22. Asset management, custody and other service functions U.K.

22.1 Fee and commission income and expenses by activity U.K.

ANNEX III Table 52: rows 1 - 32
[F1 [F2References Current period
Annex V.Part 2.280
IFRS 7.20(c ) 010
010 Fee and commission income Annex V.Part 2.281-283
020 Securities
030 Issuances Annex V.Part 2.284(a)
040 Transfer orders Annex V.Part 2.284(b)
050 Other Annex V.Part 2.284(c)
060 Clearing and settlement Annex V.Part 2.284(d)
070 Asset management Annex V.Part 2.284(e); 285(a)
080 Custody [by type of customer] Annex V.Part 2.284(e); 285(b)
090 Collective investment
100 Other
110 Central administrative services for collective investment Annex V.Part 2.284(e); 285(c)
120 Fiduciary transactions Annex V.Part 2.284(e); 285(d)
130 Payment services Annex V.Part 2.284(e), 285(e)
140 Customer resources distributed but not managed [by type of product] Annex V.Part 2.285(f)
150 Collective investment
160 Insurance products
170 Other
180 Structured Finance Annex V.Part 2.284(f)
190 Loan servicing activities Annex V.Part 2.284(g)
200 Loan commitments given IFRS (c)(ii); Annex V.Part 2.284(h)
210 Financial guarantees given IFRS (c)(ii); Annex V.Part 2.284(h)
220 Other Annex V.Part 2.284(j)
230 (Fee and commission expenses) Annex V.Part 2.113-115
240 (Clearing and settlement) Annex V.Part 2.284(d)
250 (Custody) Annex V.Part 2.285(b)
260 (Loan servicing activities) Annex V.Part 2.284(g)
270 (Loan commitments received) Annex V.Part 2.284(i)
280 (Financial guarantees received) Annex V.Part 2.284(i)
290 (Other) Annex V.Part 2.284(j) ] ]