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[Insert name, as in 1. below:] ‘’
EU No: [for EU use only]
Member State or Third Country ‘’
1. Name(s) to be registered U.K.
2. Type of product [as in Annex XI] U.K.
3. Grounds for registration U.K.
3.1. Whether the product: U.K.
results from a mode of production, processing or composition corresponding to traditional practice for that product or foodstuff
is produced from raw materials or ingredients that are those traditionally used.
[Provide explanation]
3.2. Whether the name: U.K.
has been traditionally used to refer to the specific product
identifies the traditional character or specific character of the product
[Provide explanation]
4. Description U.K.
4.1. Description of the product to which the name under point 1 applies, including its main physical, chemical, microbiological or organoleptic characteristics showing the product's specific character (Article 7(2) of this Regulation) U.K.
4.2. Description of the production method of the product to which the name under point 1 applies that the producers must follow including, where appropriate, the nature and characteristics of the raw materials or ingredients used, and the method by which the product is prepared (Article 7(2) of this Regulation) U.K.
4.3. Description of the key elements establishing the product's traditional character (Article 7(2) of this Regulation) U.K.