30. Off-balance sheet activities: Interests in unconsolidated structured entities U.K.

30.2 Breakdown of interests in unconsolidated structured entities by nature of the activities U.K.

ANNEX III Table 55: rows 1 - 18
[F1 [F2By nature of the activities References Carrying amount
Securitisation Special Purpose Entities Asset management Other activities
CRR art 4(1)(66) Annex V.Part 2.285(a)
IFRS 12.24, B6.(a) 010 020 030
010 Selected financial assets recognised in the reporting institution's balance sheet IFRS 12.29(a),(b)
021 of which: non-performing Annex V.Part 2.213-239
030 Derivatives IFRS 9 Appendix A; Annex V.Part 2.272
040 Equity instruments IAS 32.11
050 Debt securities Annex V.Part 1.31
060 Loans and advances Annex V.Part 1.32
070 Selected equity and financial liabilites recognised in the reporting institution's balance sheet IFRS 12.29(a),(b)
080 Equity instruments issued IAS 32.11
090 Derivatives IFRS 9 Appendix A; Annex V.Part 2.272
100 Deposits ECB/2013/33 Annex 2.Part 2.9; Annex V.Part 1.36
110 Debt securities issued Annex V.Part 1.37
Nominal amount
120 Off-balance sheet exposures given by the reporting institution IFRS 12.B26.(e); CRR Annex I; Annex V.Part 2.102-105, 113-115, 118
131 of which: non-performing Annex V.Part 2.117 ] ]