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CHAPTER IV U.K. Other measures

Article 35U.K.Implementation and adaptation of the rules

1.The Union may finance technical and scientific work, including studies and coordination activities, necessary to ensure the correct implementation of the rules in respect of the fields referred to in Article 1 and the adaptation of those rules to scientific, technological and societal developments.

A Union financial contribution may also be granted to the Member States or international organisations operating in the fields referred to in Article 1 in order for them to undertake activities in support of the development and implementation of the rules in respect of those fields.

2.Grants may be awarded to projects organised by one or more Member States with the aim of improving, through the use of innovative techniques and protocols, the efficient performance of official controls.

3.A Union financial contribution may also be granted to support information and awareness raising initiatives by the Union and Member States aimed at ensuring improved, compliant and sustainable behaviour in the implementation of the rules in respect of the fields referred to in Article 1.