15. Derecognition and financial liabilities associated with transferred financial assets U.K.

ANNEX III Table 26: rows 1 - 24

References Transferred financial assets entirely recognized Transferred financial assets recognized to the extent of the instution's continuing involvement Principal amount outstanting of transferred financial assets entirely derecognised for which the intitution retains servicing rights Amounts derecognised for capital purposes
Transferred assets Associated liabilities ITS V.Part 2.89 Principal amount outstanding of the original assets Carrying amount of assets still recognised [continuing involvement] Carrying amount of associated liabilites
Carrying amount Of which: securitizations Of which: repurchase agreements Carrying amount Of which: securitizations Of which: repurchase agreements
IFRS 7.42D.(e) IFRS 7.42D(e); CRR art 4(1)(61) IFRS 7.42D(e); Annex V.Part 2.91, 92 IFRS 7.42D(e) IFRS 7.42D.(e) IFRS 7.42D(e); Annex V.Part 2.91, 92 IFRS 7.42D(f) IFRS 7.42D(f); Annex V.Part 2.89 CRR art 109; Annex V.Part 2.90
010 Financial assets held for trading IFRS 7.8 (a)(ii); IAS 39.9, AG 14
020Equity instruments IAS 32.11
030Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.24, 26
040Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.24, 27
050 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss IFRS 7.8(a)(i); IAS 39.9
060Equity instruments IAS 32.11
070Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.24, 26
080Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.24, 27
090 Available-for-sale financial assets IFRS 7.8(d); IAS 39.9
100Equity instruments IAS 32.11
110Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.24, 26
120Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.24, 27
130 Loans and receivables IFRS 7.8 (c); IAS 39.9, AG16, AG26
140Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.24, 26
150Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.24, 27
160 Held-to-maturity investments IFRS 7.8(b); IAS 39.9, AG16, AG26
170Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.24, 26
180Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.24, 27
190 Total