

CHAPTER III Sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture areas

Section 1 Scope and objectives

Article 58Scope

The EMFF shall support the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture areas following a community–led local development approach as set out in Article 32 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013.

Article 59Specific objectives

Support under this Chapter shall contribute to the achievement of the specific objectives under the Union priority set out in Article 6(4).

Section 2 Community–led local development strategies and fisheries local action groups

Article 60Community–led local development strategies

1.In order to contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in Article 59, community–led local development strategies shall:

(a)maximise the participation of fishery and aquaculture sectors in the sustainable development of coastal and inland fisheries and aquaculture areas;

(b)ensure that local communities fully exploit and benefit from the opportunities offered by maritime, coastal and inland water development and, in particular, help small and declining fishing ports to maximise their marine potential by developing a diversified infrastructure.

2.The strategies shall be coherent with the opportunities and needs identified in the relevant area and the Union priorities set out in Article 6. Strategies may range from those which focus on fisheries to broader strategies directed at the diversification of fisheries areas. The strategies shall go beyond a mere collection of operations or juxtaposition of sectoral measures.

Article 61Fisheries local action groups

1.For the purposes of the EMFF, the local action groups referred to in Article 32(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 shall be designated as Fisheries local action groups (FLAGs).

2.The FLAGs shall propose a community–led local development strategy based on, at least, the elements set out in Article 60 of this Regulation and shall be responsible for its implementation.

3.The FLAGs shall:

(a)broadly reflect the main focus of their strategy and the socioeconomic composition of the area through a balanced representation of the main stakeholders, including private sector, public sector and civil society;

(b)ensure a significant representation of the fisheries and/or aquaculture sectors.

4.If the community–led local development strategy is supported by other Funds in addition to the EMFF, the selection body of the FLAGs for the EMFF supported projects shall also fulfil the requirements set out in paragraph 3.

5.FLAGs may also carry out additional tasks going beyond the minimum tasks provided for in Article 34(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, where such tasks are delegated to them by the managing authority.

Section 3 Eligible operations

Article 62Support from the EMFF for community–led local development

1.The following operations are eligible for support under this Section in accordance with Article 35 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013:

(a)preparatory support;

(b)implementation of community–led local development strategies;

(c)cooperation activities;

(d)running costs and animation.

2.FLAGs may request the payment of an advance from the managing authority if such possibility is provided for in the operational programme. The amount of the advances shall not exceed 50 % of the public support related to the running costs and animation.

Article 63Implementation of community–led local development strategies

1.Support for the implementation of community–led local development strategies may be granted for the following objectives:

(a)adding value, creating jobs, attracting young people and promoting innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fishery and aquaculture products;

(b)supporting diversification inside or outside commercial fisheries, lifelong learning and job creation in fisheries and aquaculture areas;

(c)enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets of the fisheries and aquaculture areas, including operations to mitigate climate change;

(d)promoting social well-being and cultural heritage in fisheries and aquaculture areas, including fisheries, aquaculture and maritime cultural heritage;

(e)strengthening the role of fisheries communities in local development and the governance of local fisheries resources and maritime activities.

2.The support referred to in paragraph 1 may include measures provided for in Chapters I, II and IV of this Title, with the exception of Articles 66 and 67, provided that there is a clear rationale for their management at local level. Where support is granted for operations corresponding to those measures, the relevant conditions and the scales of contribution per operation laid down in Chapters I, II and IV of this Title shall apply.

Article 64Cooperation activities

1.Support referred to in Article 35(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 may be granted to:

(a)inter-territorial or transnational cooperation projects;

(b)preparatory technical support for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation projects, on the condition that FLAGs can demonstrate that they are preparing the implementation of a project.

For the purposes of this Article, the term ‘inter-territorial cooperation’ means cooperation within a Member State, and the term ‘transnational cooperation’ means cooperation between territories in several Member States or cooperation between at least one territory of a Member State and one or more territories in third countries.

2.For the purposes of this Article, apart from other FLAGs, the partners of a FLAG under the EMFF may be a local public–private partnership that is implementing a community–led local development strategy within or outside the Union.

3.In cases where co–operation projects are not selected by the FLAGs, Member States shall establish an appropriate system for the purpose of facilitating cooperation projects. They shall make public the national or regional administrative procedures concerning the selection of transnational cooperation projects and a list of eligible costs at the latest two years after the date of approval of their operational programme.

4.Administrative decisions concerning cooperation projects shall take place no later than four months after the date of submission of the project.

5.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the approved transnational cooperation projects in accordance with Article 110.