

3. Statement of comprehensive income

ANNEX III Table 6: rows 1 - 38

References Current period
010 Profit or (-) loss for the year IAS 1.7, 81(b), 83(a), IG6
020 Other comprehensive income IAS 1.7, 81(b), IG6
030 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss IAS 1.82A(a)
040Tangible assets IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 16.39-40
050Intangible assets IAS 1.7; IAS 38.85-86
060Actuarial gains or (-) losses on defined benefit pension plans IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 19.93A
070Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale IFRS 5.38
080Share of other recognised income and expense of entities accounted for using the equity method IAS 1.82(h), IG6; IAS 28.11
090Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified IAS 1.91(b); Annex V.Part 2.31
100 Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss IAS 1.82A(b)
110Hedge of net investments in foreign operations [effective portion] IAS 39.102(a)
120 Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity IAS 39.102(a)
130 Transferred to profit or loss IAS 1.7, 92-95; IAS 39.102(a)
140 Other reclassifications
150Foreign currency translation IAS 1.7, IG6; IAS 21.52(b)
160 Translation gains or (-) losses taken to equity IAS 21.32, 38-47
170 Transferred to profit or loss IAS 1.7, 92-95; IAS 21.48-49
180 Other reclassifications
190Cash flow hedges [effective portion] IAS 1.7, IG6; IFRS 7.23(c); IAS 39.95(a)-96
200 Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity IAS 1.IG6; IAS 39.95(a)-96
210 Transferred to profit or loss IAS 1.7, 92-95, IG6; IAS 39.97-101
220 Transferred to initial carrying amount of hedged items IAS 1.IG6; IAS 39.97-101
230 Other reclassifications
240Available-for-sale financial assets IAS 1.7, IG 6; IFRS 7.20(a)(ii); IAS 1.IG6; IAS 39.55(b)
250 Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity IFRS 7.20(a)(ii); IAS 1.IG6; IAS 39.55(b)
260 Transferred to profit or loss IFRS 7.20(a)(ii); IAS 1.7, IAS 1.92-95, IAS 1.IG6; IAS 39.55(b)
270 Other reclassifications IFRS 5.IG Example 12
280Non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale IFRS 5.38
290 Valuation gains or (-) losses taken to equity IFRS 5.38
300 Transferred to profit or loss IAS 1.7, 92-95; IFRS 5.38
310 Other reclassifications IFRS 5.IG Example 12
320Share of other recognised income and expense of Investments in subsidaries, joint ventures and associates IAS 1.82(h), IG6; IAS 28.11
330Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified to profit or (-) loss IAS 1.91(b), IG6; Annex V.Part 2.31
340 Total comprehensive income for the year IAS 1.7, 81A(a), IG6
350Attributable to minority interest [Non-controlling interest] IAS 1.83(b)(i), IG6
360Attributable to owners of the parent IAS 1.83(b)(ii), IG6