155. The information for the purpose of template C 33.00 shall cover all exposures to General governments as referred to in point (b) of paragraph 42 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation. U.K.
156. Exposures to General governments are included in different exposure classes in accordance with Article 112 and Article 147 CRR, as specified by the instructions for the completion of template C 07.00, C 08.01 and C 08.02. U.K.
157. Table 2 (Standardised Approach) and Table 3 (IRB Approach), included in Part 3 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, shall be observed for the mapping of exposure classes used to calculate capital requirements under CRR to counterparty sector General governments . U.K.
158. Information shall be reported for the total aggregate exposures (meaning the sum of all countries in which the bank has sovereign exposures) and for each country on the basis of the residence of the counterparty on an immediate borrower basis. U.K.
159. The allocation of exposures to exposure classes or jurisdictions shall be made without considering credit mitigation techniques and in particular without considering substitution effects. However, the calculation of exposure values and risk weighted exposure amounts for each exposure class and each jurisdiction shall include the incidence of credit risk mitigation techniques, including substitution effects. U.K.
160. The reporting of information on exposures to General governments by jurisdiction of residence of the immediate counterparty other than the domestic jurisdiction of the reporting institution is subject to the thresholds laid down in point (3) of Article 5(b) of this Implementing Regulation. U.K.


161. The scope of the GOV template covers on, off-balance sheet and derivatives direct exposures to General governments in the banking and trading book. In addition, a memorandum item on indirect exposures in the form of credit derivatives sold on general government exposures is also requested. U.K.
162. An exposure is a direct exposure when the immediate counterparty is an entity that is a General government as referred to in point (b) of paragraph 42 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation. U.K.
163. The template is divided in two sections. The first one is based on a breakdown of exposures by risk, regulatory approach and exposure classes whereas a second one is based on a breakdown by residual maturity U.K.


ANNEX II Table 60: rows 1 - 39
[F1Columns Instructions
Total gross carrying amount of non-derivative financial assets

Aggregate of gross carrying amount, as determined in accordance with paragraph 34 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, of non-derivative financial assets to General governments, for all accounting portfolios under IFRS or national GAAP based on BAD defined in paragraphs 15 to 22 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, and listed in columns 030 to 120

Prudent valuation adjustments shall not reduce the gross carrying amount of trading and non-trading exposures measured at fair value.

Total carrying amount of non-derivative financial assets (net of short positions)

Aggregate of the carrying amount, as referred to in paragraph 27 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, of non-derivative financial assets to General governments for all accounting portfolios under IFRS or national GAAP based on BAD defined in paragraphs 15 to 22 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation and listed in columns 030 to 120, net of short positions.

Where the institution has a short position for the same residual maturity and the same immediate counterparty that is denominated in the same currency, the carrying amount of the short position shall be netted against the carrying amount of the direct position. That net amount shall be considered to be zero when it is a negative amount.

The sum of the columns 030 to 120 minus column 130 shall be reported. If that amount is lower than zero, the amount to be reported shall be zero.


Aggregate carrying amount of non-derivative financial assets, as defined in the row above of this table, to General governments, broken down by accounting portfolio under the applicable accounting framework

Financial assets held for trading

IFRS 7.8(a)(ii); IFRS 9 Appendix A

Trading financial assets

Articles 32 and 33 BAD; Paragraph 16 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation; point (a) of Article 8(1) AD

Only to be reported by institutions under national Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss

IFRS 7.8(a)(ii); IFRS

Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss

IFRS 7.8(a)(i); IFRS and point (a) of Article 8(1) and Article 8(6) AD

Non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss

Article 36(2) BAD; point (a) of Article 8(1) AD

Only to be reported by institutions under national Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

IFRS 7.8(d); IFRS A

Non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value to equity

Point (a) of Article 8(1) and Article 8(8) AD

Only to be reported by institutions under national Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Financial assets at amortised cost

IFRS 7.8(f); IFRS; Paragraph 15 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation

Non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at a cost-based method

Article 35 BAD; point (i) of Article 6(1) and Article 8(2) AD; Paragraph 16 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation

Only to be reported by institutions under national Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Other non-trading non-derivative financial assets

Article 37 BAD; Article 12(7) AD; Paragraph 16 of Part 1 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation

Only to be reported by institutions under national Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Short positions

Carrying amount of short positions, as defined in IFRS 9 BA.7(b) where the direct counterparty is a General government as defined in paragraphs 155 to 160 of this Annex.

Short positions arise where the institution sells securities acquired in a reverse repurchase loan or borrowed in a securities lending transaction.

The carrying amount is the fair value of the short positions.

Short positions shall be reported by residual maturity bucket, as listed in rows 170 to 230, and by immediate counterparty. Short positions shall be used for netting with positions for the same residual maturity and immediate counterparty for the computation of columns 030 to 120.

Of which: Short positions from reverse repurchased loans classified as held for trading or trading financial assets

Carrying amount of short positions, as defined in IFRS 9 BA.7(b), that arise when the institution sells the securities acquired in reverse repurchase loans, where the direct counterparty of those securities is a General government and that are included in the held for trading or trading financial assets accounting portfolios (columns 030 or 040).

Short positions that arise when the sold securities were borrowed in a securities lending transition shall not be included in this column.

Accumulated impairment

Aggregate accumulated impairment related to non-derivative financial assets reported in columns 080 to 120 (paragraphs 70 and 71 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation)

Accumulated impairment – of which: from financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income or from non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value to equity

Aggregate of accumulated impairment related to non-derivative financial assets reported in columns 080 and 090.

Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk

Aggregate of accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk related to positions informed in columns 050, 060, 070, 080 and 090 (paragraph 69 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation)

Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk – of which: from non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss or from non-trading financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss

Aggregate of accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk related to positions informed in columns 050, 060 and 070.

Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk – of which: from financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income or from non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value to equity

Aggregate of accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk related to positions informed in columns 080 and 090.


Direct derivative positions shall be reported in columns 200 to 230.

For the reporting of derivatives subject to both counterparty credit risk and market risk capital charges, see instructions for the row breakdown.

Derivatives with positive fair value

All derivative instruments with a General government counterparty with a positive fair value for the institution at the reporting date, regardless of whether those instruments are used in a qualifying hedging relationship, are held for trading, or are included in the trading portfolio under IFRS and national GAAP based on BAD.

Derivatives used in economic hedging shall be reported here when they are included in the trading or held for trading accounting portfolios (paragraphs 120, 124, 125 and 137 to 140 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation).

Derivatives with positive fair value: Carrying amount

Carrying amount of the derivatives accounted for as financial assets at the reporting reference date.

Under GAAP based on BAD, derivatives to be reported in these columns include the derivative instruments measured at cost or at the lower of cost or market included in the trading portfolio or designated as hedging instruments.

Derivatives with positive fair value: Notional amount

Under IFRS and national GAAP based on BAD, notional amount, as defined in paragraphs 133 to 135 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, of all derivative contracts concluded and not yet settled at the reporting reference date, where the counterparty is a General government as defined in paragraphs 155 to 160 of this Annex and the fair value of the derivative is positive for the institution at the reference date.

Derivatives with negative fair value

All derivative instruments with a General government counterparty with a negative fair value for the institution at the reporting reference date, regardless of whether those instruments are used in a qualifying hedging relationship or are held for trading or included in the trading portfolio under IFRS and national GAAP based on BAD.

Derivatives used in economic hedging shall be reported here when they are included in the trading or held for trading accounting portfolios (paragraphs 120, 124, 125 and 137 to 140 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation).

Derivatives with negative fair value: Carrying amount

Carrying amount of the derivatives accounted for as financial liabilities at the reporting reference date.

Under GAAP based on BAD, derivatives to be reported in these columns include the derivative instruments measured at cost or at the lower of cost or market included in the trading portfolio or designated as hedging instruments.

Derivatives with negative fair value: Notional amount

Under IFRS and national GAAP based on BAD, notional amount, as defined in paragraphs 133 to 135 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, of all derivative contracts concluded and not yet settled at the reference date, where the counterparty is a General government as defined in paragraphs 155 to 160 of this Annex and the fair value of the derivative is negative for the institution at the reference date.

Nominal amount

Where the direct counterparty of the off-balance sheet item is a General government as defined in paragraphs 155 to 160 of this Annex, nominal amount of the commitments and financial guarantees that are not considered as a derivative in accordance with IFRS or under national GAAP based on BAD (paragraphs 102-119 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation,).

In accordance with paragraphs 43 and 44 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation, the General government is the direct counterparty: (a) in a financial guarantee given, when it is the direct counterparty of the guaranteed debt instrument, and (b) in a loan commitment and other commitment given, when it is the counterparty whose credit risk is assumed by the reporting institution.


Point (6)(c) and Off balance sheet items of Article 4, Articles 27(11), 28(8) and Article 33 BAD+/; IFRS,(d)(ii),;IAS 37, IFRS 4, Part 2.11 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation.

Provisions on all off-balance sheet exposures regardless of how they are measured, except those that are measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9.

Under IFRS, the impairment of a loan commitment given shall be reported in column 150 where the institution cannot separately identify the expected credit losses related to the drawn and undrawn amount of the debt instrument. In case the combined expected credit losses for that financial instrument exceed the gross carrying amount of the loan component of the instrument, the remaining balance of the expected credit losses shall be reported as a provision in column 250.

Accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk

For off-balance sheet items measured at fair value through profit or loss under IFRS 9, accumulated negative changes in fair value due to credit risk (paragraph 110 of Part 2 of Annex V to this Implementing Regulation)

Memorandum item: credit derivatives sold on general government exposures

Credit derivatives that do not meet the definition of financial guarantees in Annex V, Part 2, paragraph 58 that the reporting institution has underwritten with counterparties other than General governments and whose reference exposure is a General government shall be reported.

These columns shall not be reported for exposures broken down by risk, regulatory approach and exposure class (rows 020 to 160).

The exposures reported in the section are not to be considered in the computation of exposure Value and Risk weighted amount (columns 290 and 300) which is based solely on direct exposures.

Derivatives with positive fair value – Carrying amount

Aggregated carrying amount of the credit derivatives sold on general government exposures reported which have a positive fair value for the institution at the reference reporting date, without considering prudent valuation adjustments.

For derivatives under IFRS, the amount to be reported in this column is the carrying amount of the derivatives that are financial assets at the reporting date.

For derivatives under GAAP based on BAD, the amount to be reported in this column shall be the fair value of the derivatives with a positive fair value at the reference reporting date, independently of how they are accounted for.

Derivatives with negative fair value – Carrying amount

Aggregated carrying amount of the credit derivatives sold on general government exposures reported which have a negative fair value for the institution at the reference reporting date, without considering prudent valuation adjustments.

For derivatives under IFRS, the amount to be reported in this column shall be the carrying amount of the derivatives that are financial liabilities at the reporting date.

For derivatives under GAAP based on BAD, the amount to be reported in this column is the fair value of the derivatives with a negative fair value at the reference reporting date, independently of how they are accounted for.

Exposure value

Exposure value for exposures subject to the credit risk framework.

For exposures under the Standardised Approach (SA): see Article 111 CRR. For exposures under the IRB Approach: see Article 166 and the second sentence of Article 230(1) CRR.

For the reporting of derivatives subject to both counterparty credit risk and market risk capital charges, see instructions for the row breakdown.

Risk weighted exposure amount

Risk weighted exposure amount for exposures subject to the credit risk framework.

For exposures under the Standardised Approach (SA): see paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 113 CRR. For exposures under the IRB Approach: see paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 153 CRR.

For the reporting of direct exposures within the scope of Article 271 CRR subject to own funds requirements for both counterparty credit risk and market risk, see instructions for the row breakdown.

Rows Instructions
Total exposures

Aggregate of exposures to General governments, as defined in paragraphs 155 to 160 of this Annex.

Exposures under the credit risk framework

Aggregate of exposures to General governments that shall be risk-weighted in accordance with Title II of Part Three CRR. Exposures under the credit risk framework include exposures from both the non-trading book and the trading book subject to a capital charge for counterparty credit risk.

Direct exposures within the scope of Article 271 CRR subject to own funds requirements for both counterparty credit risk and market risk shall be reported both in the credit risk rows (020 to 155) and the market risk row (row 160): the exposures due to counterparty credit risk shall be reported in the credit risk rows, while the exposures due to market risk shall be reported in the market risk row.

Standardised Approach

Exposures to General governments that shall be risk-weighted in accordance with Chapter 2 of Title II of Part Three CRR, including exposures from the non-trading book for which the risk-weighting in accordance with that Chapter addresses counterparty credit risk.

Central governments

Exposures to General governments that are central governments. These exposures are allocated to the Central governments or central banks exposure class in accordance with Articles 112 and 114 CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 07.00, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Regional governments or local authorities

Exposures to General governments that are regional governments or local authorities. These exposures are allocated to the Regional governments or local authorities exposure class in accordance with Articles 112 and 115 CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 07.00, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Public sector entities

Exposures to General governments that are public sector entities. These exposures are allocated to the Public sector entities exposure class in accordance with Articles 112 and 116 CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 07.00, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

International Organisations

Exposures to General governments that are international organisations. These exposures are allocated to the International Organisations exposure classes in accordance with Articles 112 and 118 CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 07.00, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Other general government exposures subject to Standardised Approach

Exposures to General governments other than those included in rows 040 to 070 above, which are allocated to SA exposure classes in accordance with Article 112 CRR for the purposes of calculating own funds requirements.

IRB Approach

Exposures to General governments that shall be risk-weighted in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title II of Part Three CRR, including exposures from the non-trading book for which the risk-weighting in accordance with that Chapter addresses counterparty credit risk.

Central governments

Exposures to General governments that are central governments and that are allocated to the Central governments and central banks exposure class in accordance with point (a) of Article 147(3) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply..

Regional governments or local authorities [Central governments and central banks]

Exposures to General governments that are regional governments or local authorities and that are allocated to the Central governments and central banks exposure class in accordance with point (a) of Article 147(3) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Regional governments or local authorities [Institutions]

Exposures to General governments that are regional governments or local authorities and that are allocated to the Institutions exposure class in accordance with point (a) of Article 147(4) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Public sector entities [Central governments and central banks]

Exposures to General governments that are public sector entities in accordance with Article 4(8) CRR and that are allocated to the Central governments and central banks exposure class in accordance with point (a) of Article 147(3) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Public sector entities [Institutions]

Exposures to General governments that are public sector entities in accordance with Article 4(8) CRR and that are allocated to the Institutions exposure class in accordance with point (b) of Article 147(4) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

International Organisations [Central governments and central banks]

Exposures to General governments that are International Organisations and that are allocated to the Central governments and central banks exposure class in accordance with point (c) of Article 147(3) CRR, as specified by the instructions for template C 08.01 and C 08.02, with the exception of the specifications as regards the redistribution of exposures to General governments to other exposure classes due to the application of credit risk mitigation techniques with substitution effects on the exposure, which shall not apply.

Other general government exposures subject to IRB Approach

Exposures to General governments other than those included in rows 090 to 140 above which are allocated to IRB exposure classes in accordance with Article 147 CRR for the purposes of calculating own funds requirements.

Exposures subject to market risk

Market risk exposures cover positions for which own funds requirements are calculated in accordance with Title IV of Part Three CRR.

Direct exposures within the scope of Article 271 CRR subject to own funds requirements for both counterparty credit risk and market risk shall be reported both in the credit risk rows (020 to 155) and the market risk row (row 160): the exposure due to counterparty credit risk shall be reported in the credit risk rows, while the exposure due to market risk shall be reported in the market risk row.


Residual maturity shall be computed in days between the contractual date of maturity and the reporting reference date for all positions.

Exposures to General governments shall be broken-down by residual maturity and allocated to the buckets provided as follows:

  • [0 – 3M [ : Less than 90 days

  • [3M – 1Y [ : Equal or greater than 90 days and less than 365 days

  • [1Y – 2Y [ : Equal or greater than 365 days and less than 730 days

  • [2Y – 3Y [ : Equal or greater than 730 days and less than 1 095 days

  • [3Y – 5Y [ : Equal or greater than 1 095 days and less than 1 825 days

  • [5Y – 10Y [ : Equal or greater than 1 825 days and less than 3 650 days

  • [10Y – more : Equal or greater than 3 650 days]