for this purpose.


Holders of an EIR or an IR(A) shall be credited against the requirement of (b)(2)(i). By way of derogation from point (b)(2)(ii), at least one hour of dual flight instruction in a sailplane or powered sailplane, excluding TMG, controlling the sailplane solely by reference to instruments shall be completed.


Holders of a cloud flying rating shall only exercise their privileges when they have completed in the last 24 months at least 1 hour of flight time, or 5 flights as PIC exercising the privileges of the cloud flying rating, in sailplanes or powered sailplanes, excluding TMGs.


Holders of a cloud flying rating who do not comply with the requirements in point (d) shall, before they resume the exercise of their privileges:


undertake a proficiency check with an FE qualified for this purpose; or


perform the additional flight time or flights required in point (d) with a qualified instructor.


Holders of a valid EIR or an IR(A) shall be credited in full against the requirements in point (d).

FCL.940.MI is replaced by the following:

FCL.1005.IRE is replaced by the following:

Appendix 6 to Part-FCL is amended as follows:

a new Section Aa is inserted:

Aa. IR(A) — Competency-based modular flying training course


1.The aim of the competency-based modular flying training course is to train PPL or CPL holders for the instrument rating, taking into account prior instrument flight instruction and experience. It is designed to provide the level of proficiency needed to operate aeroplanes under IFR and in IMC. The course shall consist of a combination of instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the privilege to provide training for the IR and flight instruction within an ATO.
2.An applicant for such a competency-based modular IR(A) shall be the holder of a PPL(A) or CPL(A).
3.The course of theoretical instruction shall be completed within 18 months. The instrument flight instruction and the skill test shall be completed within the period of validity of the pass of the theoretical knowledge examinations.
4.The course shall comprise:

theoretical knowledge instruction to the IR(A) knowledge level;


instrument flight instruction.


5.An approved competency-based modular IR(A) course shall comprise at least 80 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction. The theoretical knowledge course may contain computer-based training and e-learning elements. A minimum amount of classroom teaching as required by ORA.ATO.305 has to be provided.


6.The method of attaining an IR(A) following this modular course is competency-based. However, the minimum requirements below shall be completed by the applicant. Additional training may be required to reach required competencies.

A single-engine competency-based modular IR(A) course shall include at least 40 hours of instrument time under instruction, of which up to 10 hours may be instrument ground time in an FNPT I, or up to 25 hours in an FFS or FNPT II. A maximum of 5 hours of FNPT II or FFS instrument ground time may be conducted in an FNPT I.


When the applicant has:


completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the privilege to provide training for the IR; or


prior flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes, under a rating providing the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC

these hours may be credited towards the 40 hours above up to maximum of 30 hours,


When the applicant has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than specified in point (a)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 40 hours up to a maximum of 15 hours.


In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight time under instruction in an aeroplane at an ATO.


The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours.


A multi-engine competency-based modular IR(A) course shall include at least 45 hours instrument time under instruction, of which up to 10 hours may be instrument ground time in an FNPT I, or up to 30 hours in an FFS or FNPT II. A maximum of 5 hours of FNPT II or FFS instrument ground time may be conducted in an FNPT I.


When the applicant has:


completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the privilege to provide training for the IR; or


prior flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes, under a rating giving the privileges to fly under IFR and in IMC

these hours may be credited towards the 45 hours above up to a maximum of 35 hours.


When the applicant has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than specified in point (b)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 45 hours up to a maximum of 15 hours.


In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight time under instruction in a multi-engine aeroplane at an ATO.


The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours, of which at least 15 hours shall be completed in a multi-engine aeroplane.


To determine the amount of hours credited and to establish the training needs, the applicant shall complete a pre-entry assessment at an ATO.


The completion of the instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or FI(A) in accordance with point (a)(i) or (b)(i) shall be documented in a specific training record and signed by the instructor.

7.The flight instruction for the competency-based modular IR(A) shall comprise:

procedures and manoeuvres for basic instrument flight covering at least:


basic instrument flight without external visual cues;


horizontal flight;






turns in level flight, climbing and descent;


instrument pattern;


steep turn;


radio navigation;


recovery from unusual attitudes;


limited panel; and


recognition and recovery from incipient and full stall;


pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate air traffic services documents for the preparation of an IFR flight plan;


procedure and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions covering at least:


transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off;


standard instrument departures and arrivals;


en route IFR procedures;


holding procedures;


instrument approaches to specified minima;


missed approach procedures; and


landings from instrument approaches, including circling;


in-flight manoeuvres and particular flight characteristics;


if required, operation of a multi-engine aeroplane in the above exercises, including:


operation of the aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine simulated inoperative;


engine shutdown and restart (to be carried out at a safe altitude unless carried out in an FFS or FNPT II).

8.Applicants for the competency-based modular IR(A) holding a Part-FCL PPL or CPL and a valid IR(A) issued in compliance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention by a third country may be credited in full towards the training course mentioned in paragraph 4. In order to be issued the IR(A), the applicant shall:

successfully complete the skill test for the IR(A) in accordance with Appendix 7;


demonstrate to the examiner during the skill test that he/she has acquired an adequate level of theoretical knowledge of air law, meteorology and flight planning and performance (IR); and


have a minimum experience of at least 50 hours of flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes.