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In Part I, point (b) of the second paragraph is replaced by the following:
In Part II, the column headed ‘Sorghum’ is deleted.
Part III is amended as follows:
In point 1.1, the third subparagraph is deleted.
Point 1.2 is amended as follows:
In the second subparagraph of (a), the words ‘or sorghum’ are deleted.
In the second subparagraph of (b), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
In the second subparagraph of (c), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
The second subparagraph of (d) is replaced by the following:
‘“Grains in which the germ is discoloured” does not apply to barley or maize.’
In the second subparagraph of (e), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
In the second paragraph of point 1.3, the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
Point 1.4 is amended as follows:
In the second subparagraph of (a), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted
In the second subparagraph of (b), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
In the second subparagraph of (c), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
The second subparagraph of (f) is replaced by the following:
‘“Decayed grains” does not apply to barley or maize.’
Point 2.5 is deleted.
Part IV is amended as follows:
In the second indent of point (a), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
Point (c) is deleted.
Part V is amended as follows:
In the title, the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
Paragraph 1 is amended as follows:
In the first subparagraph, the words ‘and 250 g in the case of sorghum’ are deleted.
The fourth subparagraph is replaced by:
‘Using a separator, separate the fraction retained by the sieve with slotted perforations of 1,0 mm to obtain a subsample of 100 to 200 g in the case of maize. Weigh this subsample. Spread it out in a thin layer on a table. Using tweezers or a spatula, extract the other cereals, grains damaged by pests, grains overheated during drying, sprouted grains, extraneous seeds, damaged grains, husks and impurities of animal origin. Then assess the state of the grain.’
In the fifth subparagraph, the words ‘and 1,8 mm in diameter in the case of sorghum’ are deleted.
Part IX is amended as follows:
in the first column of Table I, the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted;
in the first column of Table II, the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
Part X is deleted.
Part XI is amended as follows:
In point (a), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
In point (c), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
In point (d), the words ‘and sorghum’ are deleted.
Point (f) is replaced by:
Point (i) is deleted.
In Part I(1), points (a) and (b) are replaced by the following:
meat of uncastrated male animals aged from 12 months to less than 24 months (category A);
meat of castrated male animals aged from 12 months (category C);
meat of male animals aged from 8 months to less than 12 months (category Z).’
Part V is replaced by the following:
For the purpose of this Part, category Z refers only to male animals as described in paragraph 1(c) of Part I of this Annex.
Catégorie A, classe U2/
Categorie A, klasse U2
Catégorie A, classe U3/
Categorie A, klasse U3
Catégorie A, classe R2/
Categorie A, klasse R2
Catégorie A, classe R3/
Categorie A, klasse R3
Catégorie Z, classe U2/
Categorie Z, klasse U2
Catégorie Z, classe U3/
Categorie Z, klasse U3
Catégorie Z, classe R2/
Categorie Z, klasse R2
Catégorie Z, classe R3/
Categorie Z, klasse R3
категория А, клас R2
категория А, клас R3
категория Z, клас R2
категория Z, клас R3
Kategorie A, třída R2
Kategorie A, třída R3
Kategorie Z, třída R2
Kategorie Z, třída R3
Kategori A, klasse R2
Kategori A, klasse R3
Kategori Z, klasse R2
Kategori Z, klasse R3
Kategorie A, Klasse U2
Kategorie A, Klasse U3
Kategorie A, Klasse R2
Kategorie A, Klasse R3
Kategorie Z, Klasse U2
Kategorie Z, Klasse U3
Kategorie Z, Klasse R2
Kategorie Z, Klasse R3
Kategooria A, klass R2
Kategooria A, klass R3
Kategooria Z, klass R2
Kategooria Z, klass R3
Category C, class U3
Category C, class U4
Category C, class R3
Category C, class R4
Category C, class O3
Κατηγορία A, κλάση R2
Κατηγορία A, κλάση R3
Κατηγορία Z, κλάση R2
Κατηγορία Z, κλάση R3
Categoría A, clase U2
Categoría A, clase U3
Categoría A, clase R2
Categoría A, clase R3
Categoría Z, clase U2
Categoría Z, clase U3
Categoría Z, clase R2
Categoría Z, clase R3
Catégorie A, classe U2
Catégorie A, classe U3
Catégorie A, classe R2
Catégorie A, classe R3
Catégorie Z, classe U2
Catégorie Z, classe U3
Catégorie Z, classe R2
Catégorie Z, classe R3
Catégorie C, classe U2
Catégorie C, classe U3
Catégorie C, classe U4
Catégorie C, classe R3
Catégorie C, classe R4
Catégorie C, classe O3
Kategorija A, klasa U2
Kategorija A, klasa U3
Kategorija A, klasa R2
Kategorija A, klasa R3
Kategorija Z, klasa U2
Kategorija Z, klasa U3
Kategorija Z, klasa R2
Kategorija Z, klasa R3
Categoria A, classe U2
Categoria A, classe U3
Categoria A, classe R2
Categoria A, classe R3
Categoria Z, classe U2
Categoria Z, classe U3
Categoria Z, classe R2
Categoria Z, classe R3
Κατηγορία A, κλάση R2
Κατηγορία Z, κλάση R2
A kategorija, R2 klase
A kategorija, R3 klase
Z kategorija, R2 klase
Z kategorija, R3 klase
A kategorija, R2 klasė
A kategorija, R3 klasė
Z kategorija, R2 klasė
Z kategorija, R3 klasė
Catégorie A, classe U2
Catégorie A, classe U3
Catégorie A, classe R2
Catégorie A, classe R3
A kategória, R2 osztály
A kategória, R3 osztály
Z kategória, R2 osztály
Z kategória, R3 osztály
Kategorija A, klassi R3
Kategorija Z, klassi R3
Categorie A, klasse R2
Categorie A, klasse R3
Categorie Z, klasse R2
Categorie Z, klasse R3
Kategorie A, Klasse U2
Kategorie A, Klasse U3
Kategorie A, Klasse R2
Kategorie A, Klasse R3
Kategorie Z, Klasse U2
Kategorie Z, Klasse U3
Kategorie Z, Klasse R2
Kategorie Z, Klasse R3
Kategoria A, klasa R2
Kategoria A, klasa R3
Kategoria Z, klasa R2
Kategoria Z, klasa R3
Categoria A, classe U2
Categoria A, classe U3
Categoria A, classe R2
Categoria A, classe R3
Categoria Z, classe U2
Categoria Z, classe U3
Categoria Z, classe R2
Categoria Z, classe R3
categoria A, clasa R2
categoria A, clasa R3
categoria Z, clasa R2
categoria Z, clasa R3
Kategorija A, razred R2
Kategorija A, razred R3
Kategorija Z, razred R2
Kategorija Z, razred R3
kategória A, akostná trieda R2
kategória A, akostná trieda R3
kategória Z, akostná trieda R2
kategória Z, akostná trieda R3
Kategoria A, luokka R2/Kategori A, klass R2
Kategoria A, luokka R3/Kategori A, klass R3
Kategoria Z, luokka R2/Kategori Z, klass R2
Kategoria Z, luokka R3/Kategori Z, klass R3
Kategori A, klass R2
Kategori A, klass R3
Kategori Z, klass R2
Kategori Z, klass R3
Category C, class U3
Category C, class U4
Category C, class R3
Category C, class R4
Category C, class U3
Category C, class U4
Category C, class R3
Category C, class R4
Category C, class O3’
Part V of Annex I is replaced by the following:
‘Reference method for determining matter other than basic cereals of unimpaired quality in the case of maize’
Part X of Annex I is deleted.