Article 8Decision on the clinical trial


Each Member State concerned shall notify the sponsor through the EU portal as to whether the clinical trial is authorised, whether it is authorised subject to conditions, or whether authorisation is refused.

Notification shall be done by way of one single decision within five days from the reporting date or from the last day of the assessment referred to in Article 7, whichever is later.

An authorisation of a clinical trial subject to conditions is restricted to conditions which by their nature cannot be fulfilled at the time of that authorisation.


Where the conclusion of the reporting Member State as regards Part I of the assessment report is that the conduct of the clinical trial is acceptable or acceptable subject to compliance with specific conditions, that conclusion shall be deemed to be the conclusion of the Member State concerned.

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, a Member State concerned may disagree with the conclusion of the reporting Member State as regards Part I of the assessment report only on the following grounds:


when it considers that participation in the clinical trial would lead to a subject receiving an inferior treatment than in normal clinical practice in the Member State concerned;


infringement of its national law as referred to in Article 90;


considerations as regards subject safety and data reliability and robustness submitted under paragraph 5 or 8 of Article 6.

Where a Member State concerned disagrees with the conclusion on the basis of the second subparagraph, it shall communicate its disagreement, together with a detailed justification, through the EU portal, to the Commission, to all Member States, and to the sponsor.


Where, regarding the aspects covered by Part I of the assessment report, the clinical trial is acceptable or acceptable subject to compliance with specific conditions, the Member State concerned shall include in its decision its conclusion on Part II of the assessment report.


A Member State concerned shall refuse to authorise a clinical trial if it disagrees with the conclusion of the reporting Member State as regards Part I of the assessment report on any of the grounds referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2, or if it finds, on duly justified grounds, that the aspects addressed in Part II of the assessment report are not complied with, or where an ethics committee has issued a negative opinion which in accordance with the law of the Member State concerned is valid for that entire Member State. That Member State shall provide for an appeal procedure in respect of such refusal.


Where the conclusion of the reporting Member State as regards Part I of the assessment report is that the clinical trial is not acceptable, that conclusion shall be deemed to be the conclusion of all Member States concerned.


Where the Member State concerned has not notified the sponsor of its decision within the relevant periods referred to in paragraph 1, the conclusion on Part I of the assessment report shall be deemed to be the decision of the Member State concerned on the application for authorisation of the clinical trial.


The Member States concerned shall not request additional information regarding the aspects addressed in Part I of the assessment report from the sponsor after the reporting date.


For the purposes of this Chapter, the notification date shall be the date on which the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is notified to the sponsor. Where the sponsor has not been notified in accordance with paragraph 1, the notification date shall be deemed to be the last day of the period provided for in paragraph 1.


If no subject has been included in the clinical trial in a Member State concerned within two years from the notification date of the authorisation, the authorisation shall expire in that Member State concerned unless an extension, on request of the sponsor, has been approved following the procedure set out in Chapter III.