Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (Text with EEA relevance) (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text


    1. Article 1.Scope

    2. Article 2.Definitions

    3. Article 3.Conditions for exemption

    4. Article 4.Notification thresholds

    5. Article 5.Transparency of aid

    6. Article 6.Incentive effect

    7. Article 7.Aid intensity and eligible costs

    8. Article 8.Cumulation

    9. Article 9.Publication and information


    1. Article 10.Withdrawal of the benefit of the block exemption

    2. Article 11. Reporting

    3. Article 12. Monitoring


    1. SECTION 1 Regional aid

      1. Subsection A Regional investment and operating aid

        1. Article 13. Scope of regional aid

        2. Article 14.Regional investment aid

        3. Article 15. Regional operating aid

      2. Subsection B Urban development aid

        1. Article 16.Regional urban development aid

    2. SECTION 2 Aid to SMEs

      1. Article 17.Investment aid to SMEs

      2. Article 18.Aid for consultancy in favour of SMEs

      3. Article 19.Aid to SMEs for participation in fairs

      4. Article 20.Aid for cooperation costs incurred by SMEs participating in European Territorial Cooperation projects

    3. SECTION 3 Aid for access to finance for SMEs

      1. Article 21.Risk finance aid

      2. Article 22.Aid for start-ups

      3. Article 23.Aid to alternative trading platforms specialised in SMEs

      4. Article 24.Aid for scouting costs

    4. SECTION 4 Aid for research and development and innovation

      1. Article 25.Aid for research and development projects

      2. Article 26.Investment aid for research infrastructures

      3. Article 27.Aid for innovation clusters

      4. Article 28.Innovation aid for SMEs

      5. Article 29.Aid for process and organisational innovation

      6. Article 30.Aid for research and development in the fishery and aquaculture sector

    5. SECTION 5 Training aid

      1. Article 31.Training aid

    6. SECTION 6 Aid for disadvantaged workers and for workers with disabilities

      1. Article 32.Aid for the recruitment of disadvantaged workers in the form of wage subsidies

      2. Article 33.Aid for the employment of workers with disabilities in the form of wage subsidies

      3. Article 34.Aid for compensating the additional costs of employing workers with disabilities

      4. Article 35.Aid for compensating the costs of assistance provided to disadvantaged workers

    7. SECTION 7 Aid for environmental protection

      1. Article 36.Investment aid enabling undertakings to go beyond Union standards for environmental protection or to increase the level of environmental protection in the absence of Union standards

      2. Article 37.Investment aid for early adaptation to future Union standards

      3. Article 38.Investment aid for energy efficiency measures

      4. Article 39.Investment aid for energy efficiency projects in buildings

      5. Article 40.Investment aid for high-efficiency cogeneration

      6. Article 41.Investment aid for the promotion of energy from renewable sources

      7. Article 42.Operating aid for the promotion of electricity from renewable sources

      8. Article 43.Operating aid for the promotion of energy from renewable sources in small scale installations

      9. Article 44.Aid in the form of reductions in environmental taxes under Directive 2003/96/EC

      10. Article 45.Investment aid for remediation of contaminated sites

      11. Article 46.Investment aid for energy efficient district heating and cooling

      12. Article 47.Investment aid for waste recycling and re-utilisation

      13. Article 48.Investment aid for energy infrastructure

      14. Article 49.Aid for environmental studies

    8. SECTION 8 Aid to make good the damage caused by certain natural disasters

      1. Article 50.Aid schemes to make good the damage caused by certain natural disasters

    9. SECTION 9 Social aid for transport for residents of remote regions

      1. Article 51.Social aid for transport for residents of remote regions

    10. SECTION 10 Aid for broadband infrastructures

      1. Article 52.Aid for broadband infrastructures

    11. SECTION 11 Aid for culture and heritage conservation

      1. Article 53.Aid for culture and heritage conservation

      2. Article 54.Aid schemes for audiovisual works

    12. SECTION 12 Aid for sport and multifunctional recreational infrastructures

      1. Article 55.Aid for sport and multifunctional recreational infrastructures

    13. SECTION 13 Aid for local infrastructures

      1. Article 56.Investment aid for local infrastructures

    14. SECTION 14 Aid for regional airports

      1. Article 56a. Aid for regional airports

    15. SECTION 15 Aid for ports

      1. Article 56b. Aid for maritime ports

      2. Article 56c. Aid for inland ports


    1. Article 57.Repeal

    2. Article 58.Transitional provisions

    3. Article 59.This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2014....

  6. Signature

    1. ANNEX I


      1. Article 1.Enterprise

      2. Article 2.Staff headcount and financial thresholds determining enterprise categories

      3. Article 3.Types of enterprise taken into consideration in calculating staff numbers and financial amounts

      4. Article 4.Data used for the staff headcount and the financial amounts and reference period

      5. Article 5.Staff headcount

      6. Article 6.Establishing the data of an enterprise

    2. ANNEX II


      1. PART I to be provided through the established Commission IT application as laid down in Article 11

      2. PART II to be provided through the established Commission IT application as laid down in Article 11

    3. ANNEX III

      Provisions for the publication of information as laid down in Article 9(1)

      1. Member States shall organise their comprehensive State aid websites, on...

      2. The following information on individual awards as laid down in...

      3. Name of the beneficiary Beneficiary's identifier Type of enterprise (SME/large)...