
ANNEX II Measurements and calculations


The energy consumption of a cavity of a domestic oven shall be measured for one standardised cycle, in a conventional mode and in a fan-forced mode, if available, by heating a standardised load soaked with water. It shall be verified that the temperature inside the oven cavity reaches the temperature setting of the thermostat and/or the oven control display within the duration of the test cycle. The energy consumption per cycle corresponding to the best performing mode (conventional mode or fan-forced mode) shall be used in the following calculations.

For each cavity of a domestic oven, the Energy Efficiency Index (EEIcavity) shall be calculated according to the following formulas:

for domestic electric ovens:

(in kWh)

for domestic gas ovens:

(in MJ)


— EEIcavity


Energy Efficiency Index for each cavity of a domestic oven, rounded to the first decimal place,

— SECelectric cavity


Standard Energy Consumption (electricity) required to heat a standardised load in a cavity of a domestic electric heated oven during a cycle, expressed in kWh, rounded to the second decimal place,

— SECgas cavity


Standard Energy Consumption required to heat a standardised load in a cavity of a domestic gas-fired oven during a cycle, expressed in MJ, rounded to the second decimal place,

— V


Volume of the cavity of the domestic oven in litres (L), rounded to the nearest integer,

— ECelectric cavity


Energy Consumption required to heat a standardised load in a cavity of a domestic electric heated oven during a cycle, expressed in kWh, rounded to the second decimal place,

— ECgas cavity


Energy Consumption required to heat a standardised load in a gas-fired cavity of a domestic oven during a cycle, expressed in MJ, rounded to the second decimal place.