CHAPTER I Sustainable development of fisheries
Article 34Permanent cessation of fishing activities
The EMFF may support measures for the permanent cessation of fishing activities only when that is achieved through the scrapping of fishing vessels and provided that:
such scrapping is included in the operational programme referred to in Article 18; and
the permanent cessation is foreseen as a tool of an action plan referred to in Article 22(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 indicating that the fleet segment is not effectively balanced with the fishing opportunities available to that segment.
Support under paragraph 1 shall be granted to:
owners of Union fishing vessels registered as active and which have carried out fishing activities at sea for at least 90 days per year during the last two calendar years preceding the date of submission of the application for support; or
fishermen who have worked at sea for at least 90 days per year during the last two calendar years preceding the date of submission of the application for support, on board of a Union fishing vessel concerned by the permanent cessation.
The fishermen concerned shall effectively cease all fishing activities. The beneficiary shall provide proof of the effective cessation of fishing activities to the competent authority. The compensation shall be refunded on a pro rata temporis basis where the fisherman returns to a fishing activity within a period of less than two years from the date of submission of the application for support.
Support under this Article may be granted until 31 December 2017.
Support under this Article shall be paid only after the equivalent capacity has been permanently removed from the Union fishing fleet register and after the fishing licences and authorisations have also been permanently withdrawn. The beneficiary shall be prohibited from registering a new fishing vessel within five years following the receipt of such support. The decrease in capacity as a result of the permanent cessation of fishing activities with public aid shall result in the permanent equivalent reduction of the fishing capacity ceilings set out in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, support may be granted for the permanent cessation of fishing activities without scrapping provided that the vessels retrofit for activities other than commercial fishing.
In addition and with a view to preserving maritime heritage, support may be granted for the permanent cessation of fishing activities without scrapping in the case of traditional wooden vessels, provided that such vessels retain a land-based heritage function.